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HAMILTON JOCKEY CLUB SPRING MEETING-June 9 to 20 The Following Stakes Close February 20: THE HAMILTON DERBY. I ■"• ■*•»! if s,u"n ar- four year-olds or upward and _ , 1 lteaten non-winners since May 22. allowed 10 lbs. FOR THREE-YEAR-OLDS.— ,000 »_ „_» guaranteed, of „ I winners ol a slake or three races other than selling , which *.!tiO to second and *2 R te third. 0 to , tLiis year, to carry 3 lbs. extra. Six furlongs. ae.- iiipauy nomination and 0 additional to start. Winners of a race of ,500 value in 1008. : lbs. i .Mra: af»a three-year-old race of the value of THE TUCKETT SELLING STAKES. S-j.immi, ., His. extra. Non-winners .of a race this I v, a. of ihe value of ,000. allowed 5 lbs. If such TOR THREE-YEAR-OLDS AND UPWARD.— kave neer won a race of the value of ,000. 7 lbs.: ,000 fruaranteed. of which 00 to second and 00 ..lie of S500. or four races of auv value. 12 lbs.; to third. 0 to accompany nomination and 0 Doniinion-lired colts and geldinirs" allowed B lbs., additional to start. The winner to he entered to tiilies 8 lbs. One and one-quarter miles. " sold at auction for ,500. If for less. 1 lb. allowed for each 00 down to $." 00. Winners of three stakes in 1007 or 1008 not to be entered for THE GRANTS SPRING BREWERY STAKES. *J-Jf- VSVuSS priCe l° * FOR TV/0-YEAR-OLDS. — ,000 guaranteed, of One and one-sixteenth miles. 0O to m ond and to third. 0 to a.- eoiiip.uiv nomination and 0 additional to start. I Winn.-rs of a race of 00 to carry f lbs. extra: of THE BARTON STEEPLECHASE. SV3S va,u!r rvzrsxLVCZr**: for four-year-olds and ™*and*jm raee of $.KM value, allowed :i lbs. Those not having I g?"?"*?**: o1 """ 5f* ", *:olltl ant» .*l0°, *• won two ra.-es of anv valu. . allowed % lbs.: maidens :!"nl; .»10 * *■■*•*■* x*"11""1"" a,|u f» addi- beatea twice allowed 12 lbs. Five furlongs. .,onal to start Jour-year-olds to carry ,1-4,, lbs; flve-year-olds. 156 lbs.: six-year-olds and upward. : 100 lbs. Winners of a steeplechase or hurdle race TMF int WFMTU/ABTH wtNiwuKin PI KLAit. ATF . ■» 1008 of the value of ,o00. or two races of the v:l]ue of _hBMI ea .hi to *a-rrv - llis extra Tbuse FOR THREE-YEAR-OLDS AND UPWARD. — i not having won a steeplechase or hurdle race in ,000 guaranteed, of which 04* to second and 0O j MM allowed 5 lbs. Horses that have never won a to third. S10 to accompany nomination and 0 i steeplechase or hurdle race allowed, if four-year-olds, additional i » start. 10 lbs. below the scale. Non- 5 lbs. additional: if five-year olds or upward. 10 winners of a race of 00 value this year allowed | lbs. additional. About two and one-quarter miles. The overnight events will be 00, 00 and 00 in value. A Steeplechase will be given every day; also a race over the Turf Course. ADDRESS A. R. LOUDON, Secretary, Grand Opera House, Hamilton, Canada. Turf Ratings" Best Bet: MASK-23. Turf Reporters Special: Men-Let-31-54-47-44-43- 11 HI-..- Im eolumil of e.«lci. Yt Meidavs ll.dlv Dm- Horse Wire wa-: Smiley Corbett . . 9-20 2nd Yestenlavs Turf Hi porter.- Spoiial araa: Pinaud 10-1 3rd TODAYS WIRE FREE la all who got ye-t.ida.Vs. THE STANDARD TURF GUIDE, ROOM 212, 59 DEARBORN ST., CHICAGO. P.otli yesterdays Daily l-lioi.-e Wi.e and Form .s,Hr:ii weic Mratcnei. Tuesdays Form Special: No. 416 in Book 40. Tuesdays Daily 1-Horse Wire: New Orleans. Indiana. Kept. Maid. Keel. Tuesdays 3-Horse Wire: New Orleans. Ohio. Loaf. Arm. Gale: Best Bet. Oakland. Kansas. Joke. Ale. Fig; New Orjeans, Maine. Jane. Ale. Dad. NATIONAL RACING REVIEW No. 344 Room 37. 