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VALUE OF NEW ORLEANS RACE TRACK. New Orleans. La.. May V The sab- alleged by John TV Gate* in the pleading of his suit against Ed Corrigan of 4S"J shares of New Orleans Jockey Club stock for fZ.348. astonishes the local stock holders. The New Orleans Jockey Club absolutely owns the lip acres in the City Dark race track. Property on Citv Dark Avenue opposite Citv Dark is said to be held at Hi pet front foot, and in cas.-an avenue is run between Citv Dirk race track property and Oitv Dark, there will be just J.IMHi "front feet" to be disposed ol . lroutiiig the canal east of the plant is I 1.7.ยป0 finit front. Then there is the great stretch of land back of the "I." formed by selling only the lots on the two most convenient sides. Cut up into lots, and it will probably be unless Louisiana passes a racing bill like Arkansas, excepting one county from tlie stringent anti-race Hack belling law. there is enough room for a small I suburban citv. Two tine artesian wells are ade anate for the water simply: drainage is perfect and I ear lines would make il a convenient section to live in. A modest estimate of Hie total value of the land I embraced by the Iraek is ,.i0.oiM .