Pinkola A Derby Winner.: Comes Home A Length In Front Of Czar In The Big Latonia Race.; Anne McGee Surprises the Admirers of Ethelda--Goldproof Runs Poorly--Great Crowd Turns Out and Takes Kindly to Mutuels., Daily Racing Form, 1908-06-03


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PINKOLA A DERBY WINNER COMES HOME A LENGTH IN FRONT OF CZAR IN THE BIG LATONIA RACE Anne McGeo Surprises tho Admirers of Ethelda Goldproof Runs Poorly Great Crowd Turns Out and Takes Kindly to Mutuels Cincinnati O June 2 Old experienced turfmen were not a little surprised at both the size and quality of the crowd that turned out to see the running of the Latonia Derby today It was feared that the new system of betting might affect the attendance On the contrary while the patron age may have been exceeded on some former Derby days it waj quite up to average standard That it was remarkable for its well groomed and pros ¬ perous appearance was no doubt partlv due to the announcement of the management that none but fln dollar operationNo mntuel machines would be in operation No less noticeable than the attendance was the first days operation of the paririmituels It had l een freely handed around that the Cincinnati pub ¬ lic io long accustomed to the l ooks would not take kindly to the machines On the contrary every bmly seemed fo know at a glance the modus oper ¬ and of betting through them and on the first race it was a trifle over 10000 The total volume of business transacted during the day was more than satisfactory to the management as it far exceeded the best day of the Louisville meeting The ma cliines handled 1770 and the auction pools 14 S70 a total of 122240 On the opening day at Louisville the take in both the auctions and nla cbiues was 8021 while the record day at Louis ¬ ville was 1127 This clearly shows that the mutuels are quite as convenient and satisfactory to the speculationOf public as the old manner of speculation Of course the Derby did not bring out the class of horses of some former years but the candidates were so evenly matched that speculation was keen on the race the take being considerably In ex ¬ cess of that of any race since machines were put in uso at Louisville Keep Moving was a strong favorite but Pinkola and Czar were also fancied The latter was looked on as a good thing by many of the trainers and that he landed in second place instead of first may have been due to the fact that K Martin who rode him while a promising and honest boy is not strong enough to handle so big and long striding a colt as Czar This was appreciated by trainer Grifiin but he determined to ride Martin knowing the lad would do the best that he could couldThe The slow pace exactly suited Pinkola which wrested the lead from Honest early In the Journey rated some two lengths in front to the stretch and then after hard hustling withstood the challenge of Czar to win by a length with Ordono a fair third Keep Movings performance was disappoint ¬ ing throughoutNext She was beaten off throughout Next in point of interest to the Derby was the fifth a race for youngsters in which Ethelda was a starter and an overwhelming favorite She had recently been sold for a fancy figure and her new owner H C Riddle made no secret of his belief that she would win and smash the four and a half furlongs mark to smithereens He was cor ¬ rect in bis idea that the track record would be broken but wrong in his estimate that she would win for tlie Corrigan filly Anne McGee led her throughout and won cantering in new track record time timeThe The opening race resulted in an upset in the de ¬ feat of Goldproof which failed to land in the money the purse going to Wool Sandals by a short margin over Al Muller MullerStone Stone Street winner of this years Kentucky Derby made his first start since that event and suf1 fered a decisive beating among a band of selling platers Apache winning in a common canter while Stone Street failed to finish among live first three threeW W A Leach won the twoyearold race for colts and did so impressively beating among others Ten ¬ nessee Boy and Transform Tbo latter pair rail poorly and it is barely possible that the change from the bard Louisville track to the soft one here may account for some of the poor showings made by several of todays contestants contestantsThe The closing race went to Miss Alert recently acquired by Rome Rcspess She was made the medi ¬ um of a steady auction pool plunge by her owner and friends friendsPete Pete Coyne trainer for George J Long stated to ¬ day that Sir Huon was going soundly and is about ready for a hard trial He will in all probability be a starter here in a few days1 Joseph days1Joseph L Hhinock after a strenuous congressional term got here Saturday and with his family viewed the Derby from tlie clubhouse Other prominent visitors here were Urcy Woodson Democratic na ¬ tional commltteeman from Kentucky Mr Settle general passenger agent of the L X R R W Christie Herron brotherinlaw of Secretary of War Taft George B Cox Colonel Jack Chlnn ex Mayor Grainger and Colonel W B Haldeman

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