untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1909-05-09


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Brooklyn Jockey Club psgggsgg STAKES TO BE RUN AT THE ♦ / II Jk X SPRING MEETING, 1909 ♦ bOflCy iSldlld ♦ To Close on Saturday, May 15. 1909 ♦ 1 1 A L £ 1/ fMllh FOR THREE-YEAR-OLDS AND UPWARD. | two of %.-:* . or one of $:!.5tfl 7 + il I I lb 1% B, ml I I ♦ THE BROOKLYN HANDICAP OF ,000 1-or Five furlongs. ♦ "" * btfr ■ » w W naW* "■ "•vB* anT« «• three-year-olds mill anward. By subscription of $:« i T f _. 8Mb; starters t . pay 00 additional. The dak to THE TREMONT OF ,500 -For two year-olds. 4» d aild an amount u--.-css.iiv to make tin- gross v-iliu I By Bttbaeripttou oi 3 each; starters to pay hB". i X _ _ _ _ of tin- ran- ,000, of which » to the second and i additional. The rhlb to add an amount necessary da RACE COURSE . OFFICE : ▼ 00 to the third. Weights to lie announced Tins- to asahe tin- ;rn s value of the race .."Wio. of 1THE1,BRooKDlleHlNmteoF,2,oo ffWS .*»£ oTS? v_and WiV* ef SHEEPSHEAD BAY, Windsor Arcade, 571 Fifth Avenue, I THE BROOKDALE HANDICAP OF .500— lor ,• i :; li,s. extra; af two of ,750, or one of K::..-,iH! 7 • ▼ Uirecyiat olds and upward. By subscription of 929 1 ibs. extra. Non-winners of ,500 allowed 7 lbs. X MFW YOPK" MFW YORK" ______ each: starters to pay 0 additional. The cluh to About six furlongs. • I"JdW I V/HIV rNJCiW IVSItl-. 4 .-old an amount necessary to make the gross value Of _*. . the race ,500. of which 50 to the second and | THE CRITERION. SI. 000 ADDED— For fillies two d» , 8$ to the third. Weights to lx announced three years old. By suhscription of 0 each: starters to _ -pi-, rrktrrin r_r»_rx _rw _rx_rv_-« A lays before the race. Winners, after announcement pay 5 additional; with .Y-l.iillil added. Of which • KVCilN la 1 CJ -w C__i -w Li V -v J I" K ▼ •» « •_» .■-. of weights, to carry ■ . Ihs. .Mia. One mile and a 08 to the second and 00 to the third. Winners X "" . furlong, of a race of the value of ,730 to carry :: lbs. extra; " *4 ra THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1909 f each; starters to pay 0 additional. The club to THE MANHANSET. ,000 ADDED For tv.o dfc dj add an amount n- ,ss;,;-y to make the moss value year-olds, l.v subscription of U each; starter- to _, __——_— ■_■__■— _——_______-____________________________________w _ of the race ,500. Of whicii 50 to the second and pay 3 additional: with S.1..HM added, af which d» .*l"il to the third. Weights to be announced three 90 to the second and H to the third. Noli win- I _ day* before the race. Winners, after the announce- nera of .Ckhi or two races of the value of ,790 • — ,. .. mTlr, m. nt af the weights, to carry :: His. extra. One | each, allowed 3 lbs.; of one of ,500 Of two of i FCjK I Hh _____ mile and a sixteenth. I SI.immi. 3 lbs.; of one of fMQft, 12 lbs. Five and a « *• •** ++ JB tiu «a THE MYRTLE. ,000 ADDED For three-year- balf _"_"* ♦ ■ ■ I an | aj— an m __r— ■ ■ ■ am I _#V ai __r. _ r_. _#. ♦ olds upward of Sill THE BEDFORD. SI. 000 ADDED -For two-year _T 11 I PI. I ata M __T ■ ■ 1 anV I aTP I aThV aT ■and X starters to pay .