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Los Angeles Entries and Past Performances for Saturday, February 8. WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK FAST. LOS ANGELES ENTRIES. Bade* starts at 1 :.V» p. tn. Chieaso time. 3:50. . linns well in nuhl. ©Siifierior mud runner. First Race — 5-8 Mile. 3-year-olds. Fillies. Selling. i T rack record: TZ33S— as*. -2— 10S. lad. Bene*. Bee. a. Wt. Bdea, 72SU5* Dally 1 :oi g MC..X72S 72.S2.". V.-lnia C 1:01 112 72.1 727ol2 Margie It 1:01ft 16B 71T. 7221.4 RnaiMh-agoa 1 : 2i 1 »2 71.". 9E2BS4 Lady l..well I02..X715 nSM l.atona 102 710 72804 l.elh- Grtffoa 1 :022. MB 71» 72HS4 l-.k 102 7 ." 72!i73 Alii. Bipy ! 7. . . .711." 7I72 I -a. sars Wife 10 7«M1 722ih; Pension MS..X7O0 73iss Saacy M 102 7 o .lulia C. eh. f. by Salvation-Fva N. . . 102 Red Lace, eh. f. by Bantoa — ■ Mamie Clark 102 Second Race — 3 1-2 Furlongs. 2 vear-olds. Allowances. Track re.ord: 73012—411 2 113. 72 f.i; i BLAMELESS 113 725 72v.i7- Frank Clancy 107..X720 72»;12 Kedjram MB 71". 7::.ii2 Red Mimic Hr2 71t 7". »7it Rock thorn 102. ...TOO 72,.H7 Kniirhl of the Bast .. • MB 7m.i Third Race — 1 Mile. « 3-ye:ir olds and upwaid. Special Wi;:lits. Track record: 7242** — 1:371 — •— MB. 730!t1 Toiiv I.iusr 1 : 4ii 4. .107. . X 750 72X26= iallarani 1:::sj 5. .112. .® 742 T-linni- Merllngo 1:40ft 5..U2..X740 7*1030 Id Ball 1:30ft 8..W0. .X735 7!o72 .niiinds n .". .. 05. . . .723 7::oss Black Brew 1:42? ::.. .» .. x7ir. 72.".: Nat tie Baeappo 1:441 6..W0..X7M Fourth Race — 1 1-8 Miles. Ventura Handicap. 11.500 added. 3-year olds and upward. Track record: 72516 1 :"i = — «; — loO. 72"1J RhVman 1:51 4..120..X7SS 7::olP First Peep 4..104..X74S 7:."it Frank Fllttner 1:52ft 5..103..X745 7:.ol | Kul. lie 6..104..X745 73001 ■■l.i-bt W.k.1 4. . jMi. .Q74.". Ind. Horses. Rec. A. Wt. n lcp. 7.",O01 Tonv Faust 4. .1 10. . x74»t 73001* Colonel Jack 1:511 4..10B..X740 72820* GaUaraat 1:501 5. .1"2. .©740 7:.i.»1 Bdwla T. Fiver 4..10G. . X 735 72070 *Wexford 1:82 S..102..X735 73072* Early Tide S. .100. . X 735 *R. L. Tliomas entry. Fifth Race— 1 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Track recoj-d: 72420 — 1:371 » MO. 73030* Cbalfonte 1 :4:iJ; .". .104. . X725. 72800 Crepps Beckham 1 :4« .",. . 100. . X720 73073 Uncle Henry 1:42 0. .112..X715 73035* Sink Spring 4.. 09 71.", 73002* Perry Wiekcs 1 :40J B. .100. .X710 73071 Louise Mtaglbben . . . ." 4.. ;t0..x75o 73000* Alma Boy 1:401 5 . . 101 . . X 70.". 73071* Kirktield Belle l:41j 4.. 07 70.. 7:;"!M Kr. spruill 1 :3.»5 C. .100. .©700 7247s Mn c. Qraea "...106 7no Sixth Race — 1 Mile. 4-vcar-olds and upward. Sellins. Track record: 7242C— 1:37£— 3— 10S. 73071 tiiovanni Balerio 1:40 5. .IOC. . X 72.". 72058 Fastoso 1:401 S. .MS 720 72iis:: Pontotoc l:3Sf S. .100. . X71." T.ak,:. Mary Candleaiaa 4.. *m..x7i." 72058 Gentle Harry 1:14 7..100..X710 73055 Bndabek 1:411 7..106..X71O 7::";t i Associate " 1:43 4.. 101 710 73033* Leash .1:47 S. .104. . X70.". 73064 Sherry 1:43 S. .1O0.V X70O 727.V. Nash Buckingham ... "...106 700 73S71 Mountebank 1:41* 11. .100. . X700 Seventh Race — 7-8 Mile. 3-vear-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: 72300— 1:24ft — 3 — £00. SS041 Liberto 7. .104 700 731 10- Laura E 4.. 102 .!.", Dr. Soule. br. c. by Foul Shot— Hoffimng 4..104 Rnnber Bey, h. ;:. by Norford — Beiaa Ii Luna 4. .104 73111 Baatlcna ."...104 tjoo I 727"1 Onoto Wataaa I. .102. .. .000 72843 lrestolus 8..104..XSS5 1 73111 Brtarthorpe 7.. lot., xfisr, 73111 Colew..n 4.. 104 ISO The figures niuler "Rec." in above entries show the heel time aade by the boabe at the *aataaee ■ since .lannaiy 1, 1!»0G.