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TORONTO MEETING TO CLOSE TODAY. Toronto, nit.. May 30. The spring meeting of the Ontario Jockey Ciub will come to a dose tomorrow and there will Then lie a lapse of several days before aiiadiau racing is resumed at the Blue Bonnets track in Montreal Saturday. While the shortening of the Canadian meetings has resulted in keeping away many MdNM of racing who otherwise would have BMW here, the local patronage of the sport is exceptionally good. Racing „t fhtMM is conduct, d along lines tiiat tend to make race week i holiday poijod among all classes and especially so among society Mks. Tie- attendance in the club inembers i n. dosiire baa been a striking feature. many BMaalaieal families in the Domini-. n being well represented. The number of layers in the betting enclosure ha- lalleu below the records of previous V-ars. halt this has probably he— welcom.-d by the club, whose p..|i.y baa alwavs been not to cater to the "ring." Marthaer Mahoney. who has handled this department h, an efficient manner for the club tor aeaetal rear*, has heca engaged to lack after the rings at Hainillou and Windsor. It is understood that he will be ii .-barge of this department at all track- under the jurisdiction of tin- Canadian Racing Association, n t season. Inclement weather had its effect on the attend anc. :lt Woodbine this afternoon. Showers set in about the noon lour and continued until after the running of the fourth rare, when the pfclea cleared and the .iin cam t. Kvenlv balam-ed ti.-bls went to the Beat, but fay. uite. managed h win Tour of the race*. John W Wiimri furnished be winners in the tir. two races in John K -ardon and Plauutcss. He aare aaeal the latter of William Garth this morn- in .Hid ie|..,it hud it that the Memphis turl man w.-ii out his n .w pureha.e. Tlie viitory of Il.-mut. .. v»a. a lu.-ky one. as Judge Monck was much the best and would have won easily with competent handling The ftature. of the pt"uram were tin- Maple I.-af Stakes, which called tor t I.I ee-vear-old tillie. toalcd In Canada, and ihe Watcrhio Handicap. Robert Davie, furnished a big surprise in the Maple Leaf Slake., when Frolic, the extreni llsid.l . Won by a tuck from C inola. nt..- | lust nianaoN t" l.i.t to win Ce, RaaaHraa froai RaetHioaad. which t,, the post at oihls-oti. Spellb.iin.! was easily* tin Im-.i hanat in his race, but was the victim of a bad ride. Tie- ...lors ,,f |. T. Cliinn were seen in front for the first lime at the uifetiut wfieu Kifleman beat MetTjr Olfl a head in the closing dash after overcoming repeated interference. It. J. Wild. 11 reports that his promising two year-old. Chilton Belle, is In a bad wav and is not ex|H cte.l to survive. Chilton Belle was the best juvenile in the W.ilden barn and dining the Pimlio in. -cling an offer of S7.IXIO for the tiily was ! in lied low n. S. C. Hildieths good handicap horse. King James, arrived from Hear York last night in charge of Dave bearr. Be shipped in splendid shape. Jockey Shilling will arrive here in the morning to ride King Mahal iu the Toronto Cup. There is a scuicity of good jockeys here and the trainers of Chief Kee and Jack Atkin have been unable lo secure com potent Im.vs to ride their horses. John Powers, who is handling tlie horses that Barney Schreilicr is dicing here, will return to New York on Wednesday. The S.-hreiber horses go from here to llauiil toll. Albeit Simons, acting for J. W. Schorr, claimed the two year old Jim L. out of the second race The •■olt. a brother to Blue Coal, cost Mr. Schorr ,210. Mr. Schorr lost Joe Rose by the claiming process on Saturday. E. Ceorge. whose Cllis Oruis-by uuisued second, secured Joe Rose for 05.