Montreal Entries and Past Performances for Saturday, June 11, Daily Racing Form, 1910-06-11


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Montreal Entries and Past Performances for Saturday, June II. WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK SLOW. MONTREAL ENTRIES. Racing starts ai 2:15 p. in. iCbieag,, time. 1:15. 1 X Runs well in mml. ©Superb, r mad runner. iMi Maiden. Apprentice allowance. First Race — 7-8 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling Handicap. iTrak record: K243S— 1:24 c, —441, , tod. Harae. Wt. Bcc A. Wt. lUrp MMiM" GRAMA 112 1:27 4. .1o2. . y 725 S!i!5o. Klflll Beau 3..BM..XTM I1MMMI] 1 Jane Swift 5. . 107. . X 715 imii:27i Busv :.. . 107. . X715 S.i7ii5 Osorine lo2 1:2.U 4.. 164. .X 714 990581 k,| K,.,,; ;; ,M, 7,,- Second Ra?e — 5-8 Mile. 2-.vear-oI,ls. Selling. Track record: 7.".::s:: 341—2— MS. Ml!l7!*leeeiuv !M. 1 :ll51 B4..XttS s.Hi.i.v John Pendergrast. .113 1:ii7* HJ7..XT2W S!i!rj|- Supple 112 i :oli 1114. .X715 liHMIs, 1U5 1:u::ii 107..X715 M,!i!l5 .Missive HKI 1 : ::» !«»..X71 v.i.»7i;; Tender |M| KM 705 !MKi2»; Fleece Ml 107 744 WKhH c. a. Morgan Mi. 107 74a »«7S liefer i.Mi 107 700 Miss Detroit, b. f, by Kiikerran — Walnaiiiofnen ... 104 Third Race — 1 1-4 Miles. .1-year. .Ids an.l upward. Handicap. Track record: S24JM -2*5 -4 112. IKOen Bather 1002:072 7..M93. .X729 !ioii:;2i Urcagna 104 2:13 5..MR9..X7M i:i»!o.-,1i Coil |« Oniisbv ."!. . lo4. . v 71.-, sir.isr Crania I..163..X715 !Mi:,2s. Aromiack 121 2:0.s3 4.. 98. .X 710 • MC.I47 1 Puke of Roanoke .1442:1:. 5..107..X705 Fourth Race — 1 Mile. :: -year-olds. Selling. Track record: TTng — 1:3*4" 9 Mm. S!i!is2, *Coloi:el Ashmeade.. !»2 1:414 11.. V72.-, !MKi2S= 111 1:41 143..X724 .Kii,,i:i-*Uaibition 112 1:4:: SO. .©715 .Mio.-.i- Merman ii2 1:411 MCt..x715 s:i! !,7:; ltetn.ii 102 1:471 MM.. ©715 SHII2S -Sou ,s. . x.71" SMW2X •Feamangbl II 07..X710 s-.iTftl Colonel .lot 144.. X 740 s:..i2 *Tbe Unble-i Bntter- tly S4 1 :42 02. . X 70.1 S!.i!ii- II . - it r v Hutchison 1M1 • 1O.-...X70O Fifth Race— About 2 1-2 Miles. Prince of Wales Steeplechase. SI. 200 added. 4-year olds and upward. Handicap. Track record: 75.",7!i 5:lo — — 1 — 14::. , I89SS4 Dr. Pillow 4. . 15:!. . X700 Did. Horse. Wt. Ree. A. Wt. Ildcp. D0090**Xa1 B N..144. . xiKi.5 sirtiso- Fineastle 7..144..X4M mxi:;o Byzantine s..i:ai 4M is!, iMniTbe Skanghrann .. 5.. 142. xi2" S!,! 0!l; Class Leader I0..I4:! *and:. iMiiiooivMinto 4..143..X4R3 iiMi::o tiilld Mi ii. . 1.:::. . ,.uso W5. Mel.eunan and W. Ilogan entry. ffi, lleinlrie entry. Sixth Race — 2-4 Mile. :.-year ,.|,is ami upward. Selling. Track r.eotd: II— I ITI I I Hi j sos:;! Lady Irnia 107 1:111 4..11o..x725 90031 Light Wool 110.1:21 ii. . 121 . .©72o IHIOl lirimaldi fi 111 X715 s«i:;r,i *C,i,.ne,v K ««.» 1:122 a 113 715 oiMHii *2aca terns io ; 1:141 3. .MS. .X 713 S!i!i2.i:! Slghl 104 1:13] 4..110..©71o !Hio2st»Coiu| ton 107 1:134 3..MS..X7M !M.iil7i Pocomligo lull 1:124 4..10S.. - 7o5 !mki.,Oi Mon Ami 104 !:14a 3..10S. . 7ir. immi..i Rnlda aft 1.1SJ 4..120. .xtwl S1I077 Silk Hose 87 1:14] 1..1US liMI ii2::. *Br:unbro 5. . loii. . . i;;io Seventh Race — 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and in* ward. Allowances. Track re.or.l: s2.!lK 1 :12 -1 -120. 00001 ..laek Hennerlen 144 1:142 3. . lo5. . v 725 ■..iio.-,o Copper Princess .. 4. . 107. . ..Tt$ !mmi::2 Aiituiiin King 1; 1111 -.-71-, SO022- Victoria T..lS!;.,M4 MI032 tS.lly M 0. . 1 1::. . X71o SH077 Star Rmhtem 9S 1:1*!3 B..119J 71,1 7.i:;5o v.iohn c. Ri.e 3. .1M . . . .T4B S-.I077 tXatban Hale a MS 7 r. SKIOli iKernoeban I.M| ... ii 10 lir, s:t:i77 Silk Hose 07 1:111 4..t44."!.7«l; Carolina s..lo:! 840 • K. T. Bnwyaa entry. :|:A. S. Ives. J. Lowe ami T. Dwyer entry. Eighth Race— 1 Mile. .*!-. ear-olds and upw.inl. S».|l inir. Track record: TTW*T 1 Tdl T 944 1 90031 *RtbHi I02 1:3S| ii.107 X|2S S00S1- J.m- Rose l.lii 1;4IU j jm .7-0 soosj- Shandale si.1 1:42 4. .100. .071.1 S0!»s2t~Colonel Ashineade. . 02 1 :4U :: S7 x7r3 •mm,.". I— Mernian M 1:412 .;. . ss x715 OOO-a1 Occidental 104 1:102 4..SS ©71ii !M iMNi-Uaibition SO 1:421 •! S4 ©7lu MM10O I.awtou Wiggins ..MS 1:341 4..110. X7*K WMMT1 Niblick 104 i:::.s.J S. .MS. .X79B The liuiires under ••Itee." in alM ve entries sbow Hie Imsi time made by Hie horse at tbe distance, with weigtat carried, since January I. BNio. This time ,s not necessarily made l» a winner. It may be the estimated time of a laafcag perfm inancc.

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Local Identifier: drf1910061101_5_4
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