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EXCELSIOR HANDICAP HORSES AND WEIGHTS. Being at a longer distance than the Carter, the weights for the Excelsior Handicap are on a slightly differing scale. Charles Edward being placed second to Nealon instead of first, as in the Carter. Nealon is set to give Charles Edward four pounds, a doubtful proposition. Dr. Gardner and Glorifier are put at 123 and Montgomery at 122. This is a band of tine racers, but Glorifier is probably overweighted. Of the next division Jack Atkin, Superman. Baby Wolf and McCarter are favorably weighted. At 105 pounds Chapulteiiec is top weight among the three-year-olds. Lawrence P. Daley coming next with 104. and Spooner follows with 103. Other good horses well treated are Tony Faust. 107-Temaceo. 106: Old Honesty. 105; Cohort, 100. Magazine, ftft: Johnnie Blake, ftft. and Chalfonte. 94. The Excelsior weights will bear dissection and are the following: Horse. A. Wt. Horse. Wt /x,e;ll;m 5 126 Yankee Girl 4 1ft., Charles Edward ..4 124 Spooner ... 3 10" Dr. Gardner 5 123 Cohort ..A hffff Gloritie, 6 123 bad of Langden.. 4 100 Montgomery 4 122 Magazine .. 3 « Jack Atkin 4 11! Johnnie Blake ...3 ftft Bnpermaa 4 lift Aletheuo 4 ft Brookdale Nymph. 5 lis Angelus 3 • Baby Wolf 4 116 Faust .. 4 H !:ir,» r 4 113 Light Waal 4 98 Rifleman 4 111 Berkelev 4 ftS Saracinesea 4 llo Tonv Bonero 4 »7 Cairngorm 6 10ft Long Ball 3 97 Martin Doyle « loft Rialto .. 5 ,, rf,t,1;l,.:iv*" """4 10S Restlgouche 3 95 Red River 4 107 Ingham 4 05 Tony Faust 4 107 Wave Crest ... 3 9.5 rwaaeeo 4 MM Chalfonte 5 4 Old Honesty 4 105 Transvaal 3 93 Chapultepec 3 105 The Shaughraun . .3 !»3 Don Enrique 4 105 Zienap 5 «»• Lawrence P. Daley3 104 Banyan ".!"*!! ...i fto