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SEATTLE FOFM CHART Seattle Wash July 16 Twentythird day of the King County Fair Associations summer meet ¬ ing of seventythree days Weather cloudy track slow slowPresiding Presiding Judge E C Hopper Starter Richard Dwyer Racing Secretary Martin Nathauson Twen ¬ tythree books on 76007 First Race 34 Mile Track record July 21 190G 112 4 109 3yearolds and upward upwardSelling Selling SellingInd Ind Horse WtStStrFin Jockey Op Cl 75932 Adela R 105 3 2s 1 Lycurgus 15 50 5074G7C 74G7C Prince Brutus 109 1 1 = 2 Rettig 3 1G5 75S35 Escamado 109 G 51 3 J McBride G 4J 75950 Chk Hedrlck 109 4 4 4U J 4 41 Gaugel Gaugel759742Metlakatla 7 8 759742Metlakatla 107 10 8 53 Mentry 2 115 75932 Haber 107 9 3 G A Morj Morgan 10 15 75932 Rose Cherry 103 2 6 7 Cole 30 50 75932 Cuernavaca 98 S 7 S Page 10 12 74310 Legal Form 109 599 McEwc731923Standover McEwcn 60 100 731923Standover 114 7 10 10 W Ril Riley 15 20 75595 Bogohama 109 11 11 11 E Lyn Lynch GO 100 Adela R place 20 show 10 Prince Brutus place G5 show 35 Escamado place S5 show 45 Metlakatla place 45 show 25 Time l14i l14iWinner Winner B f 4 by Sain Disproof DisproofWent Went to post at 211 At post 3 minutes Start good Won driving second aud third the same Adela R got up in the last two strides Prince Brutus opened an early gap hut tired right at the end Escamado got off poorly Metlakatla was hemmed in all the way wayOverweights Overweights Standover 5 pounds 7C008 Second Race 5 12 Furlongs Track record July 20 1907 100 4 102 2ycarolds Sell SellIiiuB IiiuB Horse WtStStrFin Jockey Op Cl 75S95Force 109 1 2li 1 A Walsh 45 45 45759S8JLar 759S8JLar Mulligan 99 2 I1 2 Buxton 20 50 75S9r 75S9rsAksArBen sAksArBen 105 3 31 3 Page C 8 875931Anderson 75931Anderson 105 4 4 4 Gaugol 321710 321710Force Force place 13 show out Larry Mulligan place S show G5 AksArBen place 75 show 11 Anderson place 720 show out Time 1074 1074Winner Winner Ch c by Arkle Our Baby BabyWent Went to post at 241 At post 1 minute Start good Won easily second and third driving Force drew out and won in a canter Larry Mulligan set a fast pace until well into the stretch AksArBcn finished gainelv Anderson was always outrun 76009 Third Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards Track Trackrecord record 75059 143 5 107 4yearolds and andupward upward Selling SellingInd Ind Horse WtStStrFin Jockey Op Cl Cl75SJS 75SJS Pickaway 109 1 1 = I3 W Kelly 2 123 7T93G JFDonohue 112 G 2 = 2s A Walsh 2 31 7fi973JHuapala 107 3 3 3 Page 5 GJ 73973 Mary B Clark 107 S 53 4 J McBrldc 10 12 75857 Carthaginian 110 4 4 J 5 Rettig 5 4 75732 Sahara 107 5 G G GArchlbd 25 40 4075993Distributor 75993Distributor 109 7 7 7 Cole 12 20 75973 Redwood II 109 2 8 S Gaugel 10 13 13Pickaway Pickaway place 1 show 12 J F Donohue place G5 show 35 Huapala place v2i show 1 1Time Time 145 J JWinner Winner Ch g S by Piccolo Marcella by Grin stcud stcudWent Went to post at 309 At post 2 tninutQS Start good Won easily second and third driving Pick away led throughout J F Donohue ran well Huapala was always a contender Redwood II and Sahara quit after being contenders to the stretch Scratched 75917 Gulliver 107 76010 Fourth Race 1 1lG Miles Track record August 14 1907 144J 1 108 4yearolds and upward Allowances AllowancesInd Ind Horse WtStStrFin Jockey Op Cl 75991 = Fantastic 102 3 2l 1J Buxton 85 1 J 7587S First Peep 102 4 3 2s GArchibd C511 13 75955 May L N 92 2 i 3 Page 20 2Ti 759353Luretta 104 1 1 4 Lycurqus 4 4 75S7S Loglstilla 10G 5 5 5 Rettig S 10 Fantastic place 45 show 920 First Peep place 13 show out May L N place 7 show showTime Time 1MGJ Winner Br f 4 by Galore Phantom Belle Went to post at 339 At post 1 minute Start good Won driving second and third the sami Fantastic came from behind in the final quarter First Peep moved up at the eame time but waj outstayed May L N ran surprisingly well Lur etta set the early pace fast Overweights Logistilla 2 pounds 76011 Fifth Rats 1 Mile Track record Aiigu 2 1900 138 J 11 90 3yearolds and upward upwardSelling Selling SellingInd Ind Horse WtStStrFin Jockey Op 01 01757SOMay 757SOMay Sutton 95 1 23 li A Morgan 4 4 7593G St Kilda 95 C 31 2i B Wilson S 4 75918 Colbert 97 3 4 3J Buxton 5 7 75969 = Hidden Hand 105 2 IS 4 W Kelly 45 1 75932 Astoria Belle 95 5 5s oh Page 4J 50 75914 Expectant 05 4 G G Schsinger 20 2j 2j759G9 759G9 Hal 105 7 7 7 A Walsh 13 May Sutton place 1 show 12 St Kllda pla T G5 show 35 Colbert place 3 show 1 Hiddn Hand place 12 show 14 14Time Time 140 J JWinner Winner Ch f 3 by Prince Esher Mamie Lou LouWent Went to post at 409 At post 1 minute Stirf good Won driving second and third the Lamr May Siitton always a contender won drawiug out St Kllda finished gamely Colnert did hi bet Hidden Hand set the pace and tired in the final furlong 76012 Sixtli Race 34 Mile Track record July 21 1906 112 109 3ycarolds and upwarl Selling Ind Horse WtStStrFin Jockey Op Cl Cl759153GIov 759153GIov Balerio 109 3 1 I3 W Kelly o 4 475G5S 75G5S Toupee 109 2 2 = 25 GArchibd ii 5 575S5SDon 75S5SDon Domo 109 G 3 3n Page 2 4 47591a 7591a = Nonie 103 7 41 45 E Lynch 8 7 775S96Mintia 75S96Mintia 112 4 G 5s A Walsh 7 11 75030 Dick Wilson 112 1 51 C AJarie 74105 Andoche 7 7 Mentry Giovanni Balerio place S5 show 710 Toupee place G5 show 35 Don Domo place 75 show 35 Dick Wilson place 75 show 35 Time 113 113WJnner WJnner Br g 5 by Pontlac Pandora by Em peror perorWent Went to post at 443l At post 1 minute Start good Won easily second and third driving Glo vannl Balerio spreadeagled his opponents Toupee was always closest In pursuit Don Domo made up ground then tired tiredScratched Scratched 759S9 Captain Burnett 100 73S22 Anna May 105 75914 Lord Provost Ifi