Second Race [2nd Louisville, Daily Racing Form, 1908-05-15

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SECOND RACE 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling 7175S l12i 3S2 3S2ESTELLA ESTELLA C ch f 3 by Solitaire II Piquanto E R Brennan Weight today 107 74756 Louisville 34 114 fast 1310 103 S 97 4 1 1 V Towers Mondella Iottcr Lulv Baldur 74672 Louisville 34 117E mudl910 103J C 4 2 I1 1s V Powers Boncbrakc Ralbert Reflucd 74629 Louisville 3t 1172 hvy 5 101 9 9 5 3 42J F Burton Financier WarGriswell Divorcee 74559 Lexington 5J f 111 hvy 9 103 7 C 2 2s 1 F Burton T Hodge B Goodwin Carolyn B 6AINESAW b f 3 by Sain Kenncsaw Queen B Schreiber Weight today 100 74756 Louisville 31 114 fast 30 JG 10 10 10 S1 8 Franklin Estella 0 Mondella Potter 73718 CityPark 1 116 l47g fast 2 102 3 5 G fi r 6 i S Flynn Arrow Swift G H White Tcrali 73643 PGrnds 1116148 fast 95 IOC 7 4 4 4 32 3s McCahey TlieThorn MissMazzoniQsSouvenlr 73507 FGrnds 1 116 l47g fast 5 92 5 5 5 5 2J 2 McCahcy Scvcrus St Ilario Hans HANNIBAL BEY b g 6 by Emm Bay ChuU H R Baker Weight today 114 Birdslayer741S7 74211 KGroumls 31 1132 fast 135 10919 S 4 4 = 1J Nicol Yaddo Bertha E Birdslayer 741S7 FGrnds Im70y 145 goodll5 114 111 2 3 4 1 Nicol Lady Almy Heine Hughes 74096 FGrounds 78 l2Gi fast 4J 112 5 4 4 4 53 4 J V Powers Lotus Hater Grimaldi Faust 74019 FGrounds 34 114 fast 6 108 4 5 4 31 1i V Powers RoyalOnyx GoIdnroofBelleStrome BPION ch g 4 by Cactus II Sardine J S Ward Weight today 112 112744SG 744SG Lexington 31111 good 7 100 7 88 7l G A Morgan Merrick Lady Anne Barnsdale 74412 Lexington 51 f 1111 mud 2J JQ6 2 S G 5l G iJ Lee Nataslia Liz McLean Anna Scott 74206 FGrounda 78 126 fast 85 10SJ 522 2 22 2i Nicol MissStrome BenDoubleSylvanBelle 74120 FGrounds 34 113 fast 6 101 3 4 4 41 5 Rosen Frontcnac U Hood Belle Strome ILECTORINE br f 4 by The Elector Nancy Ml D Lehan Weight today 105 74146 FGrounds 3J Irllfc fast 100 99 8 G 7 71 8 M McGcc Lady Anne Miss Strome Haughty 74012 FGrouiuls 31 114 fast 60 110 7 11 11 II3 1118JV Powers Canada Earls Court Big Ben 73602 FGrounds 31 113 fast 200 99 7 7 9 95 9JM McGee Quadrille Miss Sain Orphan Lad 730S4 FGrounds 34 1181 hvy 150 97 2 555 5 W McGee Goldproof Comedienne Avauntecr WHISK BROOM ch f 3 by Cesarion Elf J V Strode Weight today 100 74G74 Louisville 1 1474 mud 135 U2 5 4 2 3 3 513UYanklin Mary Orr Ladv Vie Agnes Ford 74561 Lexington 78131 hvy S 101 205 4 3 3 W Ott KMoving HastyAgnes Lex Lady 74411 Lexington 34 118 mud 10 107 4 44 3 22 W Ott HastyAgnes LaSouer MayTene 74225 FGrnds 1 116 148 fast 9 105 2 1 1 1 1J 23 S Flynn HostileHyphcn Ed Kane AlbcrtM BITTER SIR br g 3 by Bitter Root fierrU J 0 Cahn Weight today 105 74202 FGrouhds 31 114J fast 4i 107 1 22 31 5 Troxlor Risk Blue Lee Bewitched 74143 FGrounds 34 l14g fast 85 107 2 12 3i fi5 V Powers Orlandot Apple Toddy ToyfulLady 74013 FGrounds 31 l14i fast 16 104 3 22 5i 5i V Powers Escutcheon Saylor E T Shipp 73912 City Park 34 1152 good 4 107 3 2 2 21 1J V Powers Mae Hamilton RcbelQueen Rustle ORLANDOT b c 3 by Orlando Dottie W H Kztr Weight today 105 74742 Louisville 5 f 107 good 14 101 9 9 7 7 = 75 Minder Barnsdale Toplofty Boncbrake 74696 Louisville GJ f 111 hvy 21 92 2 346 6 = E Martin BiGoodwln Stonerllill Dr Simrall 74440 Lexington 1 148 hvy 6 92 7 5 4 3 21 4i Edmiston B Brigade