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MORE APPLICATIONS FOR JAMESTOWN JAMESTOWNNorfolk Norfolk Va March IS The Jamestown meeting which will run from April 1 to April U promises many imlucements to horsemen who intend shipping here Marty Mahoney is Arranging for a special train from New York over the New York Philadel ¬ phia and Norfolk Hailroad and a special lioat will be run from Baltimore A new spur has been con ¬ structed by the Norfolk Traction Company which will carry patrons of the race track directly to the grand ¬ stand standA A special boat will leave the Hotel Chamberlain at Old Point Comfort daily at 1 oclock returning after the races racesThere There have been many applications for stalls at the track the latest being C C Smithson from Benning seven stalls Frank Lightfoot from Jack ¬ sonville five J McLaiighlln Jr three A II Mnc keusle of Pittsbtirg sixteen B Schreiber eight and Jule Garson three