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I SMITH BILL AS NO CHANCE Lexington Ky jjtmiary 29 Colonel Jack Chinn iliairniiiu oc me Slate itacuig Commission and a member of the legislature was hero lusc night and upon being asKeu coiictrmng unr proualile action ot tue legislature on tue bill introuuceii by HtMutoi J T Santa to uUolisu the state ttaeing Commission saiu Xnat bin wia not puss A majority of tue members of the legislature Uuow what lias oeen ac comptisued for racing by the commission and under ¬ stand mat to aiioilsu it now would mean tne ruin ¬ ation of the turf interests of Kentucky 1 doubt seriously if Senator Smltus bill will ever be re porteu Iroui committee Senator Snutn wno iutro uuced tne tiill is a farmer and meiciiaut at Dry Fork a town in barren County He Is a Republican is iiumarricu aim comes from a locality mat never protiticeti race horses and wuere a majority of the iiinaiiuaits prooaOly never saw a norse race Colonel CUinn saia mat he would call a meeting of tne commission suortly to pass upon the question or dates for spring meetings uere at Louisville ami at latonia