-. additional: with .fl.i. »i added, ol d ■■ 1 T Im/lnrH I I Iml ■ ■ I M I I M W lla mi. I si o. ■ to the third. 5 additional: with SI I of which .M to X dl I J 111 I f I 1 ■ ■; |l| ■ Tm ■ ■ W . The winn.-i to he sold ai auction for ,000. if for the sci-ond and to the third. Tin- winner to 1..- d» J aF | M ■_ I T ■ ■_ WLmm ■ ■ I M J • ■ *L # V lc s. i iii. ailawed for each *-»» down to ,KMI. S|i .,, ;U1.,i,„ ,,„• ,000. 11 for less. 1 lb. allowed X 7 _. then 1 lb. allowed for each down to tl.OaO. for each -fHwi down to ,000. Selling price to be Selling price to be atated throojrh the entry box when stated thronirh the entry-box when entries close on .. IllhlCI tllTU TA till h/ dhTU .▲. .ntrics el,.-,, on the day preceding the race. The the day precedinx the race. The winner of am • 1 1 I HI ■ /ZL I || I 1 1 1 1 II Y I I I ▼ winner of any -take race a! the meeting- nor to be stake race at the meeting not to Ih- entered for less A JUIlL fell II I Vf JUL! I «J I II a. cut. red for b-ss than , 000. One miie and a furlong, tlian ,000. Five furlongs. B* THE PATCHOGUE, ,000 ADDED For three- STEEPLECHASES. ▼ ♦ y.-ar ol.N an I upward. By subscription of 0 each: daV .aV starters to uaj 5 additional; with ,000 added. ,-,,,, Iur four-year olds and upward. 1 ▼ _ ♦ of which yi-iai to ;l;e second ami . in to the third. THE EMPIRE STATE STEEPLECHASE. 00 dfc rAr _-. ThPDD V 031* HlftC F/iP Tli/A VoIP Olfiv dk -UIU5 1V;.,T-;,,,,:,i!:iwl,,:,i.ard:: ,|:IJ!;:;r,:f%!;;f;:,l:■:ysr,;;:,;::1?v, I "W iniCC-ICdl 101 IWO- iCdr-UIQS. »-"bbs •wvWirarrjs iniH ix; ff?hBssLV« w!:y!,*2!:: e a ♦ and llnwarrt The Great Tmi, ,500. ♦ "s U,C01 The wninei of an m.1, race at the meeting; not to nandnnced Ire days before the race, winners, after X UIIU UUtTUIU. ,,,0, •*»•"»•■ J he entered far h as than ,000. About six turlonss. ..,,, „.,.,,., ,.,,„.„• l the weights, to carry -". His. extra. d» r For Ins Jiatl aHa. aw Mil.M-ripti..n af 3 ▼ Full coiusc. about two miles and a half. TU/, CnLii»k„* tf C nnn . ...i.- ... ,..■..... *-. . ■ mi i ,. , . for three-year-olds. THE GREATER NEW STEEPLECHASE ♦ The Suburban, ,000. SLSSS£ SS£rand»r£~. t * THE BROADWAY OF S2. 500 l-,.r tin,-, -,, ar ol.K. MfJ°,,ADDiEvI .,;V 11,.:il1",il.,;1"1 r f *i„f.,"1r.|,. *ItUSSr ", ▼ A handh-ap for three year obis and upward. ohd and 3f to the third. Wmn.-r»of two ▼ By subs.-ri|ili..ii of 5 each: starters to pay 0 ",wa/i- J* sT.. ,t [1-!th Sisim «i i, By subscription ,,f $.".; each; starters M ... . ▲ .., , , ... ,f dsh ,...,., addlthMH . The club to add an amount nece-sarv to l;l „»1- addition. 