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i I i i . ■ 1 i WILLIAMS WINS WITH FIRST STARTER. I Blameless Spreadeagles Opponents in Juvenile Race — Chippewa Returns to Winning Form. l.os Angeles. OaL. -laimary SB. I". II. William-iiiadf his tirst visit to Santa Anita .Park today and had the pleasure of seeing his oimI ounsler. lJlaincless. with Miller up. virtually -preadeajilc the oil, ers in the second race. Horsemen are a little concerned ahoitt the con linnal rains here, a- the top dressing of the track is completely soaked and a cave in Is not at all IlllliUely. Nonie Lucille was made an even money favorite in the tirst race and won with raaietbtag to spare after aajcttag with raaaUerahte taterfareaee in the early ninninj:. Ails u;i- see.. nil and tlie others dose ap al the tini-I . with the exception of the last three Millers mount in the third race was made the favorite hut Sparkles was not gaad enough to win today. Ah.ahaiu. the heavily backed second choice. attempted to make a runaway race of ji. ,lo-.|y followed h.v Dr. Simiaii. hul sr.onil and third re spectively was the beat tiny could do. Onaua always within reach of the leaders, BaijBcd xx it li a rush and won gokag away. thip]iewa wo, i the mile and an eighth race, which was the feature of the card, in a hard drive with Kip Baa. The latt-r 1« d hy a comlortahlc margin to the last sixteeulh. where he was overhauled hy the winner. llic wcihls for the alifornia Handicap, which will he run next Saturday, were annouueed today. It has a guaranteed value of , and ninety -four iioniiiiat ions wore received, of whhv eighteen were leehired hcfoie .Im ntt.-i t-y- 1. leavimx seventy--ix stiii eUgfbae to start. Arnuo. Acrohal. W. II. Carey. Ultleuiati. tilenecl.o. Montgomery. Colnnel .lack. Ie ter Sterling, Ilamor. Meelick and I.isaro ur ■ | roh- alilr the hest horse- likely lo so to ihe |KWt, of which Montgomery has beaa assigned top weight. 12M pounds: KinVmau. liM; W. at Carey, lis. and Pater BterBag iio.