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PLANNING FOR THE FUTURE. Louisville. Ky.. May 3». -Improvements looking to the comfort of the patrons of Churchill Downs. including provisions for the accommodation of 5.000 additional petaoaa and the perfection of the operation of the pari tmitiiol method of wagering, are to he made under the supervision of Col. M. J. Winn. general manager, at a cost of at least 5,000. Official announcement of tlie fact was made tonight. The alterations and enlargements will embrace a, complete transformation of the present betting ring, the general offices, the present padd.Kk and the construction of an exclusive grandstand for the accommodation of horsemen, trainers and patrons of the paddock. That section of the roof of the betting ring now utilized as a place of vantage from which to view the running of races is to l»e extended to the main grandstand, from which tliere will be an unobstructed promenade to the paddock entrance. The new paddock will be under the trees, surrounded by hedges and flowers, to the west of the stables in the rear of the present paddock, adjacent to Seventh street and immediately south of Central avenue. The new paddock will he patterned aftei that at Sheepshead Bay. In fair weather the horses will be saddled in the park proper, and at other times under a regulation shed. It will lie easv for the management to equip the course with a paddock combining Bath novelty and attractiveness. In making the changes it is the intention of the New I/ou-isville Jockey Club to convert Churchill Downs into a plant second to none in America. D. X. Murphy ii Bro. are now drawing the plans for the improvements, and soon after the termination of the meeting next Saturday the work of transformation will Im- commenced. The letting ring will lie enlarged 100 square feet, which will extend it to the padd.-ck now in use. This will necessitate the relocation of the offices and cashiers section, the Jockeys room ami the offices used by the clerk of the scales and L. II. Davis, secretary and handi-eapper. Where the paddock is now situated will heeoaae tlie site of the general offices of the various officials. Here. too. will tie located the cashiers. to the number of twenty, five more than are now employed. The jockeys room will be in. -deled after the jockeys room at the Jockey Club Juarez, and it emh.idie.s every convenience. Everv alteration to Ik- made combines the comfort of the public and will enable the jockey club to facilitate the handling of its business. Colonel Winn, in discussing the ch.inges. said: "At all times we have been striving to perfect our system, with the idea constantly in mind to serve the public in a way satisfactory to it. The operation of the pari-miituel method lias been vastlv improvi-d since its re-introductiou here in 1908. Having developed the system on business lines it is now proposed to conduct it after the fashion of a banking house, and this means that we shall avoid ingestion, facilitate tlie making and payment of wagers and demonstrate beyond question that the BtBtael form is. in every laapact, not onlv tli - most satisfactory style of hill Han, being tlie fairest, but that it is the salvation of racing in this eoun try. and that under it there will be a great revival of the sM rt throughout the land. "It lias 1 n decided 10 discard the aiiti.piated machines now in use and supplant them with twenty new devices, just twice as large These will cost 0,000. New Ihk.IIis will be provided and thev will be more than double the si/..- of tlie Ivooths now in commission. These will Ik- ranged on either side of the ring in a manner designed to avoid all congestion, ihe man:.geiuent of the jockey dub has dc voted a -nit deal of study to the matter, and it is sad- to Bay that, after many tests, practical perfection has been attained. The public is entitled to the best and that is what it is araaaaN to supply It is a certainty that the publics wislw-s and its welfare are entitled to consideration, and at all times the patrons of the New Louisville Jockey Club will ret honorable treatment. We feel that bv reason of this system in the past Churchill Downs has earned and maintains the confidence of the public, which appreciate! haaeat racing and eaartaMe treatment. "It is paaathle to run our affairs upon the prin riplea governing a trust company, and the New Louisville Jockey Club is going to demonstrate it. Churchill Downs is going to In- the center or the greatest racing in the Inited States, and next Derhv la. Ihe club will have one of the greatest Dcrbvs eve.- witnessed in America. More than 50.000 persons will see it and we shall show th- pari in 11 fuel department running as smoothly as a banking house."