8 1. win XNOO addca, i.-.t or which ,;, SZW «*,i any , . , . . IJt ,s .s "r f *--,",p- ;, u oi "" „,- " *•""- IHK. „ " „ law. ,.v ex make the cross value or the race ,500. ... whlcb "• the second and W» to the third. Wetebts to be T addltl .1 Qoarahteed aroos value „_ $.,.«kki. ,,,.,. MMaaa ,manl S lbs. Six Furlongs. jfc 30 t.. tii secoud and 50 to the third. No,,- annoiinccd live days before the race. Winners, after * d of which «l to the seco .ml aw to the Futurity —y Course Course. » 5lhlVof.5l-0aiJr. raboioesdLlf: d Weto „. I, , inuced ,u,,e It, V -Mie.s a, ,, a , on,,, ,-meu, .., weights ,„ •l-Cffi THE KENSINGTON STEEPLECHASE. 00 ADD- d , -OR TWO-YEAR-OLDS. ti.,„ ,.i -:| ,: starters lo pr. sin additional: d vain.. I Ibs. exlra; wil s of tw I I HI" svums.s. |ll|l I Bl I iVlM ▼ vx it It S : Ni added, of which 23 to the second and X liliu, X MMt each or three Mean of -mv 7 " "• ,r "r * " ■■» ,-""- v-iiiie THE GREAT AMERICAN OF ,500 l.-r two 3 to the third. Weights lit lbs. above the scale, d O AAA AnilFil ▼ vein olds. By sulseription ..f 5 each; starters to The winner to be sold at auction for .«0». If tor T »s- exlra. One Mile and a Quaiter. / t3 fKDVLV. X nay •hB"•» additional. The club to add an amount less. 1 lb. alliwed for each 00 down lo ,000. d» ▼ nec-sraiv to niak. the gross value of the race ,500, Selling price to be stated lliroiigli 111.- eutrb-,x Jkn f!nmmfin WPTllth t9Rlfl For two * year olds. Bv subscripli.ui of *•_ ,, «dw of Whlcb $::.rt to the second and 50 to the third, when entries close on the day prceding the race. d» IMC UUIIIIIIUIIHCallll, d Z,JUUi ,,.,,, ▼ Winners of ■ ra, f the mine of . 7r.lt to carry 3 Short course, about two miles. X . .. ,. ,.._ - ... ,,. „,„.,,, !"": "nwwtn 0 additional: whicii slnil! A hand,. -,p lor three olds and ear upward. a|h . entitle ▼ them to start la both events. ,030 ♦ By subscription ,.l 9 each: starters $ ndaM to each event Simuld the aanw borne dk additional. iluaraiit.-.-d gross value ||.m. „ in ,„,t ,, ,.vMlts ,|K. €.j „,, iu .„,.„.llt s.,,, "T repards the following races: The Brooklyn Handicap, the Brookdale Handicap, the Parkway Handicap, the d ,.f whlcb *:!.-."- to the second and 9$ to the additional in plate to the winner Subscfip ▼ Myrtle, the Patchogue, the Broadway, the Great American, the Tremont, the Criterion, the Manhanset and third. Weights to be announced five days ., , sf. .... ... ,- ... . , . • . , J .... dnV the Bedford. T before the race. Winners after announce „,,,. |., phhllla if Ihl tjsl uatlTTml A T in, lit of weights. S lbs. extra. One Mile events ADDRESS NOMINATIONS TO dfc and a Quarter. d Condi ions of the First Event be « m— « v« wm a- a r%« ■» •- * *-» • ■ -— - ■ ~,- i»-« * ■ s sn a. to run . SECRETARY BROOKLYN JOCKEY CLUB ♦ The Advance, ,500. ■•„ .:.