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. I • . NOTABLE "GUINEAS WEEK" AT NEWMARKET. Tremendous Struggle Between Neil Gow and Lem-berg Brings Head Victory to Neil Gow. I lyoudoti. Eng.. April :►. — The Newmarket Fir-t Spring meeting was a hrilliamly successful affair. For a variety of reasons tbe race for the first -classic" of the year, the Two Thousand Guineas. had eneliaiiieil putiliY interest to a ijuite unusual decree ami the a ttcmiiini-e to witness its decision was a record. Ami the race amplv justified the presence of the monstrous crowd. There had l.ei-n a shift in the liettihg by which Neil Cow hud sup .lanlell Lciuherg iis favorite, be starting ;it 2 to 1. while it was :! | to 1 iigninst I.einhetg. ii to 1 Tressady. KM» 10 § Rochester. I1H1 to 7 Admiral Hunk.- and Whisk Braoaa. HK lo •; lMin-idits ami from 25 to 1 to .".:: to 1 against the others. The start was I really good one. To all intents and pur|M s,-s inteic-M centered in the two favorites. Leiulierg having drawn No. I ami Neil Gow No. 2. and they on the lower ground wen- the cause of the previous delay. They ran close together, with four in a line in ihe center, and the rest close together, im the upper crouinl. Iw.i wide gaps separating the three lots. Tin- first to get away were Ptaekjas and Nankeen in the center, witli Rochester on the right: then came San Antonio vvith the two favorites on the hatteaa ground. Whisk P.rooin and Montreal, while Sanctuary and Cardinal Beaufort brought up the rear. Whisk Broom took second pl.-n-e after going a quarter of a mile, while Nankeen dropped hack. Whisk Rioom hawed Ilacidus at the Ril-hes. where Leiiili.-rg was all hut clear of Neil iow. with Roehesti-r on the right heading Tressady and Ad-11111.1I llavvke. Whisk Broom tuok up the running at the hill top. hut it is pro. able that not one in a hundred iioti.ed the fact, all eyes being riveted on 1 the two on the stand side, who were pressing him hard. Leiiibeig came much the he-t down the bill and had a— uin.-.l a o.l lead, but in tin- Dip Neil Cow was at him again, and tin- i.air commenced a long a lid memorable light, of which Neil Gow got -liuhtlv the best opposite the in-ginning of Talter-sall-. Then l.embcrg came again ami. with both joekeys riding for their lives, almost got abreast airaiu. but Mabels head was signilienntlv twisted to the left at the has. and when No. 12 on the board aim .iineeil tin- result of Ibis titanic struggle, i.i-nt mi enthnsii-iii found vent in eltbnsiastie shouting, the verdict being a short bead. Whisk Broom, second in the Craven Week, again ran well, but was hi aten two lengths for second place. Tressadv was only beaten a head for third nlu.e and llaeidus the same for fourth: in fact. Hie right-hand side were all of a heap. Rochester ran well, as did Admiral llinvk.-. The result of Hie race makes the Derby question more open than ever. Leinlwrg can Ik- got much filter, while Neil Govv is in tip-top conditio 1. and as a notable sportsman remarked, he ran smoothly ehaaajh. with no trace of his previous vararardaesa. Lemberi: certainly came best down the bill, and this may be in bis favor at Epsom: hut with Whisk ,.f this field not engaged in the Derbv. tin-rest are held pretty well safe. Suc.i a race will seldom be seen again. Tbe other great race of the week, tbe One Thousand iuineas. for three year-old lillies. resulted iu voinig Mr. Astor winning his Brat classic, his fine filly. Winki|M p. triumphing quite iiisilv over Sceptres daughter. Maid of Corinth, the unnamed St. Friisqiiin Rosaline filly and such stars of last vears I wovy ear-old racing as Santa Fine. Yellow Slave. Sun Anuel and Moyglare. As in tbe case of the Two Thousand there were thirteen starters, of which WiafclMa rated a firm favorite at fi to 2. with Santa Iina next in public i-sleem at .". to 1. KM to :iO keteg laid against Yellow Slave. 140 to 8 against Maid of Corinth and M to 1 against each of the others. The start was an excellent one. and Winkipop almost immediately took a -clear lead of Thalia. Mislrella. Bnaalllas filly and Maid of Corinth. Lily Rose and Dorothy Court coming next. There was little .change in this order until approaching , the Buslies. where Maid of Corinth and Santa Finn became second and third respectively. the three leaders hflaaj clear of the others, of which Rosaline filiy. Moyglare and Mistrella were the most prominent. From this point to the finish Winkipop always had Hie race won. but Rosaline filly made up 11 great deal of ground in the last furlong and headed Santa Finn at the half-distance. Wlnki|Kip won easily by a length and a half from Maid of Corinth, which lieu! Rosaline filly by a head for second plai-o. Santa Fiua was fourth. Movglare fifth. Mistrella sixth. Wun Angel seventh. Thalia eighth. Lily Rose ninth. Yellow Slave tenth and Silver Creyhoinid last. Winkipop is by William the Third, and she Is the first classic winner to lie sired by aim The field of thirteen was three more than last year but six less than when Rhodora won in WON. "Winkipop is trained by W. Waugh at Kingsclere. an establishment which has sent out many classic horses. She had a useful two year-old career and rei-cntly suf fered a narrow lieating from Sanctuary, which was iu receipt of weight. Besides Maid of Corinth Sir William Bass also owned tbe third. Rosaline filly. WinkiiKip scored quite like a Kingsclere good thing, in Hie hands of B. Lynliani. It was the jockeys second victory in the One Thousand Guineas, he having had the mount on Witch Elm three years ago. Tbe race was of tbe net value of .!. 250 to the winner and was run in 1:41. The Two Thousand was run in 1 :40» and brought Neil Gows owner $:; Mr. Whitneys Whisk Broom could do no .better than third in the Two Thousand. Tint the- stable tared well at the meeting in winning races with Artless, the Hamlnirg — Lady Frivoles f 11 1 v and the Hamburg — Regatta II. gelding. The lust-named won a selling plate and was sold to Douglas Oarke for tl.lM after the race. The Hamburg— Ladv Frivoles tilly won tbe Wilbrah.ini Plate, at a half mile, with great ease and is the U-st filly of the year so far. She is heavily engaged in the important stakes to come for two-year-olds, and in viiiw of her quite remarkable speed is likely to win ber fair share of them. Artless won her first race when she defeated Cinder King for the Ely Plate, over the Rous course, and won in a canter bv four lengths. In Hie absence of Bayardo the March Stakes nt Newmarket went to Creenback. which thus made some amends for his heating in the Esber Cup at Sandown on the previous Thursday. The colt is owned bv Lord Yilliers. the new steward of the Jockey Club, for whom be performed creditably as a juvenile, winning six of his ten races, besides being thrice the runner up. He has recently lieen : mentioned in connection with the Derby, notwithstanding tin- presence of Neil Gow ami Itnberg. A i-orrespoiidenl draws attention to some remark able pel foiinain cs at country race meetings in New-Zealand. At limit ly and Rotorua during one week Dot. the property of T. Auckrani, ran no fewer than seven time-. She succeiMled in winning six of the race-, while on the other occasion she dead heated for third place. Two of these races took place at lluritly. where another horse. Yankee. also performed with distinction, running in and winning three races. A feature of fhis particular meeting was that a jockey named Whitaker rode the winners of all the seven races included in the program. Singularly few additions have been made to : their -.-.ires during tin- past week by tbe leading jocke.vs and I hehf relative paatthaaa remain practically tin- same. Mabel, who gave such a brilliant example of hi- horsemanship in the Two Thousand fialaeas. has won no other race, but he boasts a . coiiimiimliug had of his rivals with 2.". successes, the nearest to him now being Sax by with a dozen. Tri::g shows one less am Higgs and Fox hare ioined F. Wootton at ten. while Jell is* ,,:i ! William Griggs lie at nine. I Hopes are entertained that racing will yet "boom" ■ in Germany, although the heavy tax imposed on tbe receipts at the totalizator handicap raeiug societies. s owners are getting less and less inclined, since their r laser connection with France through the "entente" established at Baden, to race for their ova li.oiiev. Ierhaps ill time a Ban coinplaeeilt attitude mav he adopted towards the "Ijookmaker." • who is 01 f the factors of aaceeaa for tin- develop- I unlit o| lb, -port of kinds. At present there is pirhai s 1 ■ betting clande-tinelv earned on in the I, ion ...m, tries than iu England. Like our 1- million mother. Eve. men yearn for the forbidden fruit, and iu France, where the monopoly of the la.-,- latter* i- -.. jealously guarded, the daily journals re,-a-d the raids made hv the police, proving that bet t tag has increased, hut that bv the law deal ing equally with backer and layer the ethics of turf speculation hare not been improved. The emperor. ■ •lie of tbe busies! men iu Hie bind, views rartag . with pleasure ami takes mole interest than many may bftagiae in tin- triumphs recorded bv the Graditl colors. I". Tanii-i- has sold The Welkin to the owner of an extensive Victorian stud, mid tin- good looking son of l-lvi-.ig Fox will shortly |,e -hipped to Aus tralia. He will be followed by a select collection of well hied mares that Mr. Tanner is sending oat to l.e mated with the horse.