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PENSAC0LA SELLING RACE WAR ON. IVnsucohi. Flu.. April 4. — The miniature selling nee war. started when Kdward Corrigan bid up Coblsinith and led hint to his stable, was restum-d this afternoon with L. Seregni. former owner of Coidsiuith in the stellar role, and Messrs. Corrigan and Daly the victims. Three representatives of the Corrigan Daly stable. Tom Dolan. Pio Pico and Neiiu losus. scored victories during the afteraan and were promptly raised over their entered price*. Mr. Corri gan was mulcted to the tune of MM when Tom Dolan was bid up this : mount over his entered price of .$::o! He th.-n- claimed Beth Geeawta far $.;ill. Pie Pic. and NeaaJaan w re each bid up SIimi. The tightest kind of odds were again offer.-.; and served to bring the layers profit to lug proportions. The racing was interesting and enjoyed by a fairly large attendance, which included many ladies, who were admitted free. Harry White came over from Jacksonville, pre sumably to investigate the report that W. 11. Bick ers was in control and acting as glacial nianagir of the plant. The report proved erroneous. Bick ers has a tiiianeial interest in the track, but no voice in the management. A ten .lavs extension, if asked for. will probably be granted bv the Southern feekey club.