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LOS ANGELES ENTRIES. For differences in weight add or deduct I 6 points to the pound. An extra good riders average worth is 3 pounds. Ita.-iug starts at 1:50 p. m. Chicago time. 1:50. ,-. Runs well in mud. ©Superior mud runner. First Race — S 1-2 Furlongs. 1 year-olds. Selling. Track record: 78980—1:04 i —1—87. I nil. Horse. Wt. Rec. A. Wt. Hdcp. ,S«»S.Vi Minto 1 14 . . X 725 84J8593 Will iere 1 14 720 K07:» Dext rine 112..xT.ii 80739 Early Day 102 7i."i 8U730 Daisy Thorpe 112 7in 80739* Galinda 11«» 1:07* 112. .X7M sosi« Chaflincb 97 1:07s 107. . X 7n:. 8* 524 George Guv ton KM 7 Mi 89781 Robert Gray 104 ti:i5 80S50 Angle-face 108 1:08* UC..XIK MBOT Wildwood Bill 104 M3 . 80777 Ranrose 100 1:08* 112 07". so.v»7 Judge Croaks M4....C3S 798!»3 Hattie Hoffman ... 102 025 SO07O Caronia 99 MS 808-59 Meuzo Shurtz 104 UOO Second Race — 1-8 Mile. 2-year-olds. Selling. Track record: 80316— 401— 2— 115. 80854= DONOVAN Ill :1S 108 72.". 80778- Ii-ma Lee* 105 710 WW1 Roberta 105. . X 705 NMS* j.adv Paret 105 70r, 98787 English, Mail 105..X705 807971 Placide 104 :48* 105..X70O 8077S Myles OConnell .. 108. . X700 MI Third Chance 105 700 so77s Swift MacNeill I0B. .XOK 80.. 8 Matchem 108. . . .ii.»o • BfHZ Camera M6..XBM 80.78 Charles J. Harvev. 108.. X 085 MR5 Temper 108 liv", sus.:r, Bon Payne MB. 8 778 Keleliel 105..X0S0 80778 Fred Stone 108 075 Third Race — 1 Mile. 4 year-olds and upward. .Selling. Tnick rc.-ord: MM 1:171— 1-105. so.yil- Translucent 5. .110 725 MS"I Che ripe 110 1:43| S. .10;;. . ■ 71". 80853 Kojal Maxim 110 1:12* 5. .1 13. . ■ 7 ". iM»s:ill Finn loot 105 1:41 8..115..X705 8o7! 8 W.NMlthorpe 110 1:421 7..113..XT0U So8!tl Sir Angus 101 1:42 4. .110 7oo S071H Haniiiigo 4. .110. . 4JK 80851 Desuiages 102 1:41 li. .110. . ■ c.!to 8o27. Voltloino 4 1O8..X085 SHR.V, Millie R 101 1:41? 5. .113 IHn MM3 St. or r,..iu;.. . i;7.". 808!1 Waldorf 4 . . 115 050 Fourth Race — 1 Mile. 4-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Track recard: 7S811 117J 5-105. 8o8,". i- Gowau :» 1:381 I. .MB.. "-- sue..,- Frank Flittner 112 1:181 B.. 110... X 715 8N857 Rifleman 90 1:3T| 5..1M..X7M Ni714 Green Seal 91 1:38 5.. 110 7K» 180857 Ethel Day •».". 1::* 7..10B... .703 soHtf.", Whidden 105 i :9H 4 . . Ml ■ MO w 855 Dredger 10 1 :.;:i* 1 . . 110. • 075 Fifth Raoe— 1 3-16 Miles. 3-yaar-oWa ami upward. Selling. iTra.k recoid: 78.i.;l — 1 :58*— 4— 100. SOS77 Jane .-in re I :t. . K..XTS 80*02* Miss OAcious MC 2:00| 5. .105.. ©720 sos:.7; Hi Col Cap Ill 2:01i H..107 715 . a 7:M Vivunl • ..lit."... ■ 7i~. so«02 Ivanhoe 105 2:02* 7.107..ffi7!O 80871 Miss Naomi 92 2:02* 3.. 05.. ■ 7 ". 8os7l Qiiagga 105 2:0*8 5.. 110. .©TOO sov.s 103 2:00* 0.107 700 MM3* Boutou 4. .102. . . .MS MM Right Sort I. . 97.. ■ 0 M 80702 Tavora 0. . 105 . . • u.s". MM Herman Doyle 7. .110 HJ MMt Liiekv Lad •" . . 107 . . X 070 HOSOl Christine A 9 105. . 0r..-.O MM Little Mose ::..loo MB Sixth Race— 3-4 Mile. 1 vear olds and upward. Selling. Track record: 78077 1:11 3 - - 112. 1 B0039 Stringency 112 1:1" 1. .1 11. . . .725 Sns:;st Shapdale 108 1:1.1 "...107 71o siNie Flench Cook 115 1:13 3. . 1 1». . X 70.". MMB Amuedo 115 i.lii 5. .127 705 Ind. noise. Wt. Rec. A. Wt. Hdcp. 80677 Rntre Nous 107 1:121 7..114..X700 80733 Kokomo 109 1:1.1* 5. .121 . . X70o 807H3* Milpitas 1121:121 5.127 700 80876 Rev del Muinlo ... 6. . 121 . . X«95 WI87ti Senator Barrett... 1M 1:13] 4. .121. . xoor. siisic, Ineleinent 107 1:14* ". .110. . X095 80838 Procla 107 1:15 S..M6..XM0 Si8ir, Kerry M l:12|»..x«85 8081C Frieze 107 1:10 .". . 105. . X«i8«l m 8::o lteiieek 112 1:13| :i..lori «7r. BOT77 W.Mii.nth S..M....MJ M BeeJaac t. .los 025 Seventh Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. 4 vear olds and upward. Selling. Track record: 78980-1:04*— 11—87. 80877 Fern L 92 1:05 4..110..X725 79174 Botanist 116 1:00 6. .115. .©715 80744 Ruining Bush 94 1:00 5. .112. . X710 80K.1K- Canardo 1.1:5 1:07* 0..112..X71O 808.14 Redondo 09 1 :a-.* H..112..X705 80763 Antigo 107 1:07 5. .115. . X700 80872 The Sultan 100 1:00* 0. .112. . X005 90834 Cvmbal 110 1:07* 4. .115. . X«*5 80872 : Laudable 104 1:06* 4. .110. . x«*" 80790 ,.„ s.iiid 4. .115. . X080 80034 Golden Shore 107 1:08* 5. .112. . /075 8H87a Tamar 107 1:07* 4..1M ti75 78H78 Janeta 7..110..XO75 8O703 Albion H 114 1:07* 4..112..X07O 80872 Esther M 114 1:07* 4. .110 M9 MM Ore* t»wl I..MT..XM The figures under "Rec." In above entries show the best time made b the horse at the distance, with weight carried, since January 1. 1906. This lime is not necessarily made by a winner. It may be the estimated time of a losing performance.