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i I 1 PRINCE IMPERIAL IN GREAT FORM. Son of Orlando Finds It Easy to Beat That Good Colt, The Turk, in the Broadway Stakes. New York. June 3. — Prince Imperial was an easy winner of the nroailwav Stakes at IJravesend today .lid his defeat "f The Turk was so impressive thai II is doabtfal if the 11-no ealt will be favorite over -him again in a harry. P.reaking well, be led from start I., linisli. ami at the end lie was pulling up. His rai-es in I...H. the P.riNiklyn and Metrapolltaa llanilieaps were calenlateil to attrael attention, hut The Turk li-i. I aei-oniplislieil all that had heeti asknl of liiiu. and shaped up like one better aide to lake up weight. The Turk had no excuse and though l he made two different moves in the running to eati-h Prime Imperial, the Orlando colt was never really extended. James H. Keenes Hrasmere was the one to race inlo third place. V. Powers rated him in the earlv stages and that sort of handling left him willi something in reserve for the finish. .11 r he never for an instant threatened the first two. The tahled history oT the ISroadway Stakes sinci I.iihi is giv n beta*/: Year. Winner. Wt. Jockey. Val. Time. 1 HN Sarmatian 1 « Henry .24.i 1 :4!ii mill The Iaradcr ....111 laindry LUIS 1 :4.t lane Old Kiiglaml mis i:uiiiu:iu ... 2.340 1:47] inn:: Irish IV T. minis. . . :;.:: i :47 mi a nrvn llaarr lit I.yne 3,33s 1:4*1 IMS Oxford 110 ONeill 3.800 1:48 milt; or lale 12ll V. Miller.. :;...4i» 1 :4..: 1MiT Mmilgomcrv 11". ICadtke :,.7,7M 1:461 mos Master Kuiiert 1 M II. Hums .. ::..!70 1 :4.".i mi i! i Ftta lleilM-n IIS Q. niirus .. I.!i2."i 1:47 mm Prince Imperial. .1CJ E. Ihigan .. UMM 1 :40? The niiie and an eighth handicap was easy for S. r. lMrestone. which ti«ik up 12.". pounds and cantered the disiancc in l:S3 lo heat Pretend and Zieuap. ClTWM . after niniieroiis trials in han di.-ap ciuip.iny. met a cheap lot in the last race and he was another of the easy winners of the afternoon, i.i.ehiel scored in the race for two-year-olds and H. ;. Bedwells Madman was winner of the sprint inu handicap from Magazine and old Dreamer. n- ate the running of the fifth race S. C. Hil-drcth Ixmght Korinak 0. V. Perry and made an insii. . essful attempt tn win him out. Mr. Berry ajaa aali Antenor to Ccorge J. Kraus and he will ran for his new owner tomorrow. Matt Keakes reached Hi-Inn lit Park tisltiy with twelve of Ihe liorses ,.f Mrs. I.. A. Livingston that liav, beea racing in Canada. Ronnie Kelso was claimed hy the Heverwyids Slal.le out of the raee"in which he ran yesterday.