Seattle Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1908-07-05


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SEATTLE FORM CHART Seattle Wash July 4 Thirteenth day of the King County Fair Associations summer meeting of seventythree days Weather clear track fast Twentyone books on onPresiding Presiding Judge E C Hopper Starter Richard Ihvyer Racing Secretary Martin Nathanson 75805 First Race 34 Mile Track record July 21 1900 112 4 109 4yearolds ami upward upwardSelling Selling SellingInd Ind Horse WtSt StrFin Jockey Op Cl 75710 The Sultan 103 S I3 12 Page 3 3 375732Prestige 75732Prestige 111 4 51 2 Buxton 1 1J 75211 Vlvant 106 3 2i Sl J Mclntyrc S JO JO757S5 757S5 Nellie RacinelOS 6 31 4J Lycurgus 5 7 75735 = Taunt 101 G 4J G1 A Walsh 4 31 75735 Excitement 111 9 6 C Rcttip 10 12 75731 Rose Cherry 99 2 7 7 AV Gloss 50 100 75710 Capt BurncttlOO 7 S S D Boland 10 12 74500 C Hcdritk 10S 1 9 9 C Sullivan 15 20 732S6 My Bouquet 110 11 10 10 Ezell 100 150 75564 Sea Lad IDS 10 11 11 Sandy 10 15 15The The Sultan place 05 show 710 Prestige place 95 show 45 Vivanr place 4 thow 2 Nellie Racine place 2 show 1 Taunt place 75 show 710 710Time Time 113 113Winner Winner Ch g 5 by Horatio Picklow II IIWent Went to post at 215 At post 4 minutes Start good Won driving second and third the same The Sultan quickly ran into a long early lead but was tiring at the end Prestige finished fast Vi vant showed speed but tired tiredOverweights Overweights My Bouquet 4 pounds 75806 Second Race 1 Mile and 50 Yards Trac record August 11 1900 1414 1 100 3ycar SellingInd olds and upward Selling Ind Horse WtSt StrFin Jockey Op Cl 75617 Black Mate 110 4 23 P G Archibd 1 1 7575S Convent Bell 101 1 I1 3i C Russell 12 15 1575736Be 75736Be Thankful 93 6 6s 4 Gaugel 4 51 51757363T 757363T English nl3 iH3 3 41 51 J Mclntyre 4 4 475C84 75C84 Expectant 95 756 Page 15 20 75756 Bromina 106 S 7 7 Scoville 12 20 757S3 Billy PullmanlOl 5 S S D Boland S 12 75732 Distributor 104 9 PulIupGloss CO 100 100Black Black Mate place 12 show 15 Josle S placo 7 show 3 Convent Bell place 0 show 3 Be Thankful place 95 show 45 The Englishman place 05 show 25 25Time Time 142 J JWinner Winner Ch g 4 by First Mate Later LaterAVent AVent to post at 242 At post 1 minute Start good Won easily second and third driving Black Mate was easily best Josie S ran a good race Convent Bell was speedy but tired Be Thankful ran poorly poorlyScratched Scratched 757503Big Store 107 75731 Red Rey ¬ nard 109 109Overweights Overweights Josle S 1 pound Be Thankful 4 Bromina 1 Billy Pullman 3 75807 Third Race 1 14 Miles Track record July 4 1900 205 G 100 3yearolds and up ¬ ward Selling SellingInd Ind Horse WtSt StrFin Jockey Op Cl 75214Ouardi 107 2 23 1 = G Archibd 4 41 41757S2 757S2 JFDonobue 112 3 11 2 J Mclntyre 0 7 75CS7sTcn Row 107 5 3 = 3 D Boland 15 25 756S5JNettinK 102 1 4 4 A Harris C5 1 75708 Lady Souffle 95 6 55 6 A Walsh 15 25 75710sArcourt 107 4 fi C Rettiff 5 G G756S5 756S5 Bellmence 107 7 7 7 Buxton 50 75 74977 Fulletta 112 PullupAWiUins 40 60 60OuardI OuardI place 75 show 35 J F Donohue place 2 show 45 Ten Row place S show 3 Netting place 25 show 14 Arcourt place 32 show 12 Time 200 200AVinner AVinner Ch g 4 by St Leonards Splendour AVent to post at 310 At post 1 minute Start good AVon easily second and third driving Ouar di won going away1 JF Donohue set the pace to the stretch and tired Ten Row ran well Ncttlnp quit after following J F Donohue to the stretch Scratched 757S2 tfachct 105 75808 Fourth Race 1 110 Miles Track record recordAugust August 14 1907 1443 1 108 Celebration CelebrationHandicap Handicap Value 2500 3yearolds and upward Ind Horse WtSt StrFIu Jockey Op Cl 75759GlorIo 99 6 21 U A Harris 4 C