Third Race [3rd Louisville, Daily Racing Form, 1908-05-17

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THIRD RACE 34 Mile 3yearolds Selling 74758 1121 ° 92 92BETH BETH GOODWIN ch f 3 by Hoi stein Perversity Hughes Bros Weight today 97 7I75G Louisville 34 111 fast 9 100 2 S G Gi G PiekenH Esfella C Mondella Potter 7f9G Louisville 51 f 111 hvy 41 3 1113 1 A Morgan Stoner Hill Dr Kimrall Uickey 71559 Lexington 51 f 1112 hvy G 94 G 3 3 31 3 i E Griilin Kstella C Toddyllodge CarolynB BITTER SIR br g 3 by Eitter Root Serri J C Cahn Weight 7SU Louisville 31 1132 fast 61 106 1 14 GJ 91V Powers Kpion Hannibal Bey Potter today 104 74202 FGrounds 34 11 1J fast 41 107 1 22 3l 5 Troxler Ulsk Blue Lei Bewitched 74145 FGrounds 34 l14g fast S5 107 2 12 3i GJ V Powers Oriandot Apple Toddy JoyfnlLady MERRIGO blk f 3 by Shapfell Merriwell B Forsythe Weight today 102 74SH Louisviiie 34 1131 fast 61 1001 9 9 S SJ 7S PirkeiiR fplon Hannibal Bey Potter 745SG Ixxington 7S l3Gg hvy 5 IC 1 G 5 5 5 5 A Morgan Sum Clay Gibson Ardis 74225 FGrnds 1 1lG 143 fast 50 105 133 4 41 9 J Howard HostlleHyphen WBroom Rd Kane BANRIDA b f 3 by Bannockburn Merida B Bchreiber 74797 Louisvlc 1 116 147J fast 40 9110 5 5 5 6t rJ llufnagel Menda Bustle St WeigJit Ilarlo today 97 74742 Louisville 51 f 107 good 40 10012 G S S r3i F Burton Barnsdale Toplofty Boiiebrake 74202 FGrounds 31 114J fast 15 IOC 10 10 10 81 lOM Swain Bisk Blue Lee Bewitched BARODA ch f 3 by Alvescot Fedalma G J Long Weight today 100 747113 Louisville 51 f 1054 fast 450 95 5 4 5 51 5 1 Hiirnagel Goldproof Frontenac Lndv Anne 71223 Brighton 51 f lOGg fast 20 101 4 77 7 7 ° M Preston Marble Chullta Miss Delaney 71102 Gvescnd 51 f 108 good 15 103 5 4 4 41 4 J W Miller MarthaJane WinningStar Marbles ORLANDOT b c 3 by Orlando Dottio W H Fiz r Weight today 107 4742 Louisville 51 f 107 good 14 105 9 9 7 72 75 Minder Barnsdale Toplofty BonebraUe 74695 Louisville 51 f 111 hvy 21 92 2 3 4 G C12 K Martin BCoodwin Stonerlllll Dr Simrall 74410 Lexington 1 148 hvy G 92 7 5 4 3 21 4 1 Kdmiston B Brigade La Fayette TCalhoun WAUSAU br g 3 by The Virginian II Merry Queen W Gorst Weight today 107 74756 Louisville 31114 fast I S5 95 5 4 3 53 5 = J Butler Estella C Mondella Potter 73937 City Park 51 f 1 07g fast 185 104 4 11 11 1J Notter Bisk Bess Ward Lorimer 73SG2 City Park 34 11SJ mud 25 95112 12 12 13 135 lDubei MaeHamillon T Oalhoun Bnnrlda MERRIFIELD ch p 3 by Don de Oro Budget of Fun T P Ross Weight today 104 74S11 Louisville 31 113 fast 61 102 S 7 r 7l 6 B Martin Spion Hannibal Bey Potler 74775 Louisville 31 113 fast 5 105 C S 9 71 S Pickens Apache Bill Herron Huck 74559 Lexington 51 f 1111 hvy 10 