La Fayettc TCalhoun POTTER b h 7 by Masetto Porcelain C V Mueller Weight today 117 7475C Louisvillo 31 114 fast 40 109 3 22 3 k 33i E Robinsn Estella C Mondella Lady Baldur 7469 Louisville 34 118 hvy 12 1111 2 367 = I1 E RobinsonETSIiipp TliosCaluoun EthelCarr 71CS4 Latonia 3 1204 hvy 25 109 1 22 21 4 i Troxler Ralbcrt Free Booter Javanese 71569 Latonia 34 l14g fast 40 110 3 59 10l lliTroxler Director Airship Nifo MERRIGO blk f 3 by Shapfell MerriweU S Forsythe Weight today 98 745SG Lexington 78 l3Gg hvy 5 1 G f 5 51 5 A Morgan Sam Clay Gibson Ardis 74225 FGrnds 1 116 148 fast 50 105 133 4 41 9 1 1 Howard HostileHyphcn W Broom Ed Kane 7416J FGrounds 51 f 1114 slow 30 103 1 7 3 3l In W Ott Lady Lissak Ogbcnt Escuta 74015 FGrounds 34 1152 fast 50 89 2 6 Fell T ChandlcrJacR Bratton Raimondo Allonby AllonbyLADY LADY ARION ch f 4 by Cesarion Lady Ellerslio II W A Smith Weight today 110 11074IS3 74IS3 Lexington 34 115 good 6 9S 9 G G 41 43 A Morgan Kir Vagrant Mat Mack Mary Orr 74364 Lexington 34 1142 good 40 107 4 34 61 S9 Ilcidel Barnsdale Lady Anne Rustle 69911 Latonia 3i l14g fast 91 9 5 5 57J J Butler MatMack A Virginia Marmorcan M Latonia 34 114 fast 93 13 13 13 12 12 JG Swain Telescope Lacache Busted BustedDIVORCEE DIVORCEE b f 3 by Ben Strome Broken Yowi L A Cella Weight today 9 74 7l Louisvillo 1 1472 mud 5 SOI 4 5 7 7 75 719JA Morgan Mary Orr Lady Vie Agnes Ford 74629 Louisville 34 l17g hvy 9 90 5 2 3 2 3 = A Morgan Financier WarGriswell EstellaC 74137 Lexington 34 1194 hvy 30 90 1 3 3 21 I1 A Morgan BetliGoodwin Ralhort CliftonForgc 743S9 Lexington 1 l41g fast 30 100 2 3 5 6 6 6 F Burton Terah Bucket Brigade Halbard RALBERT b r 6 by Albert Emily R E Corrigan Weight today 119 74742 Louisville 5 f 107 good 60 116 1 45 51 641 V Powers Barnsdale Toplofty Bonehrako 74672 Louisville 31 l17g mud 125 111 1 1 1 21 3 1 J Lee Estella C Boncbrakc Refined 74629 Louisvillo 31 l17g hvy 2110 101 2 S S S1 SIB W Ott Financier WarGriswell Divorcee ARROW SWIFT ch gr 3 by Belvidere Misi Binney J H Baker Weight today 111 71775 Louisville 31 1132 fast 35 110 11 12 12 13 132 Wishanl Apaclie Bill Horron Huck Huck43S9 43S9 Lexington 1 IMljJ fast 75 103 3 4 3 2 31 410 Pickcns Tcrah Bucket Brigade Halbard 74204 FGrnds Im70y 144 fast 10 98 4 4 5 4 4 4T F Burton Lotus Eater Jack Witt Monsignor 74122 FGrnds 1116149 fast 115 102 2 3 2 1 I1 Il F Burton Screrus Royal Onyx MERRIFIELD ch g 3 by Don do Oro Budget of Fun J P Ross Weight today 102 74775 Louisville 34 l13g fast 5 103 G S 9 71 S Ilckcns Apache Bill Herron Hnck 74559 Lexington 51 f 111 hvy 10 96 2 27 61 5UA Morgan EstollaC ToddyHodge BGoodwin 74461 Lexington 1162 slow 31 107 2 11 1 = 33 J Lee Kings Son Toplofty Heron 74386 Lexington 34 114 fast 15 100 2 3 4 11 II13 A Morgan NightMist Condico LexiugtonLady BEN TROVATO br c 4 by Falsetto or Alvescot Golden Rose C B Reid Weight today 115 73700 FGrnds lm0y l44g fast S 106 112 3 3 = E Dugan J Witt W Griswell L Vincent 73658 FGrounds 78129 fast 6 103 852 1 11 I1 McCahev Allonby Rose of Pink Volioomo 73430 City Park 7S 129 fast 50 100 7 7 7 G r 53i McCaliey MissStrome Bcrlmont LandBreczc 73218 FGrounds 31 1191 mud 75 107 S 10 10 91 9 = McCahcy Oraculum Baleshed Posing

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Local Identifier: drf1908051501_6_1
Library of Congress Record: