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i : J l | I - r 1 I i : I ■ * i - E ANSWERS TO QUERIES. R. L. P.. St. Louis. Mo. The bet on Knight Thought lost. If. A. B.. Chicago. 1 .55. or in booking terms a shach- over 1 to 2. 12 Five i er cent. J. B.. Chicago. See far as we know he- is neither trainer for nor partner with the gentleman named. Fl.eycl A.. GMsSSjn. Helgesen roelc The Picket in the American Derby. Cannot say what his number ■»* .1. I!.. Chicago. Premiers prie-e would, had he won. have been .55 to . or in teooking odds 1 to 2. E. YV. W.. Chicago. Coletta sold iu the field and lost. If Cole-tta had won you would have- Ik-cu iiaid at the field price. C. J. R.. Chicago. Wcstburys b.-st record at three epiarters of a mile in a men he won is 1:131, but In- Stan einly beaten a short length iu l:tX|. .[. I,. X.. Chicago. At Washington Park. Satur-dav. .Inn- 21. IMS, Wainainoiuen won tin- first race of i In- day. Alfred Yargrave the fourth and Browni-Anderson the sixth. I.. M. anil J. S.. Chicago. Wells Stre-c-t. by Bi-nop — Cnak.i was rae-ecl over Cliie-ago tracks by Ruddy Bros., but not at Garfie-lel Park, having Ik-cii foaled the year that track passed out of use in rae-ing. A. I... St. Louis. Mo. The reply cone-erning Cani-peoie had refe-rence to another race than the one you are interestid in. If in making your change- from Cainpi-ou only to the- llildi.-ih entry you stipnlateel that Campion was to go the- wager was a draw. I.. D.. Chieago. F..r the- reason that tlie-rc was no separate plait- pries the asaee l«-t was a draw and would have- hci-n such if the horse hail run aansaeed However, the practice is not uniform ami si. in-- hoc ek ma kits [iay such bets at the price of the enkplni entry.