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NEW YORK RACING CERTAIN LEADING ORGANIZATIONS PREPARED FOR EFFECTS OF HOSTILE LEGISLATION. Coney Island and Brooklyn Jockey Clubs Announce that All Stakes Closed Will Be Run Off in Any Event. New York. February .".—Positive assurances were made today by representatives of tlie leading and most popular racing associations about New York City that tliere would be racing in the east this souson. no matter what legislation might he passed :it Albany, and that the great stake fixtures a heady closed would be run and the prizes paid to the winners. This is tlie first nuthotitatve statement that has been made by the racing associations and is of vast Interest to horsemen as well as the general public. The two chiefs of associations who spoke were •i. 11. Bradford o/ the Coney Island Jockey Club, and Phil J. Dwyer of tlie Brooklyn Jockey Club ami Queens County Jockey Club. It is practically • i-i-l m i ii that the Westchester, Brighton Beach. Mctrojiolitau and others will act in accordance with those who have already announced their intentions in the event that the anti-racing bills are passed, which is not conceded here, although it is thought there will be a strong light on the matter. The atlitude assumed hy the two oldest and most prosperous racing clubs is expected to encourage the lesser clubs, and among racing men the view entertained generally is that even should the racing law be changed, as recommended by Governor % Hughes there, will still be racing in New York in the coming season, although under changed conditions. J. K. Bradford, one of the original members and officers of the Coney Island Jockey Club, the oldest lacing organization in the state, with a history reaching back twenty -eight years, and the most prosperous turf organization in American racing, said: "The Coney Island .lo.-key Club is prepared and decided to meet every obligation it has made. We cannot know what may be done in the matter of changes in the law. but while we hope for the best. I can speak for the Coney Island Jockey Club in saying that we will have racing and that our slakes will be run, as the club has agreed in clo-ing them. We may he compelled to submit to loss, but thai remains to he determined. "If there is hiss from the attendance under a possible change in the laws governing racing, we are prepared to stand it. hut it is my conviction thai public sentiment will soon cause another change, and that a great popular sport will be preserved to the people. The Corn*- Island Jockey flub is ready to do its full part lor the successful continuance of racing, and every agreement that tie- club has made in the stakes that have been I closed will he met to the satisfael ion of horsemen and the public in any contingency." Phillip .1. Dwyer. president of the Brooklyn ! Jockey Club since its organization twenty-two years , ago. and for tlie last two years president of the QHMM County Jockey Club said: "We will run off our stakes whatever happens. llaciug may he under changed conditions this season ! mid tin- Queens County Jockey Club will meet its obligations in the stakes that have been announced I to close. We have decided on this and will run off Hi • races that already have been provided for. even it we have to run three stakes a day. Tin I.iMiiklyn Jockey Club has beea acaapetssja for many years .-mil that club can afford to take the risks, as also the Coney island Jockey Club can. but the possible change in the law governing racing unquestionably means much to the racing clubs of New York. "Tin- Brooklyn Jockey Club cannot hope to give , the big stakes that have la-en offered and to i-on-tluue racing unless tlie popularity of tin- sport and I th.- attendance keep up as in tlie past and it opens tip- question of whether this attendance will continue should too many restrictions he put on people who patronize the s|iort. In this prospective cxperi-ment of racing under new conditions tie- Aqueduct track of the Qu-ens County Jockey t lub. coming first on the list of races, will be compelled to , bear the brunt of the trial, but as we have made , announcements, we shall hold to thein. and if the law is changed, the Aqueduct meeting will let t us know what to expect. "It probably may be an expensive experiment if the governor MCMM tbc legislation that he seems to want, absolutely prohibiting betting of all sorts on the race course, but we are determined to try it in the course of keeping our obligations in stakes and in the hop • that even should we have an unfavorable law for the coming season, things ma;, be lietlercd when another legislature meets."