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SCALES OF WEIGHTS FOR APRIL OneHalf Mile MileTwoYonroIds TwoYonroIds S4 S2 S4 ST S STlireevtarolds Tlireevtarolds 114 10 Ill 110 lot 111 1111oiiryVirolds 1oiiryVirolds 12R 121 121 121 121 12T 12TMv Mv 3cir Ids and up 1 7 14 14 124 124 15 ThreeQuarters Mile MileTwoyearolds Twoyearolds K4 SO S2 S2 SO SOThreevoaroids Threevoaroids lift HO 10 I1O 110 1it 1itrnirvearolds rnirvearolds iW 121 Itil 121 121 127 127Fivevoarolds Fivevoarolds and npir 124 124 124 124 LH One Mile MileTwovearolds Twovearolds Tlinevoarohls 107 100 105 105 10B 100 1001Vmrycarolds 1Vmrycarolds 120 121 121 121 121 12 12Fiveyearolds Fiveyearolds and upitO 125 120 125 125 127 127One One and OneHalf Miles riireovearolds 105 104 101 101 1O4 104 104Fouryearolds Fouryearolds 120 121 121 121 121 12 12Fivoyearolds Fivoyearolds i81 120 120 120 120 128 128Sixyearolds Sixyearolds and upll 127 127 12 12 1 Two Miles MilesThreevearolds Threevearolds 100 101 JC f7 100 100 100loiiryiaroldu loiiryiaroldu 124 121 11 11 121 122 122Fivyparolds Fivyparolds iJO 127 125 127 127 12S 12SSiJyoarolds SiJyoarolds and up KM 12S 121 128 12S 12S 12STwo Two and OneHalf Miles MilesThreeyearolds Threeyearolds 100 1OO 100 100Fouryearolds Fouryearolds 121 120 121 121Fiveyearolds Fiveyearolds 128 12S 12S 12SSixyearolds Sixyearolds and up 12 128 129 129Three Three Miles Milesj1ir j1ir Hy irolds jui 00 0 flO 00 00Fourvearolds Fourvearolds 120 121 II 117 121 12O Fivujear 12OFivujear olils 128 128 12 128 128 128 Sixyearolds 128Sixyearolds and upKJO ii 120 io K 130 130Four Four Miles MilesThreeyearolds Threeyearolds us OS OS Fouryeirolds OSFouryeirolds J1 117 121 Iveyoarolds 12 128 1 Sixyearolds and up 131 iu iji THE JOCKEY CLUB CLUBIn In races of inttrinedtatc lengths tlie weights for tin shorter tisni c shall be irried irriedIn In races exclusively for threeyearolds or four y irolds the weights shall be 120 pounds and for twoyearolds 122 pounds poundsExcept Except lit handicaps and in races where the con I lilions expressly state to the contrary lillies two vears old shall be ailowe l three iioiiiids and mares three years old and uiiwani shall bu allowed live lK unds before September I and three pounds there ¬ after Oeldings shall be allowed three jtounds We tor weights shall 1 e 28 itounds idd d to the neMit for age In heavy liandieips the top weight eliifi not IK less than 14O pounds In all handicaps fvhen the added money extveds 000 the top weight Shall not bo less than 110 pounds AMERICAN TURF ASSOCIATION In races of Intermediate lengths the weights for the shorter distance are to be carried carriedIn In niees exclusively for twoyearolds IIS pounds shall be carried carriedIn In races exclusively for threeyearolds 122 pounds shall be carried In heat races there shall be nn allowance of five IKHinds from the scale of weights Except weightsExcept in handicaps tillies two years old and geldings of nil ages shall l e allowed three pounds poundsFillies Fillies and mares three years old anil upward shall bo allowed live pounds before September 1 and three pounds thereafter thereafterWESTERN WESTERN JOCKEY CLUB CLUBIn In races of intermediate lengths the weights for the shorter distance are to l u carried carriedIn In a race exclusively for twoyearolds the weights sliall he 118 pounds poundsIn In a race exclusively for threeyearolds the weights shall be 122 pounds poundsIn In heat races there shall be an allowance of five pounds from the scale of weights weightsExcept Except in handicaps and in races where the weights ara fixed absolutely in the conditions tillies two years old und geldings of all ages shall IK allowed three pounds and fillies and mares three years old and upward shall be allowed live iK uiids before September 1 and three pounds thereafter thereafterPACIFIC PACIFIC JOCKEY CLUB CLUBIn In races of intermediate lengths the weights for the shorter distance are to l o carried carriedIn In a nice exclusively for twoyearolds the weights shall IK US pounds poundsIn In a race exclusively for