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THE NEW ORLEANS RACING VIEW. "From the expressions of a large number of the un-orejudiced here, the meeting will be well attended, and It is expected that by the time it opens every one will be ready to indorse it. The holding com-jany. which is to become solidly organized as soon as the proposition which Messrs. Heaslip and La-garde practically approved is accepted, will be composed entirely of local people, and positions, insofar as possible, will be filled during the coming meet- Ing by local men. In fact, the sport is to be clean mil untainted, with the Ccllas and the shady sections all opened up anil expurgated. Maybe it will be too clean to be interesting, but the gentlemen iroinoting the formation of the new company are letermined to chuck every chance of criticism oi .lisapproval from the public." says the Picayune. "The income of the local tracks last year from gate receipts alone was barely a sufficient amount to pay the purses daily contested, the salaries of he small army of persons employed about the track md other expenses had to come out of the sums aid the associations by the bookies and barkeeps ind program sellers. How expenses can be paid and a high class of racing furnished out of the gato receipts and bar and other privileges when there? are no books allowed to contribute, remains to bo seen. "However, the eastern tracks around New York enjoyed a fairly good season. There was not even ndlvldual betting allowed there, and danger of immediate arrest and imprisonment prevented even in-lividual betting. Memory brokers operated, sundry nods and whispers constituting the placing of bets: but if the Piukerton bright-eyes employed by Assistant District Attorney Elder spied anything of this nature going on. arrests quickly followed. In spite of this, though, the attendance was good nearly everywhere. People liked the sport, and those inclined to bet were very easily outnumbered by tho crowd that did not care a hoot about backing their opinions. "In New Orleans, where many visitors gather during the racing months, racing will cease to be a gambling game, and. as in the east, the sport will ittract mainly a sportsmanly, pleasure-loving variety if the genus homo. "Individual betting will be allowed here. The Locke law. which stopped bookmaking and pool-selling, does not prohibit that, and there Is no loubt but what there will be many bets made. But the racing game promises to have most of the disagreeable, dangerfcns and doubtful features pruned neatly away as conducted here this winter."