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TURF AFFAIRS THAT INTEREST ENGLISH. Some Particulars of a Remarkable Sale of Yearlings in Australia — Grand Prix de Paris Candidates. London. May 21. — The long cessation of racing in Croat Britain because of the death of King Kdward has given turf people tjine to consider matters in their line elsewhere. Just at present a topic of comment anil wonderment is recently-received particulars of a really remarkable sale of young thoroughbreds at Kandwick. Australia, early last month, when the unusual prices realized gave abundant evidence of the commercial value of racing and breeding throughout Australia. Thirty-live years ago. when tbese sales were inaugurated, twenty-three yearlings only were offered. On the present occasion 383 animals were actuallv sold in the ring for a grand total of 09.1MJS guineas 49j840. n fewer than thirty-three youngsters fetching upwards of 300 guineas, while fourteen of them were purchased lor 1.000 guineas ami over. Naturilly. as the alisolutely best three two-year-olds of the season are all by Maltster, he being first in the sires list on January 31 last, with forty winners of seventy-six Hues, value 07,740. his progenv. in-luding Desert Bose. Beverage the likelv winner of tin- n.t A. .1. C. Derby 1. Lager. Alawa. Maltine, Malt King the eooqaeror of Prime Footc. Mala, etc.. he young Maltsters were in tremendous demand. Paxtiealars of no fewer than thirl v seven yearlings sired by this son of Bill of Portland Bailey arere printed in the catalogue. Anvwav. the .111. Ii nicer announced that Maltster in future would be limited to ten public mares at 100 guineas each, and tlint his subscription list for 1911 was full. The young Maltsters were a prelty useful lot, hut the general opinion appeared lo 1h that they were not ipiite so well grown as last years contingent. Nevertheless, one breeder obtained 3.323 guineas for three Maltster yearlings, while the whole of the thirty-seven were disposed of for a total of 21.300 giiinefls. which gives an average of almost 5B7I guineas. Half a dozen colts and two fillies brought more than four figures, as the following summary shows : Cheslnnt colt, by Maltster— Winkfielils Lass. by Winkti.ld: II. Boon $ 8,730 Chestnut filly, by Maltster— -Last Loch, by I .ehiel: W. White 7.310 Blown colt, hv Maltster— Dolores, bv Cozo: I. Foulsham . C.HHI Brown coll. brother to Alawa. bv Maltster — Crossfire, bv QaJOaba rough : B. Clancv 3,623 Black filly, bv Maltster— Marguerite, bv Lo- chicl: F. MeGrath 5.623 Black colt, by Maltster — Warfare, by Oram! Flaneur: I. Ioulsham 5.30O Brown colt, by Malster — Contrivance, bv Padlock: Uou. A. Wvnne 5.00O Chestnut colt, by Maltster— Lunar Moth, by Mostyn; J. Samuel 5,000 The other lots to be sold for 1,000 guineas and upward were: Bay colt, by Craft on— Silver Coin, by Napoleon: Hon. A. Wynne 7.500 Bay colt, brother to Poseidon, bv Positano — - Jacinth, by Martini Henry: F. A. Moses 0.500 Brown colt, by Positano — Etra Weenie, by Trenton: IL R. Deliison 5.025 Brown ell. by San Francisco— Ladv Wallace, by Wallace; D. I. Watl 5.250 Chesliiu; coll. by Wallaci — Mylae. by Gossoon: Mr.-. I.ongworth 5.500 Brown colt, brother to Lard Nohin. bv Posi tano — Lady Libia, by Antaeus: J. Allison.. 5,000 The Grand Prix de Paris is due for decision on Sunday, Juno 20. and after the last declaration of forfeit on the second inst. there were still 101 left in. Of these sixteen are Knglish. and the colt by Hamburg, out of Blue Oirl. Witch Work. New Castle .111. 1 Whisk Brouai are of American breeding. Imt liav throughout their racing careers been trained by . J. .boner at Newmarket. If Mr. Whitncv be destined lo win. it will have to be with the lasa ■anted, which is undoubtedly his b.-t three year old. .nl victory would come ;ls Imndsiime eompensa: ion for hi- oinis-ion frasa the Derby. Another American is Men Ta.-k. hut I fear his chance of winning for A. B.lmont is very remote, his liest form as a two-rear-old. arbea he ran three time-, having been al the N.w 1,1.11 let Houghton meeting, when, earrving 120 pounds, he was third 0. Admiral Hawke. 130 pounds, and Maid of Corinth. 128 iHiiinds. for the "fit rjoi: Ktakee. St. Alphon-o is an unknown ipi.iutitv. a- he has never yet run. He is nominated by A. K. Bowes, who buasjbl him as a vcarliug •oil bv St. Krus.piin. out of Orpah. at Xir John Boiiiiuions sale for ,000. o.liivius. a gelding hv Islington, has probably been left in by mistake, as al-o his .-table i-ompanioiis. Invader and BbhuhL Lespo.lesa baa oajj run once, when she start..! lavoiito for tiie Jolliffe T. Y. o. Slakes al Liver-jiool in I be summer, but as she could not beat either toad Memories or Ileminglou the pruaped is not en coiir.igiiig. Trcssady i- left to represent Jain.s Bmhanan. w ho-e experiences with Black baad wi-vr di-aipointing. and it is to be feared the Hoa of Persiinmon and Simplify will be incapable of improving on them, unless be improves a lot on any thing he has vet accomplished. There is no reason to fancy either of James de Rothschilds pair. Bron-atao and Nankeen, nor. for the matter of that, is there much hope of Admiral Hawke staying well enough to follow in the successful footsteps of Spearmint. In the same category mav be included Montreal, a half-brother to Polar star, bv Galliaate. .11: of Co On. but Druids I.odge mav send a worthv rciirest inative in either Mr. Cunlifles Charles OMal by ,,r Mr. igaus I Ister King, which stand their ground, abereaa Captain Foresters IlaciUus is numlM-icd aiuonif ihe utissiiig. The two EnslisU horses remaining are Mr. Fairlcs Leniberg and King Mhhis. of which the son of Persiinmon and Bona Dim may not lie of much account, but the half-brother to Bayardo is of different class altogether, and. granted a run. might easily boat all of the French cracks, and win. We shall, however, see first how the son of Cvllene ami Galicia gets on in the Derby. At Buda Peslh on Sunday. May 15. the valuable Konigs Prize a "dtp a n tl 71 .000 sovereigns was won by Count L. Filekis Rascal, which was the champion two year-old and biggest winner of last soa-on In the dual monarchy. The Konigs Prize was run over nincTtiiiongs and. with Q, .lanek in the saddle. Basra! won by a head after an exciting finish with .-nut Tassilo Festctics Pcponnet. which was in receipt of three penaaa from the winner. which was bred by Heir Bela von Fay in Hungary, is bv Baebiirn. by St. Simon, out of MoWerina. out of Kikelet. by Pardon, son of Morgan, out of Creep ing Jenny, by Peter. Minoru. winner of the Two Thousand anil of a never-to-be-forgotten Derby, is. as is well known, a leased horse for his raciug career, and that — assuming that it is limited to four years old — having practically terminated, the probability is that he will be returned to his breeder. W. Hall Walker, whose nomination of tin son of Cyllene and Mother Siegel for the Atlantic Stakes at the Liverpool July meeting still stands good, although it is in .he last degree improbable, in existing circum-slances. that he will fulfill it. More likely is it that his racing career has terminated1, and that he will either retire to the Tully Stud or be sold for the benefit of some other and similar establishment. It was said that he could have been bought for 25 000 after he bad won the Derby. Seveia! of our horses have already ncipiired quite respectable winning figures, the Two Thousand Cuinoa- serving to put Neil Cow well in the lead. The best ten money-earners to date and heir winnings are: Baces Amt. Horse, color sex. age. pedigree. Won. Won. Neil Cow. eh. c. 3. by Marco- Chc- landry 2 3. 177. 50 Winklpop. b. f. 3. by William the Third -Conjure 1 23,250.00 Bavardo. b. c, 4, by Bav Ranald Oalioia 2 10.S42.50 Klisabetta. b. f. 4. bv Diamond Jubilee Bed Virgin 1 10.150.00 Senseless, gr. h. 5. by Crey * Leg - Senses 3 . 830.01 Bachelors Double, eh. e. 4. by Tre- ilenuis -Lady Basra 1 8,375.00 Cinilerello. br. h. 5. by Wolfs Crag — Nobodys Child 1 7,000.00 Nicola. It. f, 2. by Symington -Vahren 1 0.870.00 Valens. b. c. 4. by I.avcno Valenza 1 5. 200.00 I.onawanil. br. c. .".. by Cupbearer — St. Flora 1 5,000.00 Lord Bosebery is comfortably in Ihe lead of the winning owners of the year anil if it should occur that Neil Cow is to win the Derby, it is quite likelv that he will retain Ids supremacy. Mr. Whitneys young horses have already given him a respectable station in the winning list, the following being the winners of . 0110 or more: Winng Races Amount Owner. Horses. Won. Won Lord Bosebery 2 3 1,315 IMI O. After I 1 23.250.ihi P. Nelke 4 5 13.111.00 Winng Races Amount Owner. Horses. Won. W. u B. Mills 4 0 1ii.S45.ihi Mr. Fairie 1 2 I«».ft42.5fl K. I. SchilT 2 2 K .3H5.0e Bcid Walker 1 T lO.lftfi.CHJ L. de Bothschild 0 ! 0.905.00 J. II. McLaughlin 1 :: !l .:.• hi II. P. Whitncv 0 7 tl.Olo oO II. I. villain 4 1; 9.440.09 Sir R. W. P.. Jardiue I 0 9.420.09 .lames Low rv 1 1 s.::t..ihi Sir I. Cochrane I I O.sin.OO II. M. Ilartigan 7 I O.OIY00 W. Baphael 3 4 0.17o.ik A. K. Bowen 3 3 :..m:,ii.ihi Lord Durham 2 2 5.490.09 Lord Carnarvon 1 1 ."