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DAILY RACING FORM PUELISHED DAILY EXCEPT MONDAY. Daily Racing Form Publishing Co. 59 PLYMOUTH COURT, CHICAGO, ILL. A I»ail v Retlectii.n of tin- American Turf by Telegraph. Editor and Pioprictor, F. H. Brunell. Associate Editor. Clinton C. Riley. "Secretary. Mrs. I. 11. Brunell. Entered as second class matter, April 2. 180C. at tin- post .illice at Chiiago, Illinois, under the Act of March .1. ls70. SINGLE COPIES 5 CENTS. If sent by inai! first class only. C tents. TERMS: P. r Mouth | 1.50 ll;ilf War !».H in, Scar 17.00 II- al ...- rates aw for single copies as scaled letter- |ii i das- ui;iil. Pail Racing Form Publishing Co. prefers to send sbjgle .-io.-s u Insi class mail in all cases. Local -uhsi -ription satshte the down-town lis tri.-i will Im- d lim-d ;,t other than first class mail matter rates, Sulis. Options must 1m- paid in advance. TELEPHONE 2087 HARRISON. For business and circulation pur| oses only. I This telephone has no connection with the news or editorial depai fluents and cannot be used to com miiuicatc with them. To be considered and answered, all queries to Rail.v Racing Form must be sent over the full name and with address of writer. The names and addresses are subject to a local and foreign directory t- -i. ST. I.OI IS. Mt.. OFFICE. 110 NORTH SIXTH ST. Win. Laser, General Af!eut. Rack numbers and monthlies supplied. CINCINNATI. «».. OFFICK. 720 MAIN ST. . W. S. Manns, General Agent. Telephone. Canal 1S77. Back numbers and monthlies supplied. LOS ANGELES. CA1. : Alfred Wimbush. News-cart, 1.121 South Spring St. BlITALo. N. V.: R. J. HeMeuberg. Kllicott Square Lot ISVILLE. Ki.: has. 1. Bearing. 232 Fourth Avenue. PITTSBURG. PA.: II. A. Schafcr News Co.. 222 Federal Street. LEXINGTON. KY.: K. T. Graves, lot; North Limestone Street. TOLEDO. OHIO: S ut hem Hotel Newsstand. DAYTON. OHIO: loii House Newsstand. Toronto. INT.: Joseph McLuchlaii, Iroquois Hotel. c. R. Palmer, Palmer Hous.-. F. 4. Ro.. M giRsn Street. West. F. K. Waldock. Imperial Hotel. HAMILTON, UNT. .b Arthur News Agency . Thomas French, no .lames Street. North. IiLN BR. OOLO.: Keiidrii-k Book Co.. .MM! 012 Seventeenth Street. DETROIT. MICH.: L. Urosscun, tvs Earned Street, West. Tel. Main S2S2. Copies delivered within mile circle. DANVILLE. ILL.: Leseure Bros., 44 N.irth Vermilion. GALESELKG. ILL.: G. A. Swciison, :;il Fast Main Street. EVANSTON. ILL.: M. Schultz. .mm; Church Street. FFORIA. ILL.: Ieoria News stand. 51MI Main Street. KENOSHA. WIS.: W 11. Robinson. 22: Main Street. KALAMAZOO, MICH.: Kalamazoo News Co.. 40! North Burdick Street. NEW ORLEANS LA.: O. K. Hill. K* St. Charles Street. John OssJsT, St. Charles News-stand. CLEVELAND, OHIO. N. Ileter. 1s.""»o Sith Street. N. E. NEW YORK CITY: Astor House. 225 Broadway. KANSAS CITY. MO.: Ki.ks.eker Cigar ami News Co.. Ninth and Walnut Streets. HOT SIRINCS. ARK.: H. C. Weaver Ac Co.. o|»p. Arlington Hotel. INDIANAPOLIS. INK.: J. I. Weinberg. Termlaal Station. MILWAlKEE. WIS.: Frank Mulkern. Third and Grand Avenues. MINNEAPOLIS. MINN.: M .1. Kavanaugh. M South Third Street. MEMPHIS. TENN.: . it. M. Mansion! A: Co. K. H. Clarke A: Bro. 1eab.Hlv Hotel Newsstand. NASHVILLE. TBNN.: Bras., 21s North Cherry Street. BLUE ISLAND. ILL.: II D. Wattle-. MB Inion Street. BKANTFOKD. oNT. : .1. Bradloi.. :; Alfred Street. CHICAGO. ILLINOIS. MAY 10. 1010.