■ .„-. ,.., ..r ,,,.- .,„„,. , ,:,.,-. ,, ♦ Tl, winner to receive ni ♦ * s-vs k BP •• «?»* - n • ■ mi %# ■ 4aV t- ,,.... of the added 399 Fulton Street :: :: Brooklyn. New York T ..** tta!f,*f..Ma g*-.-1B* -— » ami ,,„,.. i,.-, i f „,-.i„. t,,tai subscription X | ♦ "■ ::- f» r"lS1T",,,"U « *-, "*j S,:,,rt and starting fees; the second fcM ,,„, „„. ▼ » aiitionHl. tat*. 1 value gross d - d 2" Iliinl S,M winn,.,.s f tWl ,,„,s ,„■ r.,Kl. of which $:;o0 „,,„,. second and -|, ♦▼ „ 4 „,s ,,,„.,. f ,,„ "" *• *** 0ne Mlle and Fwe-Six- ▼ . . „f s;.M„,_ , ,|is .xtni. m:iiil.ns ;1||wi.il s # teenths. i , f m | - a ■ nw— s | | O i, II | ■ | ▼ llls Flvc am, and Half Furlonss Futurity ▼ ii CUS HELM si i! Utah JnnkRV "■ ♦ The Lrag lsland- $,°00 Km-, c::; ■ ♦ 1 /■ • TATflifi °° AI 1 T/lP Rannpr Mppfinn !♦ a,1,1,i"":l,: Wi" "■ :"M"1 " wl,i " $: " money and . ..e-l.air of the total subscription ♦ #"1 dtl. I 111 Pllfih 2; ?? erueenng j ,.. ,h,. «,..„,, „,.i*.io» .,,„„, .,ir,i. weights and atartl I I i: th, s.nm1 am lhi. I ■ • • •■■■** f 1.1 Westofthe !▼ ■ ««■ -,-i ti„,-,. „,,vs ,„.,.„,.,„, ,,,., ,„„.,,„,„,. Winm.,.s of UVI, raPl.s „f sl-riIOi J ,, was yesterdays Special. U I U U MiSSISSlDpi. VAW " " J" ± ? ■ »**" C 1 lbs. extra: three of Jl.-iO,!. or on- of ▼ ♦ All WhS had this one get our O O ► d ** «** One MJe and a Furlong. „ MM „ f fc .. ,.vi.n| , ni. + | Louisville Special Free, j; || jr T-,! T r~3 3! 1 The Sheepshead Bay, ,000 Added. S 7 1,,s Slx FurlonKS ♦ O letter on Hi- as we think - i X I OltV UuVS tCuClal 4 7 Selling for three-year olds and upward. Bv — ▼ tll:" " "" *"" IK" Wi" "" J ♦ "■ If ___? ! • ♦ " rive y,ou"ia1 V s»-n. ti,m -f H« «**! carters 3 addl- * _«. _ -,,.«- ► O ~ ♦ d tional: with Sl.fHKi added, of which tl. U-r»«| *0 Cflfl daV Subscription Free * r nnn :„ CT.Lnc -nH Durrnc 1 X t "" 11 1 "Ml *«•• " tl- tlil" Th« T"e Vernal 500 S O to our Occasional Wir.. X | 4 / 3,UUU III OlaKcS 31111 I UlSCS it J winner to be sold by aaict ion for $.1,500. If For iHlies two years old By subscription X O ► ► = O ♦ en, -red to 1«- sold for .*:!.„,„. allowed r, lbs.: of r. each; starters *-K, additional: guar:,,,- X 1! VUIIMW -1 2ni1 !! !t mn an isa „,.„ n ♦ ib" "•. !lll""d f"r "1"h $,"° down r, tend «M« value .30». of which to the ♦ NADZl 1-1 201 llini -dad IV JULl I J • value nt two •« UN not f be enter.,, to T „,s. O Winners of four races of anv value, or V ra v.is . v..s,.r,l,vs ] s Two rww-assawa Horse Wire wire. DO , Ol# bt s"11 f; "" tl,il" «J"S "" 011" of *Irril°- 4 "» •- »*• "f »•«*«■ « T ►-,_» . -.-. «.«-«. oLi. oC anv ■»*« * ""» •* *1.2,H . not to be en- „„ . ,lf «..-.„, c ,,.. ...... ,,„, , ,-,,,: , dah I QIANTICO 4-1 Won ► ► No Purse Less Than 50. ►!♦ £ w *, so,,, «» -- ,.,.„. «..