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NOTES OF THE TURF. K. !.. I..!.- i- ..n a Hying trip !.• New York. ft. r. lama, Ir.a Naasa ■ an rligahae at tan Epsoru ii rby of lull. !n- Vail. i arte aaraea in tralaiac team baca f-lii; ;.. - i to Hamilton rroui Toroaaa. aaaaac the rearHnga al daj. T. I. Caranaa Hii- aaa I arm i a brother to Bmtebea, one .f the last ot the 1aii Btraaaea. J. 0. Keeaa v.iii •:.]■, Bagg aai athen of ilie Caaaaea horaea la 1 * i — i aaij.i to Nea Voik at the rJaac at Hk i..u..n..i wcetins. Kiliiia!. badly Utjnred la ■ rottiaVaa wiih aaather hanc at Sbii prmead l!a last tall, i aajala in trahi-lac. Btherial ban deveiteted :i.,., a llkefj foar-year- old. Will Weathers, aa apprentice, who is lining par V. I. Plate, is a sieji ...i i»i ••Soii|r Kerkfaa, one oi the ! ikiic-.I i.f rolnred rare riders, wau l.amlled anaaj rreal ban foe tl !••.. Byron MedeUaad. M. ahadle ana thrnwa .•!". i Uaiaaba; Ear the summer the baraM Wool Saadabt, Ughl Blae and Ktearoos ttaagbter. They are qnartrred far tin- arcaral at Hnairtaa Bark. Lonisrille. Mr. Abadie is lac ioin- baraea al Lataala for MIOetl ft Kinj;. ■aaajaM Lata aavehaard Heaaeaspr Bay for . i:;o ;.i ;: areedias mn sc!.- at tbe K. !. Canaaa batata sn Taaaaa iasi winter. Mearenaer Boy bad been uanhaaid aa i yearling ■: Mr. Oanaaa for S12-". Followiux his victor] af Tharaaay il latwaia Eugene l.aiz Inrned ifcwn aa offer .. sj.ciki for lae c!t. WIRfoai fJerst af Nashville plans to buy some yaarttngs aad will Khortl] make a trip to the bhae- - regit f Kentucky : i i ok mm aaaat yaaaaj- aters that bare been offered nini. laciading several l» Baaastar.Xtbe sire ■ Haanrldge. whiea Ceorge Ham la traiaiai; for .. II. Ilollc. Mr. Herats son la-hrw.