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Los Angeles Entries and Past Performances for Thursday, November 26. WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK FAST Handicapped for a fast track. LOS ANGELES ENTRIES. Ind. norse. Wt. Rcc. A. Wt. Hdcp. 72SG0 Roy el Dinero 103 025 j : 1 Hardlysoti. ch. c. 4 For dilForences in weight add or deduct Hanlly?iCt,lart 10" 5 points to the pound. An extra good " Balerian. "b. f. Yiy riders averago worth is 3 pounds, The Commoner ! Valeriana 9S Fourth Raco 7-8 Mile. Iaeing starts at 1:40 p. m. Chicago time. 3:10. Pomona Handicap. 1.500 added. XRuos well in mud. fiSunerior mud runner. All Ages. First Race 3-4 Mile. Track record: 72500 1:24 3 100. 3-.vear-olds and upward. Allowances. iri?!!.:,11,,lclion. G. .ll:. . X750 Track record: 7210; 1:112202. ;2GlKesligoueIie ..i 111 1:21,! 3..115..X710 Ind. Horse. Wt. Rcc. A. Wt. Hdcp. 7S2012 Jack Nunnally 115 XiSik 4.. 114 710 7SO01 CoII.Miiiy US 1:12 4. .10.".. X7tt Z-J"" 1ay 102 1:21 3. .110. . X735 700203 Kialto no 1:12 3. .105. . X710 J.ti.,4i -Kcmmell 100 1:25 1..105..X735 7C.-.0I; Centre Shot 101 1:12" 3.. 102.. 740 i;2, VM j.mcr 3.. 103.... 730 70012 Hasty Agnes 02 1:12 3. .102. . X7:i5 1JandP H IUSe . , 2-- 07..X725 77032 Ida May 112 l:12i 3. .107. . X730 iiMv IS:,rV, 112 1:24 5. . 103. . X725 775and1 Gold Heart 100 1:14 3.. 102.. ..725 JiiH- Xox l0Anl "7 1:20? 4. .1M. . X725 , , ,0.:r Green Seal 4..10S 720 o Second Race 1 Mile. 744U8 Dominus Arvi 107 1:25S 4.. 114. 715 3-ycar-olds and upward. Selling- S. C. Hildroth entry Track record: 7342G 1:37S 3 10S. f W. Walker entry. S: Sff 108 U r-l-vllf; Ea"-1 1-8 Miles. 7G07S Barney Oldiieid lWi 1-40 "." MY" v7V ..-year-olds and upward. Selling. 7S012 Canhpl 4::loi::x7 - reCOrd: 7231tt-l:51E-Bl0. 77038 John Lyle 103 1:3J !.. !..IK5 U?sY . 3..102..X725 76343 Varictes 100 1:30? 0..102.. X005 liS0 Ila110. OS o 1:53? 3..102..X715 75S::03 Goldway 101 1:41 5. .110. . X605 Mss Oihcious 4.. 105.. 715 7S2Si Mike Jordan 107 1:44 J 7. .101. .. .090 id Merlingo 110 1:53 5..10S..X710 7703S Ronton 3.. 00 000 "U Heavy 0 10G 1:53 O..10O 710 7S274 Merrill OS 1:42 4..101..XOS0 We 11 4. .105. . X705 77000 Day Star 107 1:301 4.. 101 075 M Alma Boy 5..105..X705 fw-l Ilimor1 011:41 ,.1?X:!:-, Sixth Race 7:8 Mile. T. 321 iiomeiq 4 " im" "r rn .4-ycar-olds and upward. Allowances. Track record: 72500-1 :21-3-100. 72751 itoL Agreement Agreement o.. " wwm J0..X050 7r,402 Gommel, 10! 1:2gjt 4..lft7...x750 Third Race 5 1-2 Furlongs. 043S Lotus Eater 115 1:20 5..110..X740 2-year-olds. Selling. 7S24S3 Neva Lee 0. .107. .735 Track record: 72550 1:05? 1 100. 7552S3 Light Wool Ill 1:20 4.. 110.. 735 7S201 Entield 107 1:0S 100..X725 Zr-57 Sir Edward 112 1:26 5. .110. . X730 775S7 Joe Gaitcns 04 1:07 100..X715 Pretension 10! l:24i 7..107..X730 7C591 Coriel OS 1:07 103.. 715 i.4h Hilgert 90 l:2Ss 4.. 110 725 70SSS Inclement 103.... 710 Ji, 52 Mark Antony II. ..110 1:20? 5. .107. . X725 77S35 Scrvicence .100.. 705 9.6S1 Ethel Day 107 1:2515 0..107 720 77402 Helen Harvey 109 1:074 103.. X 700 iW,. Jack, wltt 102 1:25? 5..107..X720 70930 Nasmorito 100 095 44S Dominus Arvi 107 1:25S 4.. 110 715 ra,Hl of GotIlam .--105 1:07 103..X090 Tho figures under "Rec." in above entries show -iRf" th.bcst. tj?10 niatl? b? horse at the distance. Zt;;?2 7m"n2 y m T- 101.. x OS., with weight carried, since January 1. 1006. This 7"r7.7 i, W J0:; 075 time is not necessarily made by a winner. It may 7o007 Bennies Busy 103 050 be the estimated time of a losing performance. LATEST PERFORMANCES OF HORSES ENTERED TODAY? FIRST RACE 3-4 Milo. 3-ycar-olds and upward. Allowances. 72400 1: 11 g 2 92. Index Course DistTimoTckOdds Wt St J y. StrMn Jockeys Best Company. COLLOQUY, b. f. 4. by Russell La Tour G. H. Hollo. " xt;.i,i inr 78061 Latonla 3-1 1:14 fast 4 12 4 2 3 4i-4 Kennedy MIsrf Siin T M riSS? rJ05 gTSWonia 3-l l:2 fart W IIS 1 1 1 ti n MMcGce MiH lain. Al MuHbr??E 777rr LatOIlia 3-1 1:13 fant 3-a 117 1 1 1 li 1" Holtlel Alls S-iin rin oiuyn. 77724 Loyjsyillo 3-1 lt42 fast 21 UO ; 1 2 k licWpl Al Mujle", Benvic . RIALTO, ch. c. 3. by Watercress Teatro W. M. Rogers. Weight today 105. 7CC20 Empire 3-4 l:12g fast 5- 1U3 3 5 4 W 2J 13 Dugan Nimbus. Roseben. Notasulga. 7C5S0 Empire 3-4 l:lli fast 12-G 111 3 5 5 Cl CT E Dugan Nimbus. Jacobite. Gretna Creen. CENTRE SHOT. br. f, 3. by Sain Grand Shot W. Walker. Weight today 102. Seattle 2-1 1:12J fast 7-10 lOTi 2 12 Bled. A Harris Oypsy King. The Mist. Critic. 70559 Seattle 5-S 59 fast 1 105 1 5 5 41 3- A Harris Smiley Corbett. Ravaria. Fireball. 7C47G Seattle 3-4 1:11 fast 11-3 10S 2 2 2 2l 2- A Harris FeruL., Gyps- Kins. Hasty Agnes. HASTY AGNES, b. f. 3. by Hastings St. Agnes St. James Stable. Weight today 102. 7C312 Seattle 1 1:402 slow 11 102 5 4 3 3 3 3 Scoville A. Muskodav. Pal. Miss Mazzonl. 7CJ22 Seattle lm70y 1:422 fast 20 103 S 7 S 9 9 9llScoville High Gun. Harry Scott. Harmakls. 7CS23 Seattle 7-8 1:271 slow 20 90 2 7 5 C 51 510 Andrews VoxIopull. Ed.T.Fryer. M.MozzouI. IDA MAY. ch. f. 3. bv Charade Forelock M. Rcis. Weight today 107. 77032 Seattle 3-1 1:12 fast 4 103 7 C 5 4l 43 Scoville Silv.Stocking. Toupee. TaylorGeorge 76977 Seattle 3-4 1:122 fast 4J 102 8 5 3 l1 l2 Scoville Rucolic. Fireball. Adena. 7G920 Seattle C f l:lSjJ fast 8 9S 2 C 7 7 C A Harris Kerry. Silver Stocking. Toupee. GOLD HEART, ch. g. 3. bv Golden Garter Heartless R. F. Carman. Weight today 102. 77CS4 Hamilton 5-S 1:00? fast 7-10 10S 3 2 2 2s 2l Musgruve Momentum. Elack Hawk. Fleming. 77411 Hamilton f.J f 1:07ft fast 2 10S 2 11 Hi Hi Musgrave Jar. Wilson. Momentum. Blk.Hawk. 77338 Hamilton 5i f l:07j good 41 9G 1 1114 lz Keunedy Pretension. Aimee C. Tenakoe. 75528 Montreal 3-1 1:13J fast 12 100 2 1 1 l3 5 Euglder Parkview, Blllie Hlbbs, Light Wool SECOND RACE 1 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 72120 1:37?. 3 10S. OLD TIMER, br. c. 3. bv Elkhorn Argent Tholl Bros.. Weight today 10G. 733U8 S. Anita 3-4 1:12 fast 7 112 4 4 5 41 4i Moriarity Magazine, Col. Jack, Mary F. 732S3 S. Anita 3-4 1:12 fast 9 93 2 3 3 3s 3 C Ross Meelick, M. Antony II., Canardo. 72408 S. Anita 1 1:372 fast S IDS 1 2 2 1 lUk C n ShilgMagazine, Stanley Fay, Early Tide. BLACK MATE, ch. g. 4. bv First Mate Later Orangevalc Stable. Weight today 102. Seattle 1 1-10 l:4fi fast 1S-5 110 3 3 1 1 2 2- T Koland 15. Oldfiold. F. Rent. Miss OUicious. 75S0G Seattle lmHOy 1:421 fast 1 110 4 2 2 2 23 l3 G Arcliibd.losieS.. Convent Belle, lie Thankful 33ARNEY OLDFIELD. ib. p. 3. by Moreno La Amiga Garrity and Dunlap. Weight today 105. 7GT?S Seattle 1 l::iN fast 5 92 .S 3 ! 7 C, 5s Coburn Gypsy Kins. Critic. Cadiclion. 7G901 Seattle 1 1-1G l:45j fast 4 92 1 1 3 ?. 2J l1 Coburn Pedro. Mis Mazzoni. EdwiuT.Fryer 7G799 Seattle lm70y 1 : 10A slop 12 98 7 3 3 2 Is li Coburn Triumphant, llarmakis. St. Kihln. CANIQUE, b. g, 4. by Canopus Angelinuc II. T. Bachcler. Weight today 101. 72GS0 S. Anita l 3- 1G 2:022 fast 9-5 102 4 3 3 2 2 2l. G I.urns Sam Bernard, Rip Hap, CliristineA. 73G47 S. Anita 7-S l.S.i fast G 104 -7 8 8 7 5 - Mllliuno Silvcrskin, Gossiper II., SloneyLee. 73315 S. Anita 3-1 l:13jj fast 4 107 5 0 G 7 75 C II ShllgTalarand, Wistaria, Hereafter. 72S10 S. Anita 1 1:40 fast 2 107 9 5 4 3 HJ 13J Milliano AlmaBoy, LadyCliiswell, Homeless. JOHN LYLE. br. g. C, bv Lamplighter La Toupee R. T. Offutt. Weight today 0G. 77u3S Seaftle 1 1:40?. fast 5 ll.i 9 10 !l 5 5 22 W MelnreRilly Pnllman. Tonic. Bunton. 7000 Seattle 1 l:39g fast 7 107 1 4 0 !. G13 H Wilson Dav Star. Stoney Wap. 7GS9U Seattle lm70y 1:442 fast 12 1 05 4 3 3 3 li Li 1 i Wilson Rutiiuon. Alma Boy. Kenuit. VARIETES, br. g, G, bv Masetto Vain Glory W. Walker. Weight today 102. 7G343 Seattle 11: to?, last 1G-5 100 2 2 2 2 2l 43i A Harris Nonio, Jack Adams. L. C. Aekorley. 7G303 Seattle lm30y 1 fast 7 107 1 3 3 4 5J 5- A Harris N. Bunippo. Monvina. Josios .lewel. COLD WAY, b. sr. 5. bv Goldfinch Waitawav R. L. Thomas. Weight today 110. 7. .-20 Windsor 1 3 -111 2:0 fast 2i 112 4 C. G 5 4 3- C II ShilgZipango, St. Hario. Gilvedear. 73735 Windsor 1 1-1G 1:47 fast G 5 110 1 5 5 5 H- 351 H .Shilglen.SlafTord, TrueBoy, Masanlello. 7.".cr.2 Windsor 1 1-S 1:544 fast 3-2 114 7 3 4 5 5 33 C II SliilgSoloiiShlnglo, Flaviguy, Lajeunesse 75305 Montreal 1 1-8 1:532 fast 3-5 107 4 4 3 2 21 li C H SliIlgDebar. Almandine. St. Ilario. MIKE JORDAN, b. tr. 7. by Nophow Zylpha W. St. Vincent. Weight today 104. V ; Oakland 1 1-4 2:07M fast 5 1W 5 1 2 2 21 2-J King County Clerk. Nadzu. Remember. 7S--24 Oakland lin70y l:45j? fast 3 114 5 4 4 5 45, 3- W Miller P..PiilIman. CliarlesGreen. SIrBrillar 7S210 Oakland 1 1-4 2:0GJ fast 4J 105 5 5 3 4 4 2 C Tioss Xadzii, IVauk Ijubbock, Talamund. 7-117 Oakland 1 1-8 1:55 fast 9-5 107 3 5 2 2 21 I1 C Itoss I.azell. Orchan. Military Man. 7: 107 Oakland lm70y 1:45R fast 12 107 3 4 4 5 ink 12J c Koss ltemember. CountyClerk. TeaTrayll 73.45 Oakland lm20y 1:41ft fast 10 114 5 7 S 7 G3 C C Koss HlackMatc. HighGun. I.C.Ackerlcy BONTON. b. g. 3, bv His Highness Chiffon Kansas Stable. Weight today 9G. 7o;:S Seattle 1 1:40R fast 10 111 1 1 1 1 2 45 Kcttig Hilly Pullman. John Lyl. Tonic. 770J Seattle ll::aijffast 20 101 4 1 3 8 11 ll-iScoville llav Star. Stoney Leo. Wap. 7C902 Seattle 3-4 l:13i fast 4 103 9 S .S Gi 4 Hussll WorkandPlay. V.Tromp. P.andSalt. MERRILL, b. g. 4. bv Roval Flush III. Extract W. D. Millard. Weight today 101. 7W74 Oakland 2 11:11 fast 9 113 4 3 4 4l 3J Kei.gli Xebnlosus. FreeK.tliePear. Phalanx 7s::49 Oakland 2-1 1:141 fast 4 119 C 4 5 4J 31 Keogh S.Mctzner. FreiiK.tbelfear. Combury 7S21 Oakland lni70y l:4Gg fast 11-5 114 Sill l"k 22 Keot;h Col. Bronston. My Pal. Mldmont. 7M51 Oakland 51 f 1:07 fast 5 119 G 4 4 2i 3J Keofjli Herealter, Von Tromp. Apto Oro. 7fl20 Oakland 3-4 1:132 fast 5 112 4 4 4 5l C Keoh Anna May. Nagazam. Belle Kinney. DAY STAR. ch. g. 4. bv Solitaire II. Break oDay E. C. Blum. Weight today 104. 77000 Seattle 1 1:392 fast 8 107 7 5 4 2 2-1 1 G AreliibdSloncy Loo. Wap. P.ill.v Pullman. 7C940 Seattle lm70y 1 : -Ui slow 12 VH 7 G 4 4 2?. 23 G Areliibd.Iosies .Jewel. iNirkllill. .Iibii"town. 70921 Seattle 1 1-1G 1:4 fast 8 107 S G S S S- S- G ArcliibdM.Kaiidolph. King of Mist. St.Kildii KING LEOPOLD, b. c, 4. by Scmpronius Nellie N. P. King. Weight today 101. hSWI Oliurcliill D. ll:liv fast 3 95 4 S 7 5 43 3 Shrove Minnehaha. Sponge Cake. Quagga. C8.VJ3 Churchill D. 1 1:4 lg fast 1S-5 99 11 9 9 S 4! 3-i Slneve Demo. Albert Fir. I?azil. THE HAMMER, b. g. 3. by Ben Holladay Juda G. S. Davis. Weight today 0G. 740:;:: S. Anita 1 l:40g fast 15 104 G 5 5 4 41 4" M Murphy Decorator, Franciscan, Aromatize. 72:-,72 S. Anita 1 l:41g fast 100 102 11 11 8 7 8 43 M Murphy H.orSheumere, Decoiaior.S.Writer. 72S03 S. Anita 3-4 1:14s fast 100 109 1 2 11 10 S$ S12 G ArciiibdT.FIyer. LancashireLadS.A. Carlisle 73740 S. Anita 11:12 fast 30 104 9 8 G G 10-J Lloyd Strat Martin, Joseph K., Suzerain. HOMELESS, br. g. 4. bv Allan-a-Dale or Batten Wanton G. Henry. Weight today 104. 