71 Dearborn Street, Chicago. .00 per month. 25 cents per copy. V -I. 1 Hois. Wire. WOLFVILLE. 3-1. 2nd. .00 for six wires. SEVENFILL 7-5, WON NOTICE TODAY TODAY patrons will receive Word on a horse that is en-tit, and my man informs mm cant lose unless in-"alls down. I will advise a plunge act to win. This N one of the best things 1 have had tin- TOMORROW TOMORROW I will send out a horse thai cant lose, barring an aieident. With an even break this food tkittC will win in a gallon, and the odds will probably be THURSDAY THURSDAY lny numerous patrons yiil roeeiic information on a fcul at that has been propped for a killing. My man informs mi- this is one of the best things he has had for some time, and yon can fat down Eat SATURDAY SATURDAY patrons will receive word aa :. Banc that has i een urepped foe a killing at the Arcadia Track. This hois, has be. n skipped t" Oakland, and we expect s to i ..i better for one Barney. OAKLAND OAKLAND Special One Horse Wire from My Man at the Track. ONE A DAY— NO MORE. .00 Guaranteed to Win .00 or SIX WIRES for 0.00. If any one of these Specials loses. 1 will give Free the next Special until 1 j;ive yon a winner, winners canal not laeera. And I Knarantee my One-Horse Wire Bjeaaiae track information M ;;l|.-.~ wolk. All Specials wired in code. Upaa receipt of y,.nr ■aVacttptsaa fat trim i will aani code by return of mail. Ex-Jockey Marshall, initials K J. i PHONE MAIN 1293. ROOM 610, 56 FIFTH AVENUE, CHICAGO, ILL. . . , BUFFALO RACING ASSOCIATION Under the Auspices of the Jockey Club. RACE COURSE: Kenilworth Park, Buffalo, N. Y. City Office: HOTEL IROQUOIS, BUFFALO, N. Y. President, H M. GERRANS. Secretary. W. HORACE LERCH Manager. JOSEPH A MLKPHY. Annual Meeting, 1908 The Meeting will begin Monday, June 22nd, and continue to Saturday, July 25th, 30 DAYS. NO PURSE LESS THAN 00. The following Events are Opened to Close and Name at Midnight of Thursday, February 20, 1908: The Buffalo Derby Guaranteed Value, ,000 THE BUFFALO DERBY. -Kor three-year-olds ifoals of 190S1. Guaranteed cash value of $."5,000. of which 00 to the second and 00 to the third: the fourth to save starting fee. By subscription of $::." each, with 00 each additional to start. Non-winners of ,000 in 1908 allowed 2 lbs.; of $:j,000, 5 lbs.; of SI, 000, 8 lbs. Non-winners or ,000 in 1007 or 1008 allowed 1U lbs.; of 1908.sh00 in 1907 or 1908, 10 lbs : maidens, 20 lbs. . One Mile and a Quarter. FOR THREE-YEAR-OLDS AND UPWARD. The Tonawanda Handicap Guaranteed Value, ,500. THE TONAWANDA HANDICAP. — For three-year-olds and upward. By subscription of 0 cadi with 0 additional to start. ,500 guaranteed, of which 00 to the second and 00 to the tuinl. Weights, three days before the race. Winners of a handicap after the publication of weights, 5 lb . extra. One Mile and a Sixteenth. The Lockport Handicap Guaranteed Value, ,500. THE LOCKPOKT HANDICAP.— For three-year olds and upward. By subscription of 0 each, with 0 additional to start. ,500 guaranteed, of which 00 to the second and 00 to the third. Weights, three days before the race. Winners of a handicap after the publication of weights, 5 lbs. extra. . One Mile. The Black Rock Handicap Guaranteed Value, ,500. THE BLACK ROCK HANDICAP.