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SIXTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards 3yearolds and upward Selling C905G 143 5 160 160LASSES LASSES b g 4 by Bedeck Cleodora J E Hoppas Weight today 106 73978 Oakland Im20y 1411 fast 25 102 3 5 4 5 5 6 J Hherton Hilgert Silver Line Kruka 73669 Oakland 34 114 fast 9 112 10 10 10 9 810JHherton Combury Prestige Yada IroquoisgATiATOan 73634 Oakland 7S 1261 fast 60 103 3 1 3 4 4 3s Hherton BurleighGargantua B o Iroquois gATiATOan ch g 4 by Paladin Panilla F Nichols Weight today 106 74056 Oakland 1 116 146 fast 12 114 6 2 2 2 21 32 J MclntyreBoloman Monvina Fury 73850 Oakland 11422 fast 15 137 5 G 6 6 G2 4s Dearborn Mitre Dorado Boloman 73803 Oakland 34 1141 fast 40 105 8 97 6 6 Dearborn Ray Bennett Sevorton H Dance DanceJACK JACK PAINT ch K 3 by Cromwell Sallie Mao J T Collins Weight today 89 74059 Oakland 1 116 l471fast 30 97 10 8 8 12 SB 710 Groth T Abeam Lucy C Peerless Lass 73977 Oakland Im20y 1414 fast 30 S3 11 11 11 11 11 11 Groth Meada Ralph Young Mill Song 73650 Oakland 34 1141 fast 15 99 1 8 9 8 8 Kirschm Salvage Prestige Byron ByronCARDINAL CARDINAL SASTO br g 6 by Reggy Tyrona L C Williams Weight today 110 73902 Oakland Im70y 146 fast 10 104 10 9 10 9 S2 4 Vandsen Warte NIcht TClota M B Clark 73769 Oakland lm70y 146 fast 12 119 5 4 4 3 4 4T Kirschm Henry O Ten Oaks Confederate 73133 Oakland 34 1191 hvy 10 109 7 7 5 6J 5 T Rice MHollander MOFarrell BoslNlNI BoslNlNIKIM KIM MAY BOWDISH b m 7 by Libertime Pmoebe T W St Vincent Weight todayW lOS 73877Oakland lOS73877Oakland Im20y 1411 fast 6 96 7 6 5 S 6 712 Galindo Meada Ralph Young Mill Song 73823 Oakland Im70y 1451 fast 10 102 9 7 8 7 343s Galindo Huerf ano Sea Lad Nancy W 73617 Oakland 341131 good 100 105 9 10 10 9 9 Galindo JohnHSheehan ABCook TltusII TltusIIREY REY DARE b g 19 by El Xio Key Lady Dare W Hawke Weight toiay 110 73555 Oakland 34 1151 slop 100 108 9 999 9 W Kelly Salvage Prestige Hulford 674 0 Oakland 1 116 149 good 20 105 9 9 9 8 6 6JP Graham Told You Alma Boy Hooligan C7368 HooliganC7368 Oakland ImCOy 1451 fair 12 1053 7 889 9 F Graham Vincentio Pr Magnet I Told Yon Z JL t 4 y ladie gpriaglike D A ROM Weight today 106 7S79 1067S79 Oakland F C 115 mud 60 119 5 12 12 12 1220iKeogh Cuernayaca Exchequer Wllmore 7S Wllmore7S 9 Oakland 6i f 1111 slop 60 125 8 8 8 7 7 jKeogh Emma G Yo San Red Bill WH Oakland FCl12fhvy W 1065 11 11 U n iKeo h CrystalWave StaadOTer ColumlGirl 1 GOLDEN WINE ch m 6 by Goldfinch Widow Clicquot S Polk Weight today 103 1037400rOakland 7400rOakland 58 594 fast 500 103 1 55 C 5 81F HbrandBurlelgh Preen Fireball 73538 Oaklandi 341 J6 mud 150 90 6 788 81E Clark Tom Shaw Burleigh S Stocking 67032 Oakland 61 f 108 J fast 41 103 8 877 7 ° 1W Miller Wat Thrush J C GrauB Bl Sam SamHAPPY HAPPY RICE b e 4 by Dr Rice Mishap C White Weight today 10 74059 Oakland 1 116 1471 fast 5 114 12 12 12 6 52 51 Butwell T AJiearn Lucy C Peerless Lass 73850 Oakland 1 l42g fast 25 137 6777 7Z 7 Butwell Mitre Dorado Boloman 73573 Oakland Im70y l50g hvy 3 105 4 2 3 5 5 6 2JW Kelly John H Pinaud Jocund ECKERSALL b h 6 by Grammont RosVPrim C P Fink Weighttoday 113 74059 Oakland 1 116 1471 fast 15 121 7 4 5 5 7Z 913J Hayes T Ahearn Lucy Cf Peerless Lass 73902 Oakland ImTOy l4 fast 7 107 4 3 4 5 9 101J Hayes Warte Nicht Elota M B Clark 73635 Oakland Ifn70y 1451 fast 30 107 846 8 8 81J Hayes My Pal Mike Jordan Ten Oaks MAKXTR MAYERr b e 6 V Previous Bonnie Kay I XorehouM Weight today 110 73692OaklHiiiiilOOyU47vfasti25 11073692OaklHiiiiilOOyU47vfasti25 111 3 10 7 6 9 = 8 Gilbert Ofeunt Jack Adams Fury 73577 Oamnd lm70y550 hvy 20 111 188 5 5 6Hherton Endora Shady Lad Western 73502 Oakland 1 316 2061 mud 3J 105 5 5 3 3 3 STJ Hherton Tancred Henry O Alarlc SACHET b f 4 by Indio Cornea Sobre Vista Stable Weight today 104 74030 Oakland 78 1261 fast 100 101 777 6 6 6 Kirschm Gargnntna Blondy Distributor 69246 Oakland 1 ll 1471 fast 6 99 12 1212 12 11 10 R Uavis Royal Maxim Frascuela TSeeker 69079 Oakland Im20y 142 fast 9 102 Left at the post H Davis Mitehora Fra cuel Meadm