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PURSES FOR THE PLATERS. DOUGLAS PARK PROGRAM DEVOTED TO GIVING THE POORER HORSES A CHANCE. Deuce Wins at Ions: Odds Dr. Holzberg Defeats Irrigator and Elizabeth Harwood Eire Threatens Plant. Louisville. Ky.. October 1C. Todays card of six tacts under cheap selling conditions afforded the poorer racers an opportunity to earn purees. The f r. -rt in consequence was devoid of much interest iind reduced speculation considerably from the standard of previous days. The decisive beating administered several pronounced choices was felt severely by the supposed sure-thing set who make a practice of wagering heavily on favorites for place and show. The failure of Elizabeth Harwood to J silid second place was especially costly to them. The absence of good horses was responsible for reversals in many of the races, the most notable being that of Deuce, which scored easily, but over a band of less speed that the horses that beat him off in Lis last start. Home Kun and Hughes, winners la their respective races, also showed improvement ever their last races. In the closing race trainer .lames Blute of the W. Gerst stable attempted a letting coup with that one-time good horse Brancas, l-lt failed by a small margin. Gild, a previous disappointment, but running to his best form todav. landing the purse rather easily from liuboden and Baurida. About the worst horses stabled here started in flie fourth race and it resulted in the tliscst finish of the afternoon. Rexall winning in the last stride after a sharp drive to wear the extreme outsider. Ardis. down. Barmy Schreibers Dr. ITolzberg. beaten handily by Alice Baird in his previous race,, but interfered with, eanie away to an easy victory in the fifth race, for which Elizabeth Harwood was the favorite. Irrigator taking second place. Barney Schreihers Dr. Mayer was plunged on to take the second race, hut poor riding and a slow send-off brought about his defeat. Home Kun. from W. II. Fizers stable, talcing the purse. Most of the horsemen and race followers here will depart for Cincinnati tomorrow and Sunday to be on hand for the Latonia opening. It is predicted by knowing ones that not over twenty-live la vers vill be in line on the opening day. Jockey Heidel was fined 0 by the starter for rti.". obedience at the post in the second race. Ar offer of ,500 for the colt Jeff Bernstein, made . by F. Cook, was refused this morning. Cooks sue wira LaflTefice P. Daley has netted him a good !r-Li aad he is willing to invest in several good horses to take out to the coast. This will be Cooks last season on the turf as an owner as he intends to dispose of all his horses gradually and confine his operations to the lKxikmaking end. The announcement from New Orleans that Mr. H".;,slip is gradually shaping the winter meeting to I c held there, and that it will open on December 5. w.s cheering news to many of the horsemen in this cu c. ion. V. J. Young will not ship anything to New York, hut will turn out most of his horses at Lexington and await the rumored opening at Hot Springs. J. S. Hawkins is another owner who has abandoned s!:irping to California, and will remain idle for tiie greater part of the winter. A miniature prairie fire which began lefore race threatened the destruction of Douglas Park for ti time, and great excitement prevailed. The lire w.v! put out before any damage was done, race pa-tr; as, stable hands and the emergency fire apparatus belonging to the plant contributing.