73321 S. Anita 7-S 1:28 slop 12 9G 4 5 5 5 4J 1: Dugan F.lizabeth F., Bragg, P.annotence. 72810 S. Anita 11:10 fast 3i 112 2 1 2 4 41 44h C II ShilgOanhiue, Alma Boy, Itdy Chiswell. 72791 S. Anita 7-S 1:2C2 fast 5 103?. 2 4 3 4 3l 2"k C H ShirgPIiil Igoe, Prolific Kirklield Belle. 72C41 S. Anita 7-S l:2Gg fast 2 10G 1 4 4 3 2i 1 C H SliilgBushwhacker, Nadzu, Lisbia. AGREEMENT, ch. c. 3. by Star Ruby Harmony II. W. W. Finn. Weight today DG. 72751 S. Anita 11:40 fast 8 97 1 2 2 4 4- 5s G Burns Entrada, R.andRound.UCavanaBh 72G25 S. Anita 3 4 1:13J fast 0 5 112 3 3 3 41 CM! 11 Sliilg liambro, Tt. ami Uound, Ur.Siinrall 72195 Oakland F1 C 1:12 slop CO 112 1 3 2 UI 4J It Davis Dareingloti, Kdifh K., Balnade. 72142 Oakland 3-1 1:144 slop 50 112 G G G 7 7" It Davis Gene Kussell. Manchester. Albionll. THIRD RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. 2-year-olds. Soiling. 72550 1:05E 1105. ENFIELD, ch. o. 2, by Star Shoot Isoleo A. Bluto. Weight today 10G, 7SJ01 Latonia.. 5i f 1:09J hvy G 103 1 2 2 33 22 J Butler Light Blue. The Peer. Greenbridge. 7MC3 Latonia 5i f 1:13 hvy 7 110 1 1 1 li 2.; Troxler Bosebnrg II.. Greeubridge. CoI.Blue 777125 Iitonia 5 f 1:07 fast 9 107 5 3 3 4U Dl A Walsh All Bed. Home Bun. Dispute. 77C51 Louisville 3-4 1:142 fast 20 1 03 5 5 G Ci 7 W Ott Christmas. Aspirin. All Bed. JOE GAITENS. b. c. 2, by Sorcerer Lynnetto P. T. Chinn. Weight today 10G. 773S7 Hamilton 5?. f 1:0GJ fast I 94 4 5 1 li 3 .1 W MphvTTawksflighr, Edwin L.. Alice. 77532 Hamilton 3-4 1:14 slow 5 97 2 1 2 2S 5s .1 W MphyFornundo. Punky. Chief Hayes. 77284 Hamilton 3-4 1:14 fast 7 99 Left at the pust. .1 Bergen .Hoyle. Aralia. Tony W. 77291 Toronto 3-4 1-.13J fast 8 S7 4 2 2 4s 4i Deverich Park Uow. Yaddo. Aimee C. CORIEL. ch. g. 2. bv Alvcscot litis CD. Connolly. Weight today 103. 70591 Seattle 5J f 1:05.4 fast 17 9S 3 2 2 22 3 Itussell Achieve. Fair Annie. Phlllisitiua. 7C342 Seattle 5-S 1:01 fast 13-5 107 1 1 1 l3 In A Harris Lula G.. Toll Box. Inclement. 7G0C5 Seattle 5-S 1:002 fast C 105 3 2 2 22 l3 I Boland Lula G.. Pliillistina. Ltidy Quality. INCLEMENT, b. c. 2. by Peep oDay Raindrop C. and B. Stable. Weight today 103. 7GSSS Seattle 3-4 1:13 fast 13 103 4 3 4 3i 72 P. Wilson Fair Annie. Port. Aks-Ar-Bcn. 7G797 Seattle 3-4 1:1G sloj 11-10 110 3 2 2 22 5s J Haves SI col. Frieze. Aks-Ar-Bcn. 7GG70 Seattle 5-S 1:01 g slop 1S-5 110 3 1 1 l3 l1 .1 Haves Steel. Pliillistina. Mozart. SERVICENCE. ch. c. 2. by Service Innocenco CP. Knebelkamn. Weight today 100. 7G814 Montreal 5-S 1:002 fast GO 104 3 1111 2i T nice Corcmonius. Lomond. Oowdin. 7G112 Windsor 5-S 1:023 slow 20 102 G 5 5 Snt ! T Rice U.deNoyles, ManyColors.Chipmunk 75305 Montreal 1-2 4SJ fast 10 112 1 3 53 5 .1 Howard Lady Irma, DandeNoyles, Pleasing 7520G Toronto 5-S 1:02J fast 10 107 1 2 2 2l 4i J Howard Havre, Hawkwiug, LadyRensselaei HELEN HARVEY, b. f. 2. by Star Ruby Doughnuts M. Hirsch. Weisrht today 103. 77192 Belmont Gi f l:lSi fast 15 104 7 8 S 8 S3aJCrowley Hill Top. Court Ladv. BonnieKelso 77400 Aueduct 3-4 1:144 fast 2J 105 7 7 7 G 4h Gilbert Constellation. Garland. U.Beaumonl 7G520 Saratoga 3-1 1:13J fast 3 99 9 7 5 Gi 7 D McCthyClieek. Court Ladv. Edwin L. 7C1S4 Saratoga EJ 1:03 good 1 109 5 5 4 5 71 Notter Variation. Sans Souci IL. Cheek. NASMERTTO, b. c. 2. bv Nasturtium Merito J. J. Walsh. Weight today 10G. 7C92C Seattle 3-4 1:1G slow 20 110 11 12 12 12 9IU,.H Wilson Frieze. Rov T.. Hiedkin. 7.SUl Seattle 5-S 1:00s fast 25 112 11 11 11 92 S17AMontry Instant. Frieze. EI Pavo. 7GG70 Seattle 5-S 1:01s sloj 20 108 9 S G 7r- 7IBiD Boland Inclement. Steel. Pliillistina. MAID OF GOTHAM, b. f. 2. by Buck Massie Gotlia St. James Stable. Weight today 103. 770OS Seattle 5. f 1:072 fast 7 105 4 1112 In Scoville Buckthorn. Angleraci-. C.W.I lodges. 7;SG9 Seattle 5-S 1 um fast 10 109 12 12 12 12 122,:?.A Harris Inslant. Frieze. Kl Pavo. 7C74G Seattle 51 f 1:08 mud 10 lo5 10 9 9 9s 91S Mentry Miss Bootless. Frieze El Iavo. BOLD. b. f, 2, by Resolute II. Baroness Pepper W. D. Millard. Weight today 104. 78272 Oakland F C l:lg fast loo loo 4 2 2 2 l.Mtuss.-ll Force. Semproni. Aks Ar-P.en. 78104 Oakland 5 S 59i fast 40 :i7 10 10 10 9 it-s.Kiisehm IMgliteasv. Listowcl. Tom Hayward 75021 Oakland 5 8 1:01 fast 8 1 02 3 2 2 22 4" Kirsehm Osoriue. Frieze. Aks-Ar-l!en. 74SS9 Oalcland 1-2 4Sg fast 3 1 07 4 1 IJ IS A Walsh Alice Collins, Intonation. Coppit. 74781 Oakland 1-2 49 fast 1S-5 107 10 8 7i 9i Borel . Ihilllstina, Armature, Sem.FideliP ROY T., ch. c. 2. bv Decring Paula Offutt and Wright. Weight today 101. 71230 Seattle 3-4 1:10 slow 40 97 12 11 9 8 2 2l Andrews Frieze. Dredkin. AiigleL-ice. 7GS9S Seattle 3-4 1:134 fast 21 9S 9 4 7 7l 73 1! Wilson Minalto, Minnie P.right. Ilredkin. 7C820 Seattle 5-S l:02g slow S 10S 10 9 11 11 ll21 Pago Lin.da. Incentive. Anglerace. ZELLA G.. b. f. 2. bv Orsini Lizzella F. W. Foster. Weight today 103. 75215 Oakland 5-S 1:01s fast 75 107 8 9 9 S2 8 F.orel nnnnahLouiPo. Altamor. Intonation. 73112 Oakland 41 f 55 fast 7-5 107 2 5 2 Ink iu c Boss Galsini. Miss Danville. Marchesa. BENNIES BUSY. b. f. 2. bv Prince Plenty Little Stranger J. F. Newman. Weight today 103. 73G07 S. Anita 3-8 35J fast 9 5 105 5 GI fi M Preston Bold. Bell of Brass. Oilie Ward. 73300 S. Anita 1-2 48 fast 12 105 G 4 41 G..M Preston Aunt Aggie, Madrileno, Antioch. 732C2 S. Anita 3-S 35J fast S KiS S l3 li M Preston Q.s Grove, La It. Hindoo. C.Lady. 72223 S. Anita 31 f 41jj fast 5 103 3 li Gi M Preston La Paladin, J. II. Reed, Inclement. REY DEL DINERO. ch. c. 2. bv Vesuvian Miss Ford E. J. Baldwin. Weight today 103. 72SG0 S. Anita 3". f 424 slop 100 105 9 7. S" Herman Chilla. Cop.Princcss. .Mat. Kussell. 727C9 S. Anita 3-S 25H fast 100 103 9 9 9si Herman MadeliueMusgrave. M. Russell. Bold 72715 S. Anita 3 S 3G hvy GO 110 13 92 Sllllerman Hampass. Fred Maier, C.W.Riley. 72G7S S. Anita 3-S 312 fast 100 102 11 11 1021 Herman Achieve, Cop. Princess, M.Musgrave. Fii-st start for the following: HARDLYSON. ch. c, 2. by Picquort Hardly. Weight today 103. BALERIAN. b. f. 2. by The Commoner Valeriana. Weight today 08. FOURTH RACE 7-S Mile. Pomona Handicap. All Ages. 72390 1:211 100. DANDELION, ch. h. 6. by Hamburg Pansy S. C. Hildroth. Weight today 119. 7s ,l8 Oakland 1 1-1G 1:454 fast 9 10 119 111 1 Is P V Powers Dorante. Neva Lee. 781 .4 Oakland 1 1-1C 1:14 fast 13-5 1 IS 3 3 3 3 3t 23 C II SliIlgKov.Tourist. W.T.Overton. NevaLco 7SI0G Oakland 1 l:3Sg fast 9-20 110 2 3 3 3 31 21 1 Koerner Evehrlght. Neva Lee. Firestone. 77277 Gvesend 1 3-1G 1:59 fast 10 100 2 2 2 3 4 4B D McCthyAugclus. Fair Play. Dorante. 77254 Gvesend 1 1-1 2:0G fast 31 111 5 2 2 2 32 31 Notter Firestone. Killlecrankle. Far West. 77UG Gvesend 1 1-4 2:032 fast 0 103 2 2 2 4 4 4iC H ShllgFalrPlay. KIngJames. MasterRoberl RESTIGOUCHE. blk. g. 3. by Commando Dancing Water S. C. Hildroth. . Weight today 115. 7S201 Oakland 7-S 1:24?. fast 9 20 111 1 3 2 11 ll V Powers .T.Nunnallv. Eyc:hright. Native Son. 7S235 Oakland 5-S 594 fast 11-20 110 8 S 8 S G9i Hoffman Jcan.dArc. Boogerlted. FitzIIerlierl 7G877 Sheepshd 1 1:3S2 fast 8-5 10G 7 G C C 4 3 Notter Half Sovereign. Big Chief. Ben Ban 7C841 Sheepshd Ci f 1:188 fast 3 119 1 2 2 21 21 Notter Snooner. Big Chief. Bar None. 75054 Belmont 7i f 1:314 fast 1 107 1 1 1 1 1 li Notter Bockstone, Zlenap, Rlalto. JACK NUNNALLY. ch. s. 4. by David Tenny Lillio W. A. F. Dayton. Weight today 114. 7S2G1 Oakland 7-S 1:24J fast 7 115 5 G 5 3 2i 21 C Miller Bestigouche. Eyebright. Native Son 78210 Oakland Cl f 1:18 fast 18-3 119 9 9 9 8 71,,1C. Miller F.Herhert. Jeanne dArc. NativeSon 74251 Oakland P C 1:031 fast 11-5 114 1 11 1" 1" C Miller Sugarmald, NativeSon. S.Stocking. 724G8 Oakland 3-4 1:15 slop 2 113 7 "5 r, C5 G" F HbrandGemmell, Grace G., Prejuiclo. 720S9 Oakland 5-8 582 fast 6 103 5 G G 4J 11 C Miller Meelick, Native Son, Andr.B.Cook. STANLEY FAY. b. c. 3. by Canopus Mamie B. W. Walker. Weight today 110. 7C919 Seattle lm50y 1:404 fast 13-5 112 3 4 4 4 4 4i A Harris Vox Populi. Cadiclion. Tony Faust. 7CG7:! Seattle 7-8 1:2GK slop 4 114 5 4 4 4 5i 4s E Lynch Smiley Corbett. Critic. Fantastic. 7G.,r,7 Seattle 1 1-1 2:0IM fast 14-5 110 1 3 3 3 11 In E Lynch Pedro. Fantastic. Harry Scott. GEMMELL. ch. g. 4. by Rubicon Okusto W. Walker. Weight today 105. 7C440 Seattle 5i f l:o5 fast 8-5 105 4 5 4 3 1" A Harris FernL.. SliirleyRo.ssniore, Pajarolla 7C3G2 Seattle 3-4 1:112 fast 10 10S 4 2 2 31 31! A Harris Toupee. Touy Faust. Ida May. OLD TIMER, br. c. 3. by Elkhorn Argent Tholl Bros.. Weight today 103. 73398 S. Anita 3-4 1:124 fast 7 112 4 4 5 41 41 Moriarity .Magazine. Col. Jack, Mary F. 73283 S. Anita 3-1 1:12 fast 9 93 2 3 3 32 3si C Ross Meelick. M. Antony IL. Canardo. 7240S S. Anita 1 1:374 fast S 10S 1 2 2 1 1" 1 C H ShilgMagazine. Stanley Fay. Early Tide. LEE ROSE. b. g. 2. by St. Avonicus Lavcna C. J. J. Walsh. Weight today 97. 7G32G Seattle 5-S 1:004 fast 3-4 120 1 11 l4 l7 W Kelly Aks-Ar-Bcn. Rightcasy, Listowcl. 75GG0 Seattle 4i f 531 fast 3-5 122 2 2 2 2l E Lynch Rose Queen, Bighteasy. LISARO. br. h. 5. by Rey ol Santa Anita Seven Up E. J. Baldwin. Weight today 103. 74931 Oakland 1 1-1G 1:444 fast 10 100 4 5 3 4 41 C19 Rettig Downpatrick. Vox Populi. Cloyne. 74S37 Oakland 1 1-1G l:45g good 4 100 5 G G 4 4i 4C1 W Miller Cloyne, Cabin, Marsler. 74783 Oakland 1 1-8 1:514 fast 5 107 3 3 2 1 41 55i Bettig Marster. Cabin, Cadiclion. 74729 Oakland 1 1-1G 1:452 fast 5 10G 10 G G G Ct 32i W Miller Geminell. Critic, Cadiclion. 74594 Oakland P C 1:101 good 4 115 3 G G G" 5" W Miller Centre Shot, Cloudlight, The Mist VOX POPULI. ch. c. 4. by Voter Dorset Flower T. S. Childs. Weight today 10G. 7703G Seattle 11:372 fast 2 101 4 4 2 1 Is Is King Mirzer, Fern I.. .Toe Nealon. 7C939 Seattle 1 1-S 1:524 slow 13-5 107 7 4 4 1 lu 13 King Pedro. Edw. T. Fryer. Miss Ofllcious 7G919 Seattle lm50y 1:40 fast 13-5 101 4 3 2 1 li l2 King Cadiclion. Tony Faust. Stanley Fay. GREEN SEAL. b. c. 4. by Greonan Goldseal St. James StableL Weight today 108. 77035 Seattle 1 1-1C l:44g fast 3-2 109 1 11 1 l2 I1 Scoville Edw.T.Frver. Roval Ben. Cadiclion. 70939 Seattlo 1 1-S 1:524 slow 4J 110 4 2 2 4 5 G"iScovIlle Vox Ponuli. Pedro. Edwin T. Fryer. 7CS71 Seattle 1 1-S 1:512 fast 4 104 2 1 1 1 Is Is Scoville VoxPouulI. TonyFaust. MIssMazzoni DOMINIIS ARVI. ch. g. 4. by Kismet Chitoso G. Summers. Weight today 114. 744GS Jakland 7-S 1:23? fast S 3 los 7 5 5 3 G3 5" .w -Miller The Mist, Sidney V.. Su;?armaid. 74323 Oakland P C 1:09 fast 12-5 110 5 5 5 4" 3i D Boland Pajaiolta, Native Son, Fantastic. 73972 S. Anita 3-4 1:13 fast 7-5 118 4 3 2 21 1" C H ShilgPretensIon, Botanist. Critic 73895 S. Anita 1 1:334 fast 13-20 10S 3 11 1 l2 l3 C H ShllgMacIas, Critic, Daruma. S. C. Hildroth entrv Itestlgouciie and Dandelion. W. Walker entry Stanley Fay and Gemmell. FIFTH RACE 1 1-8 Miles. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 72510 1:51" G 100. HUSKY, ch. c, S. by Royal Flush II. Festal A. F. Dayton. Weight today 102. 7X2SS Oakland lmoOy 1:42 fast G 105 4 G 0 G 42 lnt c Miller Royal Ben, Fred Bent. Cadiclion. 7S230 Oakland 3-4 1:124 fast 30 10S G G G 0 6 C Miller Bellwether. Fireball. Cresslna. 78211 Oakland ImaOy 1:44 fast 10 100 3 5 C 5 4" 21! C Miller Woodcraft. Phalanx. L. C. Aekerlcy 7513G Oakland 3-4 1:14J fast 2 111 4 4 4 2l 1 C Miller Billy Myer. Boas. Bannock Girl. 75070 Oakland P G 1:102 fast 11-5 105 11 8 C nt 2i C Miller Boas. Billy Myer. Bonheur. ST. ILARIO. blk. c. 3. by St. Carlo Orsini C. H. Knebelkamn. Weight today 1 77333 Hamilton 1 1-8 1:55 fast C 102 2 10 9 7 0l G" T Rice Reidmoore. Char. Gilbert. Golf n . 7730S Hamilton 2 3:2S fast 3 101 5 5 5 4 2J 2nk T Bice Slcamous. Redgatintlet. Water Lake 77413 Hamilton 1 1-1G 1:454 fast 1 108 1 2 2 2 11 Is T Rice Blacksheep. Glaucus. L. M. E krt 772S7 Toronto lm70y 1:4G fast 8 107 2 5 5 5 5 5101T Bice Dennis Stafford. Chalfonte. Glaucus MISS OFFICIOUS, b. f. 4. by Meddler Ballyhoo M. Reis. Weight today 105. 7G939 Seattle 1 1-8 1:524 slow G 102 3 7 7 7 Gs 4,JJ Russell Vox Populi. Pedro. EdwinT.Frycr. 7G79S Seattle 2 3:314 slop H-5 103 2 1 1 1 1 1 Russell First Peep. Harry Scott. 73971 Seattle 1 1-1 2:052 fast 7-10 103 3 3 2 1 l2 m W Kelly Ouardi. Rama. T MERLINGO. ch. h, 5. by Ornament Mary M. J. Singleton. " Weight today 108. 73973 S. Anita 1 3-1G 1:592 fast 3-2 109 3 1 1 1 lu 11 ; ArchlbdSilvcrskln, County Clerk, Nadzu. 73S71 S. Anita 1 3-1 C 1:594 fast 11-5 107 2 1 1 1 Hi G ArchibM Avontellus, County Clerk.Sum .Cloud. 73744 S. Anita 1 1-S 1:532 fast 7-5 108 3 2 2 4 313 3l" C II ShirgAvontelliis. Ouaidi, Bragg. 73C19 S. Anita 1 1:39 fast 21 112 2 4 4 3 4 2li C H ShilgDaruma, Gateway, Kilter. HENRY 0.. br. g, G, by Charade Fruit of tho Loom W. Walker. Weight today 100. noil Seattle 1 1-1 2:05" fast 7 100 S 0 9 9 9 91G,.A Harris King of Mist, Monvina. Fair Fa-ot. 7G91S Seattlo 1 1-10 1:472 fast 10 107 11 7 5 8 72 75i W MclnroPeggy ONeal. Tonic. Llberfo. 7GS90 Seattle lm70y 1:112 fast 40 100 9 9 9 10 10 9" A Harris Biibinoii. John Lyle. Alma l.oy. BYE BYE II.. b. f. 4. bv Sir Walter Nortlmmbria St. James Stable. Weight today 105. 77035 Seattle 1 1-1G 1 :44g fast 3-2 90 2 7 7 5 4 " P. Wilson Green Seal. E. T. Fryer. Boy. Brn. 7G997 Seattle 3-4 1:122 fast 8 109 9 9 G fii 21 G Koerner Itavaria. Tamav. Anna Ma v. 709 1 1 Seattle 5J f l:0GjJ slow 30 102 9 9 7 G Gtii G ArcliibMSliIr.Bossmore. St. Francis. Bucolic ALMA BOY, ch. g. 5. bv Salvation Sweet Caporal J. W. Young. Weight today 105. 70900 Seattlo 3-4 1:114 rast 12 107 7 8 7 41 1 Mentry Dencen. Nattie Bumiipo. Mairanf. 70921 Seattle 1 1-10 1:40 fast 51 109 1 2 3 3 5 5"i E Lynch M.Bandolph. luiigofMist. St.Kilda. 7G890 Seattle ItnTOy 1:112 fast 41 107 1 G 7 G 5 3J1 E Lynch Bnblnon. John Lyle. Ktrmit. SIXTH RACE 7-8 Mile. 4-year-olds and upward. Allowances. 725901:2143100. GEMMELL. ch. g. 4, bv Rubicon Okusto W. Walker.- Weight today 107. 70440 Seattle 5i f 1:05 fast 8-5 103 4 5 4 3l 2 A Harris FernL.. SUIrleyRos-wiore. Paiarolta 76302 Seattle 3-4 1 :llg fast 10 10S 4 2 2 31 35J A Harris Toupee. Tony Faust. Ida May. LOTUS EATER, br. h. 5. by Galore Summer Sea St. James Stable. Weight today 110. 70138 Seattle 1 1-S 1:504 fast 5 109 7 0 0 0 54 4ci C Koerner Glorio, Edwin Gum. Early Tide. 70325 Seattle 1 1-10 l:43g fast 9-5 109 0 G 0 0 21 2 Gaugel Edwin Gum, Cadiclion. Fan ta-tic. NEVA LEE, ch. m, 6. by El Rio Rey Fonsetta A. F. Dayton. W3ight today 107. 7S218 Oakland 1 1-10 1:454 fast 1C-5 102 2 3 3 3 2t 31 G Miller Dandelion. Dorante. 7S237 Oakland lm70y 1:434 fast 2 107 4 4 3 2 2- 3 C Miller W.T.Overton, Woodcraft. Import. 78151 Oakland 1 1-1G 1:444 fast 5 102 5 5 5 5 42 41! G Miller B.Tourist, Dandelion. W.T.Overton. 78138 Oakland lm70y 1:43 fast 21 102 4 3 1 1 11 2" C Miller Montgomery. D.Eurique. Sugarmald. 7S10G Oakland 1 1:382 fast 9 102 7 8 8 7 4"k 33 C Miller Eyebrlglit. Dandelion. Firestone. 75244 Oakland 1 1-16 1:452 fast 25 94 9 5 2 3 41 9,s F HbrandBoggs. Johnny Lsons. Cadiclion. LIGHT WOOL. ch. c. 4. by Woolsthorpe Aluminum R. L. Thomas. Weight today 110. 75528 Montreal 3-1 1:134 fast 2 110 4 5 5 4 33 5 H StiilgParkview, Billie Ilibbs, Botanist. 752S1 Montreal 1 1-S 1:534 fast 1-2 113 1 1 1 1 l1 21 C II ShilgGoldway, Lally. 75234 Toronto 1 1-1G 1:44 f-ist 2 112 5 2 1 1 l1 2 C H ShilgM.Doyle, TlieShaughrann, St.TIirio. 74944 Toronto 1 1L1C 1:49 fast 7-10 10S Fell. C II SliilgGliinuior, Beidmooie. T. Calhoun. SIR EDWARD, b. h. 5. bv Eddie Jones Motto J. J. Walsh. Weight today 110. 72957 S. Anita 3 4 1:144 hvy 3J 120 3 2 2 l2 22 W Knapp Botanist. Magazine, Don Domo. 72S9S S. Anita 7-S 1:27S slop 7-5 115 3 11 1 1" 1 Bullnian Lisaro. Timothy Wen, Marsler. 72S14 S. Anita 7-S 1:212 fast 5 112 G G 0 G 51 G3 C 11 ShilgMagazine, Creston, Bosegal. 72S0S S. Anita Cl f 1:19 fast 41 115 1 5 5 510 Ink C II ShilgMagazine, Creston, M. Antony II. PRETENSION, b. g. 7, by Oriflamb Vanity P. T. Chinn. Weight today 107. ;74N3 Hamilton 11:10 fast 21 11211 2 2 .2 33 Jsicol Niblick. Sol. Shingle. ncnnisSlalTord. 77338 Hamilton 51 f 1:072 good 4 110 11 4 2 21 23 Musgrave Gold Heart, Aimee C. Tenakoe. 772G2 Toronto 7-8 1:274 fast 3-4 114 4 2 2 1 ll l1 V Powers Clolsteress. SolonSliingle. kickSure. 7211 Toronto 3-4 1:14 fast 41 125 9 9 G 41 35 V Powers Waterbtiry. Park Bow. Moutbert. klLGERT. b. c, 4. bv Wadsworth Madge Doreo W. S. Price. Weight today 110. 74035 Oakland 7-8 1:254 fast 10 103 9 10 9 9 93iW McInreMontelalr, Wap. Gypsy Kin-r. 7451S Oakland lm20y 1:414 fast 13-3 112 4 5 4 3 31 2 W Miller Standover, EdSherldan. Bal.Voung. 74143 Oakland lm70y 1:454 fast 11-10 109 3 G 5 3 3-1 Ci W Miller Elevation, ltulphloung, John Lyle. 71333 Oakland 7-S 1:2G fast 1S-5 90 3 1 2 3 3 3l,JA Walsh Lisaro, Critic. MARK AliTONY II.. br. g. 5. by Marco Hampton Lass T. Newton. Weiglit today 107. 77702 Empire lin70y 1:452 fast 3 115 2 2 2 3 .- 3 W IJoy e Gretna Green. Monfoit. Imitator. 77151 Belmont 11-8 1:52 fast 7 10S 2 2 2 2 31 W Doy e BiookdaleNymph. Cowan. Beaucoup 77375 Aoueduct 1 1:41 fast G 111 1 2 1 1 3- 3i W Hoyle I orl.lolnisoii, TonyBonero. Mazuina. 71790 Belmont 1 1-1G 1:474 hvy S 120 4 3 3 3 5 4" W Doyle Prisciliian. Berkeley. DArkle. ETHEL DAY, gr. m. G. by Faraday Ethel T. W. F. Walter. . Weight todav 107. 09081 Oakland 7-8 1:LG fast 1 107 4 4 3 3 33 23 Borel Sugarmald. Johnny Lvonw. Milslieri 09177 Oakland 7-S 1:252 fast 12 107 1 4 4 4 1 1 Borel Siigarmaid. Sanfara. Shore. JACK WITT, b. g. 5. bv Tho Commoner All Mino C. B. Daniels. Weight today 107. ,0577 Seattle 7-S 1:252 fast 0 102 5 2 1 1 l3 1- Scoville Pal. Hidden Hand. Korosllanv. 70139 Seattle 1 1-10 1:452 fast 2 107 5 4 4 5 f 5- Koerner Mirzer. Silver Line. Dar. inton. 70100 Seattle lm70y 1:112 fast 3-5 109 7 7 5 4 4 - 3U C Koenu-r hermit. Itiibmon. .foe Harlan. DOM1NUS ARVI. ch. g, 4, by Kismet Chitose G. Summers. Weight todav 110. 74108 Oakland 7-S 1:252 fast 8-5 10S 7 5 5 3 o- 5 !W Miller The Mist. Sidney P.. Sugarmald. 74i3 Oakland F C 1:09 fast 12 5 110 5 5 5 4t 2U D Boland Pajaroita. Native Son,, Fantastic 73972 S. Anita 3-4 1:13 fast 7-5 118 4 3 2 2 V G H Siii;gPreteiision. Botanist, Critic. 73S95 S Anita 1 1:384 fast 13-20 10S 3 11 1 1- l3 C II ShirgMacias, Critic. Daruma