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LUCIEN APPLEBY S TWO-YEAR OLDS, haanaj Hi.- horses which will earrj the raclag color- of l.ucieii Appleh.i on Ho- met i ..pol i I a i trucks this -..OKU ;uc si home hied Iwoveai old- now rereivtag their tirst kaaaaa baaa trakact Laada Ktaart at Hheaaahehd Bajr- ■ " ,re :ls v,t ,ni n. lined. The bracdjkaa coaai and sex of the raaag at. 1 - .lie a- lolloWS Hay colt. I.y Kafght of the ThNtle P.a;rpi|.es. i:.n hf Mines I.amyr». hay coii. i.y Kniiiiit »r the Iliisiie Paaati la. i.. S. ion. « le -HUH coll. |»] p.ln. - ril,| riii-lh. Bay lilly. hy Mm taaag Irin.cs-Baf uUy. h.v .SundiJijLU.iui— Drudwiek.