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MR. BRADLEY IS OPTIMISTIC. LiMington. Ky.. April 11. — E. It. Bradley is here ha tvj-eiid a day r two at Idle Hour Farm. He is .ptinii*!ic mil 1 1 alaj. the New York situation and l M.s not believe that the Agn.w -l.rkins bills will In- passed. Mr. Itra.ll.v will return to New York i;i time io aea faaaea Batter*! colors i:.. to the im sI Car Hie lirst time at A.pieihict Saturday. He will -tail cither lioi.s. Coinpiiin. at or Dartwarth. Mr. Bradley regknhi as the ]iick of the Butler twn-vcar-olds. Messrs. T. .1. and 1. II. Clay have eagmgei io. key Howard to ride Fanny Kemble iu the Breedera Iuturlly. James I!. Hagpins Tradition has a bay colt by Watercress at Flineiilort Farm. J. B. Btaiie— man. Bearif Baahr. faalai ■ ebeet- rnt ...It by l i.k W.-il.-s at John I . arr"s farm lasi nifhr. Kth.l D. w -.rk.-.l a mile at the Kentu -ky Associa tion eaaaae t-.lav in 1:4. leaare 1- Maggla and John Marhey are expected this week troin Keat York for a visit to Flmeu.lorf Farm. The anunal show of stallions was held today at ihe Fair Braaada. There wen- no thoroughbred* on exhibition, the -how behag eaathaai to tractera, eai aBera and draft baraea.