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NEW LOUISVILLE JOCKEY CLUB CHARLES F GRAIVGER President Churchill C APPLEGXTE Treasurer M J WINN VicePresident and Manager OFFICE 236 ATHEttTON BUILDING LYMAIM H DAVIS Secretary THE CLARK HANDICAP FOR 1910 1910THE THE COLONEL STAKES FOR 1910 1910THE THE CLARK HANDICAP For threeyearolds and up ¬ J THE COLONEL STAKES A soiling sweepstakes for I treeyiirt Ids uiiil upward to accompany the nomina ¬ ward S10 to accompany the nomination r 0 additional to SITIB tion additional to sthrt Tile value of tin stakes to lie start iMCiU added of whicli 200 to second ami 100 to I f of which IJDO to second and 1 0 to third Tlie third Weights to be announced three days prior to the day winner to be sfld bv auction Those entered to IV sold for Slnoo to carry weight for age if for less 1 Hi allowed fr of the Winners of other than selling rsu a race a purse each 200 tt liOO then 1 II for each S100 to l0 Start ¬ after weights are posted to carry i Ihs extra extraOne ers with Mlling pricet lie named through the entry IMIX One Mile and a Sixteenth at the usual hour of closing the day prior to the race and those so aaicd will he liable for the starting fee feeSix Six Furlcnss FurlcnssTHE THE LOUISVILLE HANDICAP FOR 1910 SPRING MEETING 1910 THE TOBACCO STAKES FOR 1910 1910THE THE LOUISVILLE HANDICAP For threeyearolds and upward 10 to accompany the nominal ion 0 addi ¬ and th THE TOBACCO STAKES Kor threeyearolds flint have e not won sweepstakes TIlKKi KAlKS OF ANY KIM a or and tional to start 1000 added of which 200 to second prior to tlu closing of this stakes to accompany the 100 to bird Weights to lie announced three days prior io nomination Si additional to start The value of the stakes the day of the race Winners of a race other than a sell ¬ Tf C1 TVT TT rf jjdT V I Ix T Q V VjOk to he SliXIO of which 2UO to second and 100 to third ing purse after weights are ixisted to carry Ibs extra extraSix jOk JJ 1N JL J V4 JLV A JL JLj JLl JLJ JL JLKENTUCKY after Weight IIS His Winners of a sweepstakes or of two races Much 1 110 selling pnrses excpted to carry 5 Six Furlongs FurlongsTHE lls extra Maidens allowed S His Seeen Furlonss FurlonssTHE KENTUCKY OAKS THE BOURBON HANDICAP FOR 1910 1910THE THE BASHFORD MANOR STAKES FOR 19 10 10THE TOT J I J Ji THE BOURBON HANDICAP For threeyearolds and THE BASHFOHD MANOR STAKES For twoyparold upward ST to accompany the nomination 2 additional i u T u nij colts anil geldings lo accompany tin nomination IQF HOW I WO ICarUIOS additional to start SI 000 added of which SIJCO to second of which to start The value of the stakes to be 1000 and SUM ti third Winners of a sweepstakes to carry i 200 to second and 100 to third Weights to be announced ihs of two r His extra Maidens allowed 5 His HisFour three days urior to the day of the race Winners of a race Four and OneHalf Furlosgs FurlosgsTHE other than a selling purse after weights are posted to carry CkY VOltfJ DCI Y TOP 1921 VOltf 6000 Ibs extra One Mile One J Alile J arid a Quarter 7 7One 7 THE DEBUTANTE STAKES FOR 1910 1910THE THE FRANK FEHR STAKES FOR 1910 THE DEBUTANTE STAKES For twoyearold lillies The Kentucky Oaks for 19IS value 2500 to accompany the nomination 50 additional to start 1000 added of which 2D to teeo id and SICO to tiiird Winners of a sweepstakes to liis of two 5 Ibs THE FRANK FEHR STAKES A selling sweepstakes sweepstakesfor carry One Alile and a Sixteenth extra Maidens allowed Ihs Four Furlongs FurlongsTHE for threeyearolds and upward 5 to accompany the nomi ¬ nation 30 additional to start 1000 added of which 200 lo settHid mid 100 to third The winner to IK sold by auc ¬ THE JUVENILE STAKES FOR 1910 1910THE tion Those entered to be sold for 000 to carry weight for age f entered to be sold for 2000 4 Ibs below the To Close Saturday SaturdayMarch THE JUVENILE STAKES A selling sweepstakes for twoycnrolib 5 to accompany tle noiuinrniion SfSi addi ¬ scale then Ib allowed for each 200 to 1000 then 1 Hi tional to start The valire of the stakes to IK S1ISOO of allo ved for rjch 100 to 500 Winners of a sweepstakes whicli 200 to second and 1UO to third Tle winner to he after March 1010 not to be entered to be sold for Jess sold by auction Those entered to he sold for 2rOO to carry weight for age Allowances 2 Ihs for each ± 0 to than 1400 Starters with selling price to be named March 1 1910 1r iO tlu i 1 Hi for each 100 to sno tlen 2 Ibs for each through the tnlry box at the usual hour of closing the day 100 to S00 Starters with selling prices to 1 named through ii entry box at the usual hour of closing the day prior to the race and those so named will be liable for the prior to the race and those so named will be liable for the starting fee One Mile starting fee Five Furlongs The Kentucky Derby for 1911 1911THE Address Communications and Entries to toLYMAN The Kentucky Oaks for 1911 1911THE THE THIRTYSEVENTH RUNNING OF THE THE THIRTYSEVENTH RUNNING OF THE LYMAN H DAVIS DAVISSECRETARY KENTUCKY DERBY Kor three year olds foals of JUCKY OAKS For threeyearold fillies foals of liiOS 5 to accompany the nomination 1T to be nuld 1OS to accompany the nomination 10 to be paid May 2 1110 0 to be paid March 1 Illl 100 additional SECRETARY May 2 IIIO 25 to be paid March 1 1 U 100 additional to start The value of the stakes to he 0000 of whicli to start The value of the stakes to he 2500 of which 700 to second and 00 to third Colts to carrv 122 His geldings 110 Ibs fillies 117 Ihs Nonwinners of a three 00 to second and 150 to third Nonwinners of a three yearold race of the value of lriOO allowed 5 Ibs maidens LOUISVILLE KENTUCKY yearold rat of the value of 1000 allowed 5 Hist maidens 12 Ibs One Mile and a Quarter 12 Ibs One Mile and a Sixteenth