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DURNELLBUCHANAN AND THE LAW The details of the Seattle law suit by Boots Durnell against exjockey Buchanan are rather funny on account of the high and mighty position assumed by the plaintiff and the sum sued for The basis for the suit is that the exjockey has used Oilmens name to persuade racegoers to take some of Buchanans tips on the races at The Meadows Durnell MeadowsDurnell arrived in Seattle on Monday and on the following morning Willie Buchanan advertised that his former employer came to Seattle to bet on a certain horse and that he had let Willie in on it good thing DurnelFs name was used extensivelv in connection with the haul that Willie proiniseil his clients and on tlie next day was used again Tliis is what Boots takes objection to toBuchanan Buchanan having given up riding has been a pro ¬ fessional tipster at The Meadows all season Dur uell is represented in the case by William J Dan ford an attorney from Los Angeles who accompa ¬ nied Boots to Seattle and under whose direction the suit was filed filedDurnell Durnell declared that Buchanan had used his name absolutely without authority and to the detriment f his business affairs affairsHaving Having given up racing I am going Into commer ¬ cial lines and am now interested in a taxicab ven ¬ ture Buchanans unauthorized use of my name con ¬ necting me as lie does with pulling oft or aiding to pull off a good thing in the races is an actual damage to my business and I intend to stop It Moreover he has not seen me at all and his state ¬ ment that lie had been let in on some good things is absolutely false I have not seen him have not talked to him and he is simnly trying to fleece the public I want it understood thoroughly that I have nothing to do with hirti I am here on private busi ¬ ness in connection with my commercial venture apd to make some collections on horses I have sold That is all allBuchanan Buchanan has toned down his advertising and the chances are that the suit will go no further