96 2 27 Cl r JA Morgan KstellaC Toddyllodge BGoodwin CAROLYN B br f 3 by Lamplighter Louise W A Smith Weight today 97 74559 Lexington 51 f 1115 hvy 40 fi 10 9 5 51 4i Franklin EstellnC Toddyllodge BGooclwin 74160 Lexington 34 1161 slow 30 101 12 10 7 81 64 Skirvin IdaMay Estella C LexingtonLady 71146 I tonia 5J f 1OSJ fast 13 105 12 12 12 12 12 C II ShilgAlbertStar M Vigilant Darlg Dan GILVEDEAR ch c 3 by Gigantoum Sea Pust A D Bteele Weight today 110 71S12 11071S12 Louisville 7S 126 fast 45 95 4 5 6 G G5 7n T Stoele KDaughter GreatPirate Bottles 71577 Pimlico 1141 slop 9 110 2 2 2 2 2 21 T Stcele Parkview Orfano Cartwheel 74552 Pimlico 1 142 fast 31 101 4 3 4 5 51 G8lFbrother Clements Servile Javotte DUNVEGAN JavotteDUNVEGAN b c 3 by St Simonian II Thistlefinch J N Camden Jr Weight today 99 74759 Txniisvllle 7S l20g fast 95 109 4 3 4 4 I3 4 i V 1owers SlrCleges WTOverton Darknight 74725 Louisvle 1 11C 15 IR hvy 5 95 445 G G1 G A Morgan MargBandolph Edlvane Ladv Vie 74630 Louisville 1 14 215J hvy 71 114 5 3 4 4 21 331 Warren StoneStreet SCleges Synchronized LORIMER ch c 3 by Cactus II Rose Tree II E Corrfean Weight today 107 74721 Louisville 34 120 hvy 1C 105 9 G G II2 ll W Powers Boserrlan Floridaglen Ethel Carr 74145 FGrounds 34 1141 fast 16 105 4 54 5 S W Ott Oriandot Apple Toddv ToyfnlLady 74093 FGrounds 34 114 fast SO 112 G 57 S3 S G Swain Bess Ward Ida May Canada E M FRY b c 3 by Sain Caroline Hamilton E Alvey Weight today 113 74793 Louisville 51 f 1052 fast 10 IOS G 5 4 G G131 Taylor Goldproof Frontenac Lady Anne 73997 S Anita 51 f 106 fast 95 107 5 3 2 21 I2 Goldstein Booger Bed All Alone Decorator 73915 S Anita 51 f l07g slow 32 102 G 44 2b 2 Gilbert BoogerRed AlIAlone BrawLad 1027175C MONDELLA ch f 3 by Carlton Grange Cambric li A Cella Weight today 102 7175C Louisville 34114 fast 16 SS 1 11 2S 22 A Morgan Estella C Potter Lady Baldur 7I3S6 Lexington 34 114 fast C 1001 7 7 7 7J 7 F Burton NightMist Condico LexingtonLady 73937 City Park 5 f 1072 fast 5 107 13 12 13 14 142IJT Lee Wansau Bisk Bess Ward HARRIET WardHARRIET WRIGHT ch f 3 by Star Shoot Marina A L Darnaby Weight today 07 71553 Latonia 53 l01g fast 20 105 5 3 It 10l 10l2lFogarty B Ward C of Melbrne Mondella GS553 Lexington 5S 1012 fast 100 7 77 710 7 Bilac Black Mary Ancient Ida May CS452 Lexington 12 48g fast 102 9 99 8 Creamer Ida May Hollow Cousin Frances 1077473X LIGNANDO FrancesLIGNANDO b g 3 by Kernando Lignite P Dunne Weight today 107 7473X Loiiisvilln 34 1113 irood 2SO 112 IS 10 12 l i iLi2 F Burton Gownnn Snnke Marv C J Cella

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Local Identifier: drf1908051701_4_5
Library of Congress Record: