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ARRANMORES NEWBURY SPRING CUP. London. April 1. — On the second day of the-spring meeting at Xcwhury this afternoon, the New bury Spring Cup of .2.~i . one mile slralglil, was won by Sol Joels four year old bay coll. Arraumore. by Succoih or Knlhusiast — Court Card, carrying ST pounds, which ran second in lhe llandi rap. W. Hall Walkers four year old bay colt. Royal Realm, by IVrsinimon— Sand Hast, KM pounds, was secoud. and I*. Xelkes five year old bay horse. Sum mer. by Bushey Iark— Kirsche, ;: pounds, was third: ten bones ran. The Wills .Selling Plate, for three-year-olds, at seven furlongs, was won by Angus, Heluionls bay tilly. Tarpaulin II.. by Hastings — Taint hi. with i Araalde second and The Drone third. The latler was lavoriie at 15 lo 8 ami Tarpaulin II. was at 7 to 1. But for the unfavorable weather that served to keep horses backward in training, il is finite probable that 1riscilliau would have been started in the Xcwhury Spring Cup. but it was found latpoaalbli lo have hiui entirely fit. so lasl week trainer Jack Jovner noiitied Mr. Belmont by cable that the horse would not be siarted.