C75f59Lotus 75f59Lotus Eater 110 10 I 2s Gaugcl 21 2 75731 = Ed T Fryer 103 G 51 3 G Archibd G 6 74S30 Green Seal 105 2 31 Il Kcogh ft 2 75541Cadichon 10S 7 7 51 C Sullivan S 10 75021Dnpatrick 116 9 6 fi Sandy 8 10 75515 Stigarmald 105 387 JMcIntyre tfi 9 75662 Early Tide 100 1 3h 8 Buxton J6 9 757313LogistiIla 104 S 9 9 D Boland 15 12 75759 Fair Fagot 90 4 10 10 A AAalsh 20 20 75731 John Lyons 106 11 UrdownJHayes 10 n nGlorio Glorio place 21 show 05 Lotus Eater coupled place 1 show 12 Edwin T Fryer place f show 1 1Added Added starter 1 1 Coupled in betting no sep ¬ arate place or show betting bettingTime Time 140 140Winner Winner Br c 3 by Galvcston Cleodora CleodoraAVent AVent to post at 340 At post 1 minute Start good AVon driving second and third the same Glorio ran close up throughout and finished gamely f Lotus Eater came from far back in the stretch Edwin T Fryer finished fast Sugarmaid and Early Tide set the pace to the stretch stretchScratched Scratched 75758Lurctta 95 95Overweights Overweights Logistilla 2 pounds Johnny Lyons 75809 Fifth Race 34 Mile Track record July 21 1900 112 1 100 Ityearoldtj and upward Selling SellingInd Ind Horse WtSt StrFin Jockey Op Cl 75733 LUrisonll 113 1 3 1J D Boland 952 756S4 D AVilson 117 G 4s 2 E Lynch 15 20 74567JDon Domo 109 4 2l 33 J Mclntyro 3 4 75733 Noh Lucille 111 3 4 G Archibd 15 1C 75619 Tay George 114 2 1 G5 A Walsh S5 65 75735 Elmdale 113 fi G G Alarlc 20 30 30Lee Lee Harrison II place 35 show 14 Dick AVilson place C show 2 Don Domo place 05 show 35 Taylor George place 12 show 14 Time 113 113AVinner AVinner Ch g 4 by Ben Strome Janet Gray GrayAVent AVent to post at 411 At post 5 minutes Start good AAron handily second and third driving Lee Harrison II won going away and was best Dick Wilson finished gamely Don Domo was speedy but short Taylor George quit badly 75810 Sixth Race 1 Mile and 50 Yards Track Trackrecord record August 11 1900 l41i 1 100 3yeai 3yeaiblds blds and upward Selling SellingInd Ind Horse AVtSt StrFin Jockey Op Cl 75BS4BarOldfield 100 3 21 In G Archibd2i 2i 7575S3Pal 110 2 11 2 A Harris 3 4J 4J7570SHigh 7570SHigh Gun 104 4 4 31 D Boland 3 3J 75708 Mon vina 110 1 3t 4s D Rlley fi 5 75710LCAckley 109 5 G1 51 J Mclntyre 7 1S5 75732CoL AVwiclc 111 G 6 Scoville 15 25 750S6 M Randolph 7 7 7 Buxton 20 25 Barney Ohlfield place 1 show 12 Pal place S5 show 710 High Gun place 05 show 12 Monvina place 2 show 45 L C Ackerley place 32 show 710 710Time Time 143 143AVinner AVinner B g 3 by Moreno La Amiga AmigaAVent AVent to post at 441 At post 1 minute Start good AVon driving second and third the same Barney Ohlfield was gamest in a hot finish 1al set the pace fast and stayed well High Gun fin ¬ ished fast Monvina tired tiredOverweights Overweights High Gun 1 pound 75811 Seventh Race 31 Mile Track record July 21 1900 112 1 109 3yearolds and up ¬ ward Handicap HandicapInd Ind Horse WtSt StrFin Jockey Op Cl 75709 The Mist 105 1 1 = 1s J Mclntyre 3 21 WBurleigh 110 5 3 = 21 Gargan fi 8 59 Coll AVidow 92 4 G 3l A Walsh 8 12 7504SCritIc 105 2 4l 4k G Archibd 4 G G75761Staniey 75761Staniey Fay 104 3 2h 5 A Harris 65 65 The Mist place 910 show 13 Burleigh place 2j show 1 College AVidow place 3 show 1 Critic place 32 show 35 Stanley Fay place 12 show 15 15Time Time 112 J JAViuner AViuner Ch m G by Magnet Tenebrae Wcnt to post at 459 At i ost 1 minute Start good AVon easily second and third driving The Mist led throughput Burleigh finished gamely College Widow closed a gap in the stretch Stanley Fay was cut off by Burleigh when coming through next to the rail In the stretch and forced to pull up

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Local Identifier: drf1908070501_2_7
Library of Congress Record: