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NOTES OF THE TURF. Billie Hibbs is .1 swnybnek. Judge John Morrow died at his home iu Nashville, Teenu, Sunday. The good mare. Rosormomle. has In en mated witU Barney Srhreaher*i Bt ■lackland in CnlhTi— la Ihaa spring. There will be I di-persai -ale of the horse- btlMg. ing to the rata! • of the late Robert SerflM nl Pim-li i April 2::. 8. A. Blatikeii-hip. owner of the Stockton Ranch Stable, ha- iakeu out a trainers license at Oakland and will handle his own string iu future. The lii dea Villas, run at Saint loud, in Frat , resterday. was area by W. K. fanderbUta Sir Peter. Mr. Van.lerl.ilfs Kaiuesseum lini-li ■ -I secoml in 1 1»» -Prix Sinioiiian. James R. Keen. s noniinali on- in twenty stakes at Saratoga are -.. nuanerons thai nren if ev.-ry boras we;-c t.. be at once declared out be would be liable far 95,188 ia forfeits. President O. ht BeadMa af Um Wanflonj ilacing Association expects that dates far th. nuasm r meeting at Windsor will be allotted for July, and thai the stakes wfll follow the program af praekam ream. s W. Street! baa arrived at Aqueduct iron Jack- . s.-nviile with Valb.nia. HawkiBu and 8ep03 Maid and will ...Mm a public stable, with the idea af confining his racing to the eastern courses tins sea-sen. Jerry Wdah i- ban every morning with the barrier at the G.avesenii track. There will be M .- cneea for the Gmrenrnd taro-year-olda whra thejr face the barrier at Aqueduct so far as schooling 1, I mi rued. A. J. Corey, from Jacksonville, with Old Hsntatg and four ...her horses: Thomas Stevens, from Tanip.t. with fourteen in hi Strhng, and Mr. Ila-kin-. from II irrodsburg. 111., with m ren horse-, arrived at I.a-tonla Friday. It is said that the reason the Jamaica spring meeting has I a transferred to Aqueduct is that W. H. Rcyuolda, president of the Metropolitan Jockey Club, because of a Btroneaa trip, c and net take personal charge. Several at the gentlem.11 riders who participated in the amateur rac - al Jacksonville the past winter w l! apply for licenses from the National Steeple Chase ami Hunt Association. Among are Mr. Donald Puis and Mr. F. Ortell. of St. Louis. Frank Regan has arrived at Grav.send from Jac:-sonvjiie with Ardri, ids aura name, and tha J. A. Bennet string, made up of Sandpiper and the two-year-olds, Abli-.ia and aJbetto. They are ajanrtercd in the P.cnnet stable 0.1 the boulevard side of the track. The Canadian Associated Press cables that King Bdwnrds Minora is a stronger favorite than ever Tor the Citv and Suburban Handicap at Epsom, being now quoted at 4 to 1. Dean Swift, the top weight, is HO to s. Sir Bold !C to S. Strickland Jt to 1 and W.df, Land the same price. August Belmonts Norman III., ridden by Danny Maher, and Harry Payne Whitneys Perseus HI.. ridden by "Sheets f* Martin, ran unnaneed in the race for the Sprina Cm. at Newbury. Knglaud. The race was won bv Lord Carnarvons Vulcan, with A. Btefl-alls Orquil second and Sir E. Cas-;ds Temerairo thifd. There were sixteen starters.. The hearing an the Agnew anti betting bills, also the bill which proposes to repeal that section of the Percy-Gray law which exempts offleiala of mcinaj e-s, : atin is from nspEBsiklll v fie jy. h-dl:iu Wl t in the enclosure, will be held before the Codes Committee of the Senate at Albany today. It had in. -vioiisly been announced for tomorrow. Kmperor Napoleon, a three year old half-brother to Richard Crokers Derby winner. Orby. recently won his iii-t race in England. It was an ordinary $.".ui| purse This clt was sold as a yearling by Mr. Croker for 7. 508, largely an the strength of ids relationship to the Derby winner. He i- owned by I •. J. Bens :n and is bv I.esi. rliu or Clouuiell— i;h du B. In the most rccentlv claimed names for the neaj two-vear-obls some excellent selections have been] made. A son of Hamburg and Ascension has In-en named Monoplane. Matinee is the name of a .laughter of Broomstick and Audience. The s..u of Uermbj and Braw Lass is anpropriately ciiristene.l Husky Lad. and Distinction is the choice for a daughter of Orlando and Renown.