— For three year olds and upward. By subscription of 0 each, with ?J0 additional to start. „500 guaranteed, of which 00 to the second and 00 to the third. Weights, tlree days before the race. Winners of a handicap after the publication of weights, 5 lbs. extra. Six Furlongs. The Independence Selling Guaranteed Value, ,500. THE INDEPENDENCE. — For three-year-olds and upward selling. By subscription Of 0 each, with 0 additional to start. ,500 guaranteed, of which 00 to the second and 00 to the third. $:;,000 weight for age. 1 11 . for each 00 less la ,000. Starters, with their selling prices, to !»■ named through the entry-box by 11 oclock a. in. the day before the race, or to carry their weight. One Mile and a Fuiluug. The Dominion Selling Guaranteed Value, ,500. THE DOMINION For three-year-olds and upward selling. By subscription of 0 each, with |M additional to start. ,500 guaranteed, of which 00 to the second and 00 to the third. $:i,.".00 Wright for age. 1 lb. lor each 00 less to . Starters, with their soiling price*, to be named tlnongh Ihe entry-box by 11 oclock a. in. the day before the race, or to carry their weight. Six Furlongs. FOR TWO-YEAR-OLDS. The Iroquois Guaranteed Value, ,500. THE IROQUOIS. For two-year-olds. By subscription of 0 each, with hB10 additional la start. ,500 guaranlocd, of which 00 to the second and 00 to the third. Nou-wiuheis of |MM allowed 1 lbs.; of ,500, 7 lbs.; of ,000, 10 lbs.; maidens, 17 lbs. Five Furlongs. The Genesee Selling Guaranteed Value, ,500. THE GENESEE.— For two-year-olds selling. By subscription of 0 each, with 0 additional to start. ,500 guaranteed, of which 00 to the second and 00 to the third. $;!,500 weight for age. 1 lb. for each $.!00 less to hB,000; then 1 lb. for each 00 less to . Starters, with their selling [•rices, to be named through the entry-box by 11 oclock a. in. the lay -before the race, or to etirry their weight. . Five and a Half Furlongs. The Lafayette Guaranteed Value, ,500. THE LAFAYETTE.— For two-year-old fillies and geldings. By subscrrolion of 0 each, with 1 rMidilioiial to start. ,500 guaranteed, of which to the second and 00 to the third. Nou winners of ifo.UOO allowed 5" lbs.; of ,000, 7 lbs.; of ,000, 12 lbs.; of 00. 17 lbs.; maidens, -2 lbs. Five Furlongs. Steeplechases THE KENILWORTH SERIAL RACES Guaranteed Value, ,000. THE KENILWORTH SERIAL STEEPLECHASES. -For four year-olds and upward. By subscription of $:: each, which shall entitle the m munition to ontry in each of the three races -the Niagara, ,000; the Hamilton. ,000, and the Toronto. ,000. Starters in each of the above events. " additional. All entries to above serial shall be handicapped, if duly entered, free for all overnight steeplechase handicaps during the meeting, thus saving the declaration fee. -m THE NIAGARA.— Guaranteed value, ,000, of which 00 to the second and 00 to the third. Weights, three days before the race. The Short Course. THE HAMILTON.— Guaranteed value, ,000. of which 00 to the second and 00 to the third. Weights. three days before the race. . The Short Course. THE TORONTO.— Guaranteed value, ,000, of which 00 to the second and 00 to the third. Weights, ■ lbs. below the scale. Winners in 1908 of 1908.sh00 penalized .5 lbs.; of two races of 1908.sh00, or one of ,000, 5 lbs.; of two races of ,000. or one of ,500, 10 lbs.; maidens allowed 7 lbs. The Full Course. NOTICE. -The management proposes to feature steeeplechasing, and the meeting book will contain as many races as the number and quality of the horses on the grounds warrant. ADDRESS ENTRIES AND COMMUNICATIONS TO JOSEPH A. MURPHY, Hotel Iroquois, Buffalo, New York.