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SAME OFFICIALS TO SERVE THE JOCKEY CLUB OBGANIZES FOE SEASON OF 1810 WITH NO CHANGES Selection of Successor to the Late Clarence Me MeDonel Donel Presiding Judge Deferred Until Later LaterMeeting1 Meeting1 Conference on Racing Dates New York January 13 No marked changes will 1 1e e made in the olticial roster of the Jockey Club for the season of 110 At a meeting of the stew ¬ ards held today the following officials were ap ¬ pointed pointedC C II Pettingill judge and clerk of the scales scalesIMars IMars Cassidy starter starterHurry Hurry Homcn starting judge and entry clerk clerkl l Iiurk n assistant to the clerk of the scales scalesT judgeAV T L Hall patrol judge AV H Barretto timer timerW haudicappcrThe W S Vosburgh haudicappcr The vacancy caused by the death of Clarence Mc ¬ Dowell who officiated as presiding judge was not filled appointment of a successor being post IK meetingThe ncd till the next meeting The meeting of the stewards was preceded by a meeting of the Jockey Club at which August Bel iiiont F K Sturgis James 11 Keene and Schuyler li 1arsous were elected to serve as stewards for two years yearsAugust August Belmont was elected chairman of the Joekey Club with J II Kecnc as vicechairman and secretarytreasurerIt F K Sturgis secretarytreasurer It was ruled that W C Daly is entitled to the extension of his contract on jockey Guy Burns from Xovcinl cr 1O to November 1910 1910Representatives Representatives of the different racing associations tlsit conduct meetings under the sanction and juris ¬ diction of tlie Jockey Club had a conference on the subject of racing dates for the season of 1010 tit the Windsor Arcade today but reached no decision Those in attendance were August Belmont Francis K Hitclicock Philip J Dvyer KichardT Wilson Jr W C Edwards and James Butler