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JOCKEY LYNE EN ROUTE TO ENGLAND. New York. February 10. .loekey I.ucien Lytic has arrived lure and i stopping ai the Hoffman House, lie will sail lor Kngland on the sleain-hip Baltic tomonow. He i- liHiking well and says he will g. t down to his a"iistoin d riding weight Im fore tic racing aaason opens next mouth. He has not m.-oh ,m definite contract with any English owaer for the eomlng K.asoii am ur« he dors not ex peel to do no. When a-ked a I .out the relative merits of the English UBTM y Bf olds. I.yne said BC did not bBVa any es|»ecial pref- renoe. aliliough lie thought Sir Archibald, Inspector and .Mountain Apple are probably the fetal of that age In Kngland. ,