Gossip of the New York Tracks, Daily Racing Form, 1908-02-29


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GOSSIP OF THE NEW YORK TRACKS. New York, February 2R. — Tlie weather has not been propitious for the training of horses on the . tracks, but trainers have been very diligent in giving their charges plpnty of work under the sheds i and training activities will begin in earnest as soon , as the weather will p.-ruiit outdoor working of the horses. Amgui, the chestnut colt by Octagon — Amicitia. which is in the string of youngsters John Whalen , is training for August Belmont, has devcloited an i ailment of the hock which may require th" services of a veterinary surgeon. A change has been made in the name of the . Olonheiui — Fondlo bay colt, in th.- Brownleigh Park j Stable. The uaiuis Sweet Home and Fly Fellow-were sent to the registrar of the Jockey Club, and I the latter has been conferred on him. The chestnut t colt by Cesariou — Clog Dance has been named Roger . de Coverly. P. J. Fleming, who was stable foreman under the . late John W. Rogers .at Aiken, S. C, it is said, will continue to train the horses there until i Mr. Whitney secures a trainer. The other division , of the Whitney stable which wintered at Brookdale , Stud near Redbank, N. J., will be prepared for early racing by manager E. C. Taylor, of Brookdale. Senator C. D. Sullivan and R. Angarola paid a , visit this week to the Hynes farm outside of Stamford. Conn., to see Rye and Saracinesca. They returned . well pleased with the condition of the horses . and reported that Hynes had them as forward as any horses around the Long Island tracks. They will • brought down to Gravesend March 5. There are aliout fifteen head in the band, among . them Julia Powcl and Miss Norfolk, which were wintered in Conn-eticut for W. B. Jennings. Mr. Jennings has sent on word from Oakland to have his stable in good order by the latter part of March, when he will be ready to ship about ten head to the Gravesend track. , Many of the horseni.-u aliout Shcepshead Bay and Gravesend intend to make the Larry Mulligan ball the last good time of the winter for them before e racing begins. The function will be on March 6. Tully Coulter, R. H. Brown. Colonel Tyler. Bob Arthur. James Beattie and others will attend the sale of ltoxes tomorrow. It is the sense of various members of the Jockey Club thai James R. Keeue should go to Albany again next Wednesday. Mr. Keeue made such a good impression by his cogent argument for racing, it is believed that anything he might say a second time would have great weight. Mr. Keeue has not t yet said whether he will make another trip to the e state capital, however.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1908022901/drf1908022901_1_4
Local Identifier: drf1908022901_1_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800