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RESTORATION OF RACING FAVORED. Progressive Union Committee Reports and Action by Legislature Is Anticipated. New Orleans, l.a.. June :i.- The Progressive Cnion i-.iininil lee which had under conslderatioii a IV CUM - iidalioit far the repealing of the Locha law. has i.p.iileil thai il I. Ivors racing under the pari iiiiituel system "f hellini; at Iln local race tracks and the repeal "I the law to allow racing under these coiuli limis Albert Oadrhaar rhaJnMn "f the eaaMaittee. that the tneinlieis. all of whom are priiinineiit hiislness men. decliled on this i ei-oiiiim-iiilii I imi. which will h. s.-nt i" the leftalatare for careful eaaeldiira I imi It is llmuulil that ml Ion favorable to racing will be lakcn hv the legislature. The move is not onlv hacked hv the luisiness men f New Orleans, hut l.v the political powers and several hig interests. one nf Ihi- lalist propositions In ciinnectinii with the movement is thai tin- ipiestion of the restoration of raetaa be aaaaaltted to a vote uf the peaale in N.-w Orleans parish.