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HOPEFUL OUTLOOK FOR MONTREAL MEETING Montroal Que April 17 The Blue Bonnets track is drying out very fast and will be ready for trainers at least two weeks earlier than last year There is very liltlc frost in the ground and the snow has all disappeared The drains have worked perfectly and the course has not suffered any in ¬ jury by a winter which will be remembered for its severity severityMany Many entries are being received for the stakes which close on April 30 and many new names are on the list of owners applying for stalls It seems as though the fame of the track had gone abroad for all those who were here last year are coming again and bringing olhers with them Among the newcomers will be John E Madden A II Zimmer William Garth Harry Rites Paul J Raiuey J II McCormick T F Coles Amos Turney W II Fizer and A F Dayton Applications have already been received for over two hundred stalls stallsThe The Grand Trunk Railway has completed at a cost of 50000 a palatial horse express train Each car is fitted with high speed air brakes passen ¬ ger trucks steam heat and illuminating gas This train whicli consists of ten cars will make its first run from Toronto to Montreal on June 4 It will run in two sections and an effort will be made to beat the running time of the International Lim ¬ ited which is the fastest train in Canada The Canadian Pacific Railway will also have a train for the use of the Montreal Club with cars fitted up with berths for the men accompanying the horses horsesThe The book of the meeting will be out shortly after the stakes close There will be plenty of races for twoyearolds and a steeplechase every uay