«, one a5TL,*itS,l, riBwi! J J and a scratch was Fridays Wire. | J HantilCapS R8ng8 FrOHI 00 tO 00. J| i T J "" . -, ■,1? ■""""* ? " ft"1— X tasley 3-1 won f i| spec.l p,xE0 events: l for Thrce-Year-Olds. ♦ ♦ and a snatch was Thiir-davs Win DECORATION DAY HANDICAP ..$ 1,000 X J ™ t PPnlPrHA«P« ♦ 4; CHEPONTIC .... 10-1 Won j j juvenile stakes $ 700 jj The Coney Island Jockey Club OlCepiCUIdd. X 5 „„i a is, r was w ic-.i.yswii, t ►! mndependence day handicap . s 1,000 o i X Stakes, ,500. The Beacon 00 Added ♦ I! WINTFR0RFFIM 2-1 Won It It ~~ ~ ► div "* «»»*«»«w »n« By subscription of .-, d 0 fVififih " " " ci -w ► ► P. P. PomerOV, PrcsidJnS Judc ► X 0!,,li: s,:utt"rs *■ « *"■■■"= iwm»««i F,,r mjm amI ,,"w:""1- 1!v ■* X » LIMiIlLO 5-1 2nd O O n! . k V-lW *** ■■■»« *2r,0n- "f ■»** »*• «» •*• fi,.tion „r *!,» .a.-h: starters 5 additionl: + v was Mondays win-. M HlCnBTu UVI yW, Starter « ■««»«•■ WJ» «• the twrd, wt—iaa « with *m«» a,i,ie,i. of which on „, „„. «,.,,„„, T • [ jV ! T three races eclusivelv for three-vear-olds of ""1 *HM to the third. Foar-yeai olds 1,0 X |i..Vi!,!o """ ;" """" :S U " 3 lbs.: f,ye-year-olds lr.O lbs.; siK-year olds and ▼ o,Vb.. H.-.ik.i Y tenh«af«M«Hh.W«ttattienlH ► ► ADCM OrrU I tVI** ♦ Terms 00 for Six Wires ► UrtN D U Lll I IN VJI O ♦ - f $:!.0.M. to carry : . lbs. extra. Non win- ""ward IS9 lbs. Winners in MM of two 4j ♦ ! li it — O ▲ nera of ■ race exclusively for three-year olds Meepl, chases, r, lbs. extra: of four steeple- 4 !|,.riltT ihdiici: a t i-A Address All Communications tojMX ,,r "" v:"" °r * -"""■ :""we1 T ",s-: "f TTTJ* *•* *artaa i$«« t»oa Y ! wan vcsterdaVs Barter. Wire. !►!► W.W.FINN U d _ pji, ., nftnlJJJ lbs. About Two Miles and a Half. d I .00 foThree w.re, .i| hotel cullen j | The Swift, ,000 Added. n 00 Added. ♦ IMC Mimtem, *UUU HUUCU. i it J X Salt Lake City :: Utah O X For three year olds. By subscription of 0 IHUBpcllUCIlUC, O ARCITE 3-1 2nd *" # Jl X P,H*: Bi",,ls *lr IMWIIIon*!: With .000 Handlrnn far four-year-olds and upward. 0 X ********** * * * i ▼ added. ,,1 whicii *2tHI to the second and M» ]-.y subscription of each: starters 9 ▼ u |s yesterdays Form Special * * == — . rrr.--.-...:- — .— . A " t1" third. Winners in 1900 of two races addilioual. for horses nominated bv May 9$, d , BETHLEHEIVI . . . . 5-2 Won "dcit tucu an ciiuucd » «S .-y°- w -y.--tMw- * "*• «*»■ »• ■•« •*• .-.-i,. sorters $» additional. .,„• ♦ «as Fridays Form S ♦ DtA Htm ALL OUMMtn. T " «**•* which have never won $: ll. horses nominated by Thursday. Jnne 24. with if M MOVnAYS FORM "sPTTTAT • i* , " " ~ " "" ♦ ,f ""•winners ill 10OS of ,000. or four added, ol u hi. li .SltlO to the second and ♦ ONNolY402inEMokl04CIAL- ► Jj* iFtJ?%£3£* mLSlSy i — "f •" ■ val,„. allowed .". lbs.: if no,, 00 to the third. Weights to be anno, ,1 d JJ _ an aw ■ X and will do it right over again. Be ready for winn.is of three races of any value in Maw, live davs before the race. Winners alter an X 1 V V la il V adadd rf%. a S :h1 " xu HV1"*?.1 ;" !:"" ▼ allowed ID lbs. and n non winners in I.ioo. iiounc, in. nt ol weight.:, .II.- About ▼ m I OP llirr I Si ••" n,cVMi;,ha,,,d,casVHvtaf°,?,k--,icK tla"" d «"»«.,1 ir. lbs. Seven Furlongs. Mam Course. Two Miles ami a Hail. d O VVf V I v ■ Jr I ■ 17 ► Ml" yourself from the Funics Z n. 4, O No hainli, apniug or knowledge of prices nceea d sr 0 Bl dTV ■ • ■ * * mrl- ,,ls wo sure Bets a day thai -Win The Coney Island Jockey Club reserves the right to cancel any daV 1 III • U/AI1 !! BlgMoi"v!,Uo or all of the above events without notice at any time prior to the X *[ 1 1 f ** 1 m WW if I I o -" """ "i" k X actual running thereof, without liability, except for return of the z • ,1 nW ""w""o wMnH"suTTON: chemist. IT cntrance money. ♦ O "is I nice on,, that was resorted nude:- be.-: d 1Q21 West 25th St. Los Angeles. Cal. IP d% n bets at lamisyiiie iii ► ] A The Coney Island Jockey Club is guaranteed against loss by The X !oU/ RnnL AH QId IIaU/ It »; — mTnnriT X Association of Owners and Breeders on tlie following races : Tlie Sub- T 0 1 v j IICtV DtiUI UBI OUIV llUTT l R. F. WARREN, ClOcker, ▼ urban. The Commonwealth, The Advance, Tlie Long Island, The Sheeps- ♦ j| at ail leading newsstands in the United ► 622 West Market St, Room 19, T heatl Iiay The oney Island Jockey Club Stakes, The Swift. The Great ♦ A* states ami Canada, foioniv *[ LOUISVILLL i /Miicvrr 1 1? .. .. ccNTiirirv KHN1UCKY *• Trial, The Double Event and The Vernal. ▲ ▼ 25 Cents per Copy: .00 nor Month. L |J O I- :.l with The Standard and g.-i Winners NOTICE TO TURF FOLLOWERS: If you desire | + T J .„„, also | -„„-,rc deal O inloinia, iot. direct fn.ui the track on Louisville rac-s j + FOR ,,-i-wa-a. ENTRY «, BLANKS »,., ADDRESS . dfc 4 from a , -locker who is every day among the horses. | t" w X e "" ■!" receive the sjime by sulcribing for iiiy.dk **nTaf_ _ ._-■_-_ f T 0id.f_ dk | THE STANDARD TURF GUIDE ;: SngrW: ";♦ A nomas H. bmith J Room 2,2, 59 De.rbom St., chic.* «=—==«= = =» i d 1 | Racin Secretary The Coney Island Jockey Club ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»d 0dyd d d » •■ •"IJ rtKL races, write me. I can help you. + 71 Fifth A/f» M*»XTr Yrtrlr Citr W i *** A rillll rtVL., llcW IOlK T I have located three positive winners, good prices, V lly _____ tl..t will tilt durine the first ten days of the meet- w • •• inf.. Address W. ARTHUR DAVIDSON. H it, 1 La- .■■■-■.■■.■■■■■■■■■■■.■■■■ - . SUBSCRIBE FOR DAILY RACING FORM. layette, 9th St. and University Place. New York City. ♦▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼*#▼"#►♦*♦►♦*#►♦♦ ♦

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1909050901/drf1909050901_6_1
Local Identifier: drf1909050901_6_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800