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FALSE REPORT ON MEXICAN RACING. Kew Yo-k. April v.— Col. Matt J. Winn braiuls M unqualifiedly false a report from Oalveitaa. Tex.. lo the effect that the Mexican govet had revoked the concessions granted to Americana tut nails in rarlaaa Mexican cities. including Jaarea. .1 m:: his keM closed." slid Mr. Winn, "atace, Ma i •:, I. wbea the inaugural ting ended. There i- no iMMafbilltr of our eaaeeaalaa beaaf rescinded. lis ii is in-.-iiK-able for twenty veal •■-. •. ..hiained grant 11 ngnss .if the Slate ..I ; ihtl.ihua. in which ..ur cmrse is situatiil. and the -.nit was approved by Coverim!- Creel. The naiiiaaii nl af Henea has nothing arharaaeaet t.i do aith our ci.iu-ssion. aid the Juarez Xaehc I jab is ii-t latere«te«l in any iitln-r mciafl Miituie in deii.i. Win ti we el. -id our tra.k the Mexicans si i-l :wiv. !• i!-i 1 thai eMr.vlbilig fail In -n Ml isfactorv. There b ool Ihe ulixhteal ili.-une af laterraprJaa by the poy raneat, Car as tin Juarez track is »on i. nn. I."