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Louisville Entries and Past Performances for Thursday, May 19 WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK FAST. LOUISVILLE ENTRIES. Baaing starts at 2:3 i p. in. Chicago time. 2:.".. Kataaa well in mud. ©Superior mud runiii r. M| maiden. ♦Apprentice allowance. First Race — 3-4 Mile. ;! year-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: 8143B — l:Hf — 2— 110. In.l. Iloise. Wt. Rec. A. Wt. Hdcp. sii.vis, Sogannaid M 1:121 7..K»!» 725 .S.i.VIs "11,-me Rim !I7 1:121 4..KW..X720 Ml.,75 Ciunel MR 1:12] 4. .110.. X 720 S!i55i;- Billy P.od.inei- 148 1:121 4..BM..XTM SM55»;i -Snap Mi 1:131 4..MS..X7M BBSSBJ Cold Dust MB -1:13 4. .107.. X705 V.I53S cloisteiess MB 1:131 7..MB..A900 SP55C. Cieu.-ide 11.5 1:1:511 !l. . 100. . ©r,!»r. I882ts» Valli-v Stream 105 1:121 6. .MC. .XBBQ 1880311 .la,-k Right 4.. 107 K!Hl 80601 Starboard 117 1:14? 3. .BM..X4M K023O* Yankee Pooh Ml.. :i. . !«J kSO 83232 Maritza 4. .102. . xc,H» S!»55; Tackle 112 1:14; 5. . 100. . ©«.". 77i2f, Lodship Ml 4.. 102 050 Second Race — 4 1-2 Furlongs. 2-year-ohls. Selling. Track record: BI8M 221 -2-— 10.!. 80530 Dont MS 700 Bodega 10S M 80488 Rosehm-g ill. M». MB. . X»»0 80374 N.-w Star 108.. ©68.* 80374 Count de Oro Ills ISO 80483 Barney M. M MB UNO 80300 Koaana Mi MM.. .070 80330 *Atkie W. Ml 108 :SC| BQ 070 S.I542 Splinlers M ..".. KC.. .. ,1100 SP414 Alhettt, Ml »r, i;c,o S1I574 l-areelle M | - 100. .. .1150 80330 Myrtle Porter fM. PHI 050 80407 Tritoina M BNl BJ8t Third Race— 7-8 Mile. •1-yeai -olds. AllowauceR. Track record: HB05 ItSMj — I — 107. 80523* tJaOaat Pirate loo .x725 SD507- Markie M. M ... HHI..X720 S!i.-,:;s- Carlton ! 100 715 SIM-K* Topland 107 1 :2CJ 105..X710 BB4M Auliimu Oferi M 1:::2J B0. . X700 80570* l/oughaud !»7..X085 H0486 Kourstune BB. ...024 BJR33S cievhie M ]¥ 050 Fourth Race — 4 1-2 Furlongs. Pashford Manor Stakes. *1.00O added. Colts and Cehlings. Allowances. Track record: 81438 2 — 52 — — 11K5.I Baa. Horse. w». Bate, a. wt. Hdcp. 80524* JACK DKNMAN...HO :54* lis. ©725 8B578tIa ision 1C :5S 118. . x 721 B0S24 La I" Mexican IM AM H8..X71.* S!»470|tK,,nhcad MB * Mm lis... 710 180414 Oracle Rjw :52* 11S...705 80322 iSwish M 112.. .70 003421 Danceawav 104 :5»5 US «h" 80522* l.ahol.l M 112... dpi 80322* Ruyoc Mi IBB. ...Uio 80578*tCon Carue Mi 101 :5«i ll:; os.5 80578* Ueneral Phillips, M HOB :545| 112.. 800 80578 Soiilherir Light Mi M3. ...680 80578 Red Klaw Ml 113 075 B0578 Haldeman M» 112 075 Covernor iray. h. K. ajr Carrv Hermann — Salatna .. 110 tW. !. Yanke entry. J.L D. Neet and .1. ll. Morris entry. Fifth Race— 3-4 Mile. 2-year-ohls and upward. Handicap Track record: S14.°.. — 1 :11? — :: — 1MX 80504 AI Mailer 101 1:125 5. . MB. .©75«i 80540 Jack Parker 117 1:12* 4. .113.. X 745 80550 Mettle Ber.-and ...100 1:18 .".. . M2. . x7*o N05.50 Tom Harvard 106 1:13 4. . 00*.. 9735 S77iofl Sinfran M 1:11* 4.. 07..x73fl 83708 Tom Shaw 105 1;15 5. .100. . ©725 80452 DuipH-sne 102 1:10 S. . »S. . X720 Sixth Race — 1 Mile and 30 Yards. 3-year.Hds and upward. Selling..- Track record: siOlto — 1:40J— :f— 05". 811507 John- Carroll 112 1:42 V.U1 725 00081 Barney Oldtifhl ...1U7 1:44* 5. . MB. . X 72«» 80501* Rohin irey 105 1:42* 4. . 105. . X7I5 82820**Deacoa 0..107..X71O 80543 Denrer 45irl 4. .Ill . .©70.5 80503 * arew 7 . . 104 . . ©700 80379 Sticker :: . . 08 095 80415 Ij-anienee 4. . 1 12. . . .000 80538 Warden 4. .107. . XK85 80537 Iralla 8..M 084 80573 Lady Hill .xP75 80521 Ta mar 5. .107 070 Si0»i2 irna niosa 4 . . 105 . . X «0O St;.*W! Meadow grass 4..111..X 030 S5155 Pyro M 4. 105 050