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MANY TURF PILGRIMS RETURN. New York. November 19. Eugene Leigh, the American horse trainer, who lias been eight years in France in charge of a public stable, returned yes-terday by the North German Lloyd steamship Kron-prinzessin Cecilie. He said his horses had won 870 races in that period. He regards the French system of breeding as the best in the -world. The government encourages the raising of thoroughbreds and all the horses used in the army and by the farmers lmve a thoroughbred strain, He said he believed that if the United States would take uy the business of breeding horses, the army and the American agriculturists would have tiie liucst animals in the world. Mr. Leigh said lie had no doubt that the so-called anti-racing law of this state eventually would be beneficial. Racing would decline for a while, but would revivp later and would be conducted on a more substantial and equitable basis. Jockeys Fred and Johnny Taral, Fred Spencer and Michael .Miles were also passengers on the Kronprin-zessin. Fred Taral has been riding for Baron Springer in Austria-Hungary and. although ho lias won less prizes than in other years. lie lias captured some big ones, including one worth 4,000. Tlic racing law here, he said, bail made America the laughing stock of the sportsmen of Europe. Johnny Taral said the report that jockeys were treated like dogs iu Europe was not true: they were really treated better there than iu America. He predicted that the racing law would drive the whole tribe of good American jockeys to Europe. Spencer, who has been riding in Germany for the last two years for Count Kenken. said lie would not visit his home in California, but would spend two months here and then return to Germany. One of the effects of the New York racing law. he said, was to stimulate the sale of American horses in Germany. Miles, who rides for the Edgie brothers in Austria-Hungary, said he had won forty-two races last season.