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I • i i 1 I I r l I t 1 : ■ 1 j JACKSONVILLE ENTRIES. Racing starts at 2:30 p. ju. ftUiicago time. 2:30.1 XRuns well in mud. ©Suiierior mud runner. M maiden. First Race— 7-8 Mile. 4 -rear-olds and uuward. Selling. Track record: 89811 — 1:29| 1 IML Im. Horse. Wt. Bee. A. Wt. Ildcp. 88290 E. T. Shipp 04 1:271! 5.. 121.. ©725 SSS47- nam i ilia MM 1:28 6. .121.. ©720 StSM Sir Walter Rollins.1 H 1 :27« H..121..X715 S747S Warden 102 1:2X3 4..11S..X715 88999 Cassowarv 10!tl::!2« 4.. 121.. X 710 SSH47 M. .1. Whalen M.lll l:2sj! 5..121..X710 SS.S24" Maximum 4..121..X705 ss-7:« Lis-ta MM 1:31 1 5..1B 7tr. 888081 Oajaatoa .Mi 4. .118. ...W0 HK«5o WiVilsivun M V 10S 1 :2" i! 5. . 1 19. . X 7oo SSS2U Mugwump Mi 9..118..X888 Second Race — 7-8 Mile. 4-vear olds and upward. Selling. Track record: 88811— 1:231 — i— MM. 899241 Jack Right iM.~ - 4.. 121 725 88821 "Light Knight 4..113..X729 88325 Warner Griswell. ..Ill 1:311 6. .121 . . X713 iss.".20 Ben Howe 107 1:311 4. . 121 . . X.715 88729 John A. Mnnro... 4..121..X710 88819 ftiiai r i Trial M .. .. .121.. x7io 88922 ••Baaajiefc Bob Ill 1:311 5..H4.. 7lo 88808*1 reMfgree 5..1M..X785 SSS205»Kemnare Queen ...103 1:26s 4..111..X705 88924 Ned Carmack 8..M8..X800 Third Race — 7-8 Mile. 1 vear-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: 88811— 1:23? — 1—106. SS721 Iarkview , 5..11!..X725 887671 Plate 117 1:27* 4..lls..x7.o sss4s*Dollv Biiltnian lol 1 :20« 4..111..X715 88812 *Toison dOr MM 1 :2i ;J 4.. 113 715 I.nn7 »7i i:i Oi4 t .- 4. . 121 . . X 71-" 88813 Critic 169 1:241 7..121..7to SS457 CastlewiHid 110U:2X* 5. .124. . X705 88821* Camel . . . 10S 1 :27» 4. . 121 . . x7«»5 SSS12 Bonnie Bard 101 1:251 9. . 121 . . ©705 Fourth Race — 5-8 Mile. Florida Juvenile Stakes. Yalue .r.00. - 2-vcttf-olds. Allowances. Track paeard: "Bill 118 9— 12BJ 88822 DARLING 120. . X 750 88828 Iuiis des Coguets IM 103.... 743 88629 Clav 11*..x74o 88822* Sir Kearney 113 MO 88099* Janus Mc U3..X740 llim | Miss Yon dcr llo- den Mi ,. MM..XT20 Fifth Race — 1 1-16 Miles. 3-vcar-olds and upward. Allowances, track record: S7*4o- i:40 4 - lo7. SVYT7 Hill Top ......... !ll 1:17 4. . 101 . . X75ll 88783 Hoffman 4. .lot; 74o 88811 Snclll ml 100 1:491 4. .100. .X 740 iss7s."ii Hooray ot i:4 ;? 7. .105. . x 75.-. S.S70-; Rio Grande ...... .I0.s 1:48 6.. MM.. ©730 88330 Temper 8.. o:;....72u Si»th Race — 1 1-8 Miles. I vear-ohls and upward. Selling. Tra.k record: 88659—1:531—5—110. 88TIO* Gob-oiula 105 1:331 5. .107. . X 725 N8849* Elfall MM 1:54* 8. .119. .X 728 88785 -Molescv 04 1:51 J 8.. 109.. Tt3 ss7s::- Console 02.1:5:: 4. .108.. 715 88785 tiberon" , 106 1:521 7. .1 lit. . x 710 SS7S5 Fine Guard I . . UM.. . X705 sssivs" otogo 10:: 1:555 4.. 197. .X 700,!l4 Dele Strouie MB 1:55 0. .MM..X7M "Apprentice allowance. The ligures under "Rec." in almvo entries show the best time made by the horse at the distance. with weight carried, since January 1. loos. This time is not in. essarilv made bv a winner. It may 1m- the cstiinated time of a losing performance.