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New York Entries and Past Performances for Tuesday June 9 9WEATHER WEATHER CLEAE TRACK FASTL v NEW YORK ENTRIES ENTRIESGravesend Gravesend RnrniS starts at 230 p in Chicago time 130 X Runs well in mud Superior mud runner First Race About 34 Mile 105 feet short shortAll ITandleanTrack All ARCS ITandlean Track record GS934 lOSx 5 122 Ind Horses Rcc A Wt Wt7r1i 7r1i Rosolipn 1 09J 7 14 75217 Rapid Water 710C 7470 Prejuisio 4W 70701 Baby Wolf 4 121 121rlOO rlOO De Mimd 110 4 12 12r22ft r22ft iTransvaal 310 310TriOnfloter TriOnfloter Quince TKV TKV7M703 7M703 Jacobite 109 rlV 75172 Kins Cobalt 110 lli lli747T42 747T42 Grimaldl 410T 75170 Rat Masterson 4 0 77217 JFrnnk Lord 110 4 or or754SlfTony 754SlfTony Faust 4 10 107i217 7i217 Momentum 110 4 fi fi740V 740V JChlef Hayes 1101 0 071C23 71C23 Nimbus 3 10 10Killraln Killraln b c by Rain ¬ bow Resaca 310 K C Hildreth entry W It Keene entrv JL Mulligan entry entrySecond Second Race 1 18 Miles Miles3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingTrack Track record 7110 1 r1j I lino S Minnie Admits 1 2 75221 = Hyperion II ir2 nno 751 If jl News NewsrMt ir2i SIIT rMt ninncLr ninncLrr22l r22l Okenitc r107 Toinmr AVaddell AVaddellrl rl IT r i tKIere 17o King of Bash an r1173 lonl Stanhope StanhoperO rO CraftyT22I Crafty 2O2 T22I Golf Pall 152 7rlH Coincident 101 75221 SI Joseph 5 111 111Third Third Race R8 Milp Hudson Stakes WOOO added added2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances Track record 2S501 Afg 2 DO DOTTiM TTiM I2ptackford 102 122 122Ksneranto Ksneranto cb c by Disguise Anomaly 11 7 173 Sundance 102 112 112TVJJKJ TVJJKJ Lnwton Wiggins 111 1117M4 7M4 Tod 102 Tin Tinr1 r1 17 sir John 11 117S141 7S141 Clifdnnasier of Clies Cliesterbrook terbrook 11 11H H P Whitney entry Fourth Race 1 14 Miles MilesStandard Standard Stakes 5000 added added3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Weight for Ape ApeTrack Track record 75103 204 3 105 Ind Horses Roc A Wt Hdcp 71702 BALLOT 203 1120XSOO 7474 Hessian 111 700 75220 Royal Tourist Ill 7SO 75191 Montgomery 205 1I20X770 75100 Tonrennc 2001 t2fiX750 752192 Old Honesty 209 4 120 X750 X750Fifth Fifth Race 5 12 Furlongs Furlongs2yearolds 2yearolds Selling Track record 70041 lOCj 2 09 09747S9 747S9 Ramble 100 X725 75001 Ronnie Kclso 00 720 75108 Toll Box 107 715 75222 Yankee Daughter 105 X 715 715751C5 751C5 Right Sort 5 OOX715 OOX715751C8 751C8 Dr Pillow 105X710 75144 Ark 104 710 75195 Lady Hubbard 1OS 102 710 75148 Nedlim 102 X705 74470 Visitation 04 705 75148 O TJ Kid 97 700 700Fashion Fashion Plate cli c by Woolsthorpo Fashionable 101 Sixth Race 1 116 Miles Miles3yenrolds 3yenrolds Maidens Soiling SoilingTrack Track record TOlflG l45j 1 121 12174984s 74984s Monocle 100 72 75107 Rolando 100 720 75100 Alninndine 10X715 75171 Wild Refrain 1552 G 715 7157TOSO 7TOSO Puiich 10 710 7512 Rosario 150J 10X710 75123 New Garter OGX710 5104 Moil tank 105 X705 1270 Rigot iox70r iox70r44S1 44S1 Com Thomas 103 705 1597 Irish Lace 00 705 5101 Gold Franc 103 700 1705 Count Reinfcrd 103 x 700 70050SO 50SO Tender and True 700 4117 Wedding OGX700 OGX700Mon Mon rose b g by byFlambeau Flambeau Constance 105 Seventh Race 5 12 Furlongs Furlongs2yearolds 2yearolds Selling Track record 70911 100 2 09 75148 Racquet 97 725 72571fS 71fS T H Reed 105X720 751 fiS Sister Phyllis 01 715 7157T14S 7T14S Shapdale 107J 109 715 7157i003 7i003 Amnesty 102 715 715747SO 747SO Desolate 90 715 74013 Fore 102 710 751 IS Coremonliis IO2 710 74550 Miss Uattenl erg 99 70 740 2 Klmer Roy 01 705 74010 Blnestock 102V70O 75147 Albert Inns 07 700 7007510R 7510R Helen Chester 90 700