threeyearolds the weights shall he 122 pounds poundsI I heat races there shall be an allowance of five pounds from the scale of weights weightsExcept Except in handicaps and in races where the weights aro fixed absolutely in the conditions fillies two years old nnd geldings of all ages shall be allowed three ixwuds and lillies and mares three years old and upward slrall be allowed five pounds before September 1 and three pounds thereafter thereafterSOUTHERN SOUTHERN JOCKEY CLUB CLUBIn In races of intermediate lengths the weights for the shorter distance are to be carried carriedIn In a race exclusively for twoyearolds the weights shall l e IIS pounds poundsIn In a race exclusively for threeyearolds the weights shall be 122 pounds poundsIn In htat races there shall 1 c an allowance of five pounds from the scale of weights weightsExcept Except in handicaps and lit races where the weights are fixed absolutely in the conditions fillies two years old and geldings tf all ages shall be al ¬ lowed three pounds and fillies and mares three years old and upward shall IN allowed five pounds before September 1 and three pounds thereafter thereafterCANADIAN CANADIAN RACING ASSOCIATIONS ASSOCIATIONSIn In races of intermediate lengths the weights for ihe shorter distance shall be carried carriedIn In races exclusively for threeyearolds or four yearolds the weights shall be 122 pounds and for twoyearolds 118 pounds Except poundsExcept in handicaps and in all races where the conditions expressly state to the contrary lillies two years old shall be allowed three pounds and mares three years old and upward shall be allowed five pounds before the 1st of September and three pounds thereafter Geldings allowed three iNiunds iNiundsIn In all races except in handicaps where foreigu breds are not penalized as such horses foaled in Can ¬ ada shall be allowed up to and including three years 7 pounds four years and upward pounds poundsWelter Welter weights shall be 28 pounds added to the weight for age ageIn In heavyweight handicaps the top weights shall not be less than 140 pounds poundsNo No twoyearold shall compete In an allaged race prior to August 1 1In In all handicaps when the added money exceeds 000 top weight shall not be less than 120 pounds poundsSTATE STATE RACING COMMISSION OF KENTUCKY KENTUCKYThe The scale of weights adopted by the State Racing Commission of Kentucky Is identical with that of the American Turf Association except that no weights are named for twoyearolds at any dis ¬ tance before August the restriction being that no twoyearold shall compete in any allaged race prior to August 1 The weight in races exclusively for twoyearolds is 118 pounds poundsSTEEPLECHASE STEEPLECHASE WEIGHTS WEIGHTSAt At the eastern tracks all steeplechase races are run under the rules of the National Steeplechase and Hunt Association which provides these weights weightsFor For steeplechases less than three miles From January 1 to August 31 inclusive four years 145 pounds five years lO pounds six years and over 110 pounds From September 1 to December 31 In ¬ clusive for three years 138 imuiuls four years IM ixnuids live years 10 pounds six years and over 100 pounds poundsFor For steeplechases of three miles and over l nim January 1 to August 31 inclusive four years 13S M unds live years 117 iwumls six years and over KM ixMiiids From Scptemliur 1 to December 31 in ¬ clusive for four years 141 pounds live years Nil pounds six years and over 100 pounds poundsExcept Except in handicaps and in races where tho weights aw fixed absolutely in the conditions mares shall be allowed live pounds and geldings three iMinnds No bora shall carry less than 130 pounds poundsIn In the west tins weights siwcilied by the Western Tockev Club and the American Turf Association are identical and are as follows followsJan Jan April July Oct OctAge Age F 1 May Aug Nov NovMarch March June Sept Dec Dec3yearolds 3yearolds 125 12 134 110 1104yearolds 4yearolds 147 14 11 ir4 ir4yearolds yearolds Io7 100 1 yearolds and up 1CS 170 172 172