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SIXTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards 3yearolds and upward Allowances C90GC 5 100 VOX POPULI ch c 4 by Voter Dorset Flower T S Childi Weirjt fodav 101 101Daruma = SakJand llMl45Jfast 95 100 1 G 5 G 42 iu w Kelly Daruma Dol Dollars St Ennwood 74495 Oakland Im20y l40g fast 30 103 553 3 31 2 J J Hayes Lisaro Critic Ovnsv Kin 74396 Oakland 1 1411 slow 11 10210106 C 8 51 Sandy oSsSrc Orliwfe Tounee 74347 Oakland 1 116 1454 fast 9 104477 C 6 6 JSandy FrankFlittner Marster OceanShore OceanShoreWeieht DARTUMA ch m 6 by Solitaire II Georgia VI R T Offutt Weieht todav 102 4l 7Rakiand 1 IM l45J fast 3 97 41 1 l1 1i 2u Bux on VPopnli DDollara St ElmwoW 74274 Oaklana Im70y 1454 fast 920 120 8 4 3 3 lk I2 W Miller Tavora Nel lie Racfne MartrMq 1 1414 fast 125 102 9 523 2J 2 l Mentry Dol He Dollars G utua 7389o S Anita 1 l38j fast 13o lOa Left at the post Musgrve Domlnus Arvl Macias Critic ° CE ISHORE bg B 4 by Kismet Helen G Elliott Marron 7 akand S alSland H slow2 104 4 2 2 2 2 = 1 lh F IT brand Oritenl o oalSland ToSpeet ToSpeetIaMa IaMa fc 74347 Oakland 1 11C 1454 fast 12 98 3 1 1 1 iu 3 1 F Hbrand Frank Fllttner Marster Raleigh H 1 b m 5 by Ingoldsby Admittance H L Jones Weight todav 10 7403D 107403D Oakland 7S 1252 fast 115 109 8 S G 5 6J 4 Mentry Montclair Wap Gyply King 244 ° akland ImSOy 1401 fast 10 101 1 2 2 2 2 J 5 Mentry Lisaro Vox Popnl 1 Critic 7 9G Oakland 1 1411 slow46 101 G 5 G 4 4 3 W K4lly Ocean Shore Toupee Massa 742G1 Massa742G1 Oakland 78 1252 fast 25 9G 3 G C 7 7 4 Goldstein Lisaro Tue Mist Fred Bent CADICHON br g 5 by Masetto Maltese Cross E Dealy Weicht todav 1M 74592 Oakland 1 116 l4Cg gowl 9 103 3 2 2 4 5 riMentry Frank Flittner J C Clem Mfrster 74519 Oakland 34 1124 fast 20 104 6 78 41 G Mentry Cpntre Shot Prelulclo JSbw4Grac Don DoTno 74005 Oakland 78 12GJ fast 41 107 3 4 4 3 51 c kSm The Mist Ocean G TIMOTHY WEN b c 4 by Troubadour Nona L Stock Weieht todav ins i4 Oakland 1 116 1434 fast 20 98 2 5 2 G 7 7 Goldstein VoxPopuli Daruma DollieDonars 74344 Oakland 7S 1268 fast 20 112 4 4 3 3 31 3 Mnnders St Elmwooil nTmprA rrn vT i 74273 Oakland 1 1X9 fast 30 107 3 3 3 3 5 5 Kirschm Fr FlUtaSE T Frier Bog s S JlAy0 b m B Balgowan Nance ONeill H R Schaffer Weieht todavl09 74593 Oakland ImTOy l45i good 9 103 533 2 2 1 lh J McIntvreArartinnnq Arnntplnlr TTnr n 74541 Oakland 78 126 fast 15 109 9 8 S C B J McIntyreMonS ° Belmere MaJtlnma 74420 Oakland 1 116 147 fast 185 110 7 6 4 4 7 9 Sand Ktamas ciu clrl Snassar S Sy T 011 chl B by Dieudonne Scotch Fir Kenilworth Stock Farm Weight todav in4 74369 Oakland 1 116 1471 fast 7 113 21010 10 10 10 Stuart Lord Filinne rucvC StPrt RliP 74494 Oakland Im70y 145 fast 5 122 3 2 2 2 32 31 Mentry LC AckeTley Boioman P PoSnJ oSnJ 74443 Oakland Im70y 1454 fast 25 106 4 4 3 2 2 i StnirT Ralph Young John Lye Johnstown DAREINGTON b c 3 by Toddinsrton Dareza W P Magrane w wiVWt iVWt + A DI 74514 Oakland 51 f 1063 fast 15 103 S S 7 41 41 Hayes Adena Montclair JtafcL lid 74396 Oakland 1 l41g slow 1C 90 9 9 8 7 621 7JA Walsh Ocean Sboe Orilene Tnnnpl 74247 Oakland Im70y l44i fast 215 100 1 G 5 5 4t 11 A Walsh EduardoArcoSr Ten Oaks ADENA br f 3 by Sidney Lucas Balance H W Durker Weight tn 74G3o Oakland 7S 1253 fast S 105 C 6 5 8 9 S JBuxton Montcliir Wnn Pvniv Tvin nv y 74514 Oakland 51 f 1064 fast 8 107 2 75 3 1 H Mentry Monte a lr Ser I M nnrTmf 74307 Oakland F C 1092 fast 6 100 S 76 4 3 1 Mentr Sre Shot ger Red Wap PASODELLA ch f 4 by Del Paso II Zepha L Copening V PVT n oa 74494 Oakland ImTOy 145 fast 100 116 G 54 G 42 4 = 1 G McLlin L C Ackerlev BolSinS PI SJXi 74396 Oakland 1 1411 slow 300 97 7 S 9 S 7 S G McL n Ocean Shore OrllP mml t ° 73517 Oakland Im20y 147 slop 13 96 G S 7 6 G 6JKIrschJ I Mrs OFarrell ilclbiadesP Rustler LIGHT COMEDY b c 4 by Lamplighter Comedy L E Moore Woisrhf tn n mi 73726 S Anita 34 114 fast 200 10S 4 4 6 Gl 722 OComell Don Domo Norfolk PMftlK 672S7 Ascot Pk 5S 1023 fast 7 109 G 99 8 8 JW Knapp Chhsf OHaver TnHxvr f inkr 67213 Ascot Pic 34 1141 good 300 103 3 5 G C2 7 Uno Hen Comnon S Je V O C cm Sfgo