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.-. .... ■ ii.e.i.-i .ii.e ji a .1 1.10111. inie/i mniie . LOUISVILLE ENTRIES. Racing starts at 2:3 ; p. 111. Chicago time. 2:30.1 XKuus well in mud. ©Superior mud runuer. Mi maiden. Apprentice allowance. First Race — 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: 81*36 — 1:11| — 3 — -1M. bat. Horse. Wt. Dec. A. Wt. Hd.-p. S!»4Ci;- Dainty Dame 103 1:111 ti. . 113. . ©72" SS2U.". Sugarinaid .. . 88 1:1X1 7..M8. ...738 sss;i2i Parkview 113 1:12; 9. .113. .X 712 VMS4I Marbles toi l:12 5..105. .©710 SS!i7Si Home Boa Ill 1:13 4.. 114.. ■ 7n." 3848 H Camel lor, 1:131 4. .168. - X70 88506* Colonel Hob 112 1:121 9..Mff..X685 88324* Dollv Hultman 114 1:12* 4. .163. . 683 88688* Carlton Q 103 1:13 3..HO 883 S!l4.i loisteress 10»1:1: 7. .108. . ©073 R8618* Itataoat MM 1:13* 3. .103 073 86956 McAiidrews !t7 1:17 4. . 165. . X.073 Vl4s» Donovan :;. . 00 07-, 83888 H.-rty Lester ::. . 88. . X379 88844 Hugh McOowan ... !». .104. . X030 Second Race — 4 1-2 Furlongs. 2-year-olds. Selling. Track rceoid: BlftW «ff" if MM S04STii Louis Katz ]o3..x70i ss»;20 •Doot lie... 889 88489s Clarksburg M .. 107 b!»0 S 4:57 Oriental Pearl 107 »"7i MW..X3B3 S!I3C.4 Dodega |«9 . 883 8D902 II. It. Braadt M . MM 173 8t 489* New Star 107.. ©079 88486 Count, de Oro MO 073 S04S.", Helen Scott Ml . . KI7 :37S 102 Xf.73 888T9**Afale W. M 103 :30i 89 073 s!H07 Dancing Qeeea M 100....0t 3 s«i3;2 Myrtle Porter Mi. 83.... 638 88333 Beauasa Ml lot. . . .838 Dig Osage, b. c. by Ornament - Ue- l-iii ]o7 Frog. b. e. by Monsieur de LOrme Volma 107 Third Race — 3-4 Mile. 3-year olds and upward. Handicap. Track record: 81436— 1:115—3—110. 1 86798 Dr. Waldo liriggs.llo 1:131 4 107 X738 S2023i Jupiter Joe 112 1:13 4. .102 - 743 88329 Jack Parker 117 1:131 4..116. .X749 88304* Merrick 113 1:12 7. . 108. .©740 SH2S4- Meadow ill 1:191 4. MM 74n S04S0 Anavri ill 1:135 :: . us 7:;.-, ssti4«.i Marin.- 100 1:141 4.. loo 723 Fourth Race— I 1-16 Miles. Clark Handicap. ,000 added. 3-year-olds and upward. Track record: SI720— 1:43 — . — MM. NOKiSi Kings Daughter ..122 1:441 7 124 X73 |8S577t*Grren Seal lo.". I;45 n ];» "741 S04CS- T. M. Or.-cii 103 1:30 4.1»!l ©74n S!»3s3 Mlanbridge 3 117 WTr, S0303 C1ysl.1l. Maid 4! . 1 1 4 ©733 S.UOOitponau •; Jj.V ff- S04IKI- Fighting Dob 3" 101" . 7r, stiioti itoohi Bouia ::"nr» " 7: -, vi J?*"" 88 1:461 L.loT.;©730 S!»|s znr .-, ||2 x723 S7724 1 Spooner 3. .104 729 88487 K.-rcheval 7. .168 ©72." ffT. ierst and 0. II. Ilolle enlrv Fifth Race — 4 1-2 Furlongs. 2-Vcar-olds. Allowances. Track reread: 81438— 33t— 3— 180. I ml. Horse. Wt. Re.-. A. W t. Ibbp. 87181* Ma.liiila Mi BM....1B8 • 88411 Ham-eawav D»7 :3-l» MM. ...680 s:i.".i 12 James Me 103 :37* MM.. : • ssooo Klla Brraoa MB 8BS S04I4 Splint. -is Mi . HH . ..663 88411 Hal lit aaa a 1 l 1 loo. . . .683 beetle, .Ii. r. ha Alvesct llus .. Inl Con Cai-nc ch. .-. bv Handsome -St. Pauline loo Sixth Race— 1 1-16 Miles. 3 year-olds and upward. Selling. Clrack record: 81788—1:49- 3 168. IS030C.I KHWIN 1 Ill 1:47* 4. . 1 12 .. M 723 I.V.H71 i-J. H. Reed 103 1:461 4. .Km.. 72i» s ».-,2.-. John Carroll 168 1:461 8. Ill- .71". s;i471 ; Piounie Hard 163 1:461 6.. MB.. ©715 s:».-,o7- Denver Ctrl 80 1:46] F.I 11.. ©7 1" I8IM88I Tom Dolan 3,. 114.. #963 N0313 Alice Balrd 83 1:481 I. .108. .©«*T. VI471 Fantastic 168-1:471 3..111..X4B3 S:ijs7 Sti.-ker 85 1:47] 3.. MM. ...383 s:i471 Star Actor M 3..100. ..4MB