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MAY ABOLISH LOUISVILLE STEEPLECHASING Lesingtbn Ky June 8 At Latonia on the open ¬ ing day of tiie present meeting Judge Charles F Price said the New Louisville Jockey Club is ser ¬ iously considering the doing away with of the steeplechase course at Churchill Downs and build ¬ ing a turf course for fiat racing instead The only race during the Louisville meeting which was attended by circumstances before and during the running that would stem to justify the suspicion of crbokedness was a steeplechase race and a stake race at that said Judge Price Over night seven were named to go but only three went to the post The betting was all to the favor of the heavily weighted McAllister and when it came to the running or rather tlie falling of the other two Don Jolly and BelltheCat It must have looked to even a novice as if their riders had invested in tickets on the son of The Tartar There is nothing niore spectacular than a truly run steeplechase race but the greatest number of them here in the west hate not been truly run The fault is not with the owners It lies with the jockeys The ma ¬ jority of them are thieves past redemption The only certain way to stop the cheating is to elimi ¬ nate the crosscountry races entirely and I think tljis will be done at Louisville