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DENVER TO HAVE THIRTY DAYS RACING. John Condon Announces a Meeting for Colorado City to Begin June 19. John Condon made the interesting statement yes-terdaj that at the unanimous reqoeal of the members nf the Overland Jockey Club of lienvcr be bad jiuie.-d to personally manage a thirty day nieeiing in conneciion Willi the Hcrland Jockey bib ne! -I in-. The racing is to begin June in and end -Inly -■.. with purses of more than average value. Some Hakes, including Ibe Colorado Derby, will be opened for .-oiliest during the racing lei in. All Iln- tactions I "ivi- agreed lo Condon control. The fundamental Idea i- to make the Denver meeting an object lesson in Ibe way of showing what can be done by con-i cried action and the liberal enterprise of the Over-laM Jockey club. It is iinended to attract the better class of turfmen and horses in tin- west u. llenyer and to make Ibe meeting one that will appeal to local pride and latere*! and attract the patronage of the cilys besi social and business elements. Ibe conditions and prizes of the nieeiing will be announced within Iln- ii